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eConnect Errors Each eConnect node has specific errors that are associated with it
Param NameData TypeReqParamDescParam Mode
ACTNUMSTchar(75)Yes Account String - IN
ACTALIASchar(21)No Account Alias IN
ACCTTYPEsmallintNo Account Type - 1 = Posting & 2 = Unit Account & 3 = Posting Allocation & 4 = Unit Allocation IN
ACTDESCRchar(50)No Account Description - Will default from segment setup if not passed in IN
PSTNGTYPsmallintNo Posting Type - 0 = Balance Sheet & 1 = Profit & Loss Account IN
CATEGORYchar(50)Yes Account Category - IN
ACTIVEtinyintNo Active - 0 = Inactive & 1 = Active IN
TPCLBLNCsmallintNo Typical Balance - 0 = Debit and 1 = Credit IN
DECPLACSsmallintNo Decimal Places - only used for Unit Accounts IN
FXDORVARsmallintNo Fixed or Variable Allocation - 1 = Fixed & 2 = Variable IN
BALFRCLCsmallintNo Based On Flag - - 0 = Year to Date & 1 = Trx Period IN
USERDEF1char(20)No User Defined 1 IN
USERDEF2char(20)No User Defined 2 IN
PostSlsInsmallintNo Post Sales In - 1 = Detail & 2 = Summary IN
PostIvInsmallintNo Post Inventory In - 1 = Detail & 2 = Summary IN
PostPurchInsmallintNo Post Purchasing In - 1 = Detail & 2 = Summary IN
PostPRInsmallintNo Post Payroll In - 1 = Detail & 2 = Summary IN
ACCTENTRtinyintNo Allow Account Entry - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
USRDEFS1char(30)No User Defined 3 IN
USRDEFS2char(30)No User Defined 4 IN
UpdateIfExiststinyintNo Flag to allow Account data to be updated if it exists: 0 = No & 1 = Yes IN
NOTETEXTvarchar(8000)No Notes field IN
DSPLKUPSSALEStinyintNo Include in Lookup option for Sales: 0 = False; 1 = True IN
DSPLKUPSIVtinyintNo Include in Lookup option for Inventory Control: 0 = False; 1 = True IN
DSPLKUPSPURCHtinyintNo Include in Lookup option for Purchasing: 0 = False; 1 = True IN
DSPLKUPSPRtinyintNo Include in Lookup option for Payroll: 0 = False; 1 = True IN
RequesterTrxsmallintNo Requester Transaction - 0=false,1=true - if true than populates Requester shadow table IN
USRDEFND1char(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND2char(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND3char(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND4varchar(8000)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND5varchar(8000)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
ErrorStateintNo Create Custom Business Logic INOUT
oErrStringvarchar(255)No Create Custom Business Logic INOUT
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