BACHNUMB | char(15) | No | Expected Total | IN |
BCHCOMNT | char(60) | No | Expected Total | IN |
SERIES | int | No | Expected Total | IN |
GLPOSTDT | datetime | No | Expected Total | IN |
BCHSOURC | char(15) | No | Expected Total | IN |
DOCAMT | numeric(19,5) | No | Expected Total | IN |
ORIGIN | int | No | Expected Total | IN |
NUMOFTRX | int | No | Expected Total | IN |
CHEKBKID | char(15) | No | Expected Total | IN |
CNTRLTOT | numeric(19,5) | No | Expected Total | IN |
CNTRLTRX | int | No | Payment Method radio group - added for 7.0 - EuropeanEFT | IN |
POSTTOGL | smallint | No | Payment Method radio group - added for 7.0 - EuropeanEFT | IN |
PmtMethod | smallint | No | Payment Method radio group - added for 7.0 - EuropeanEFT | IN |
EFTFileFormat | smallint | No | EFT File Format - defualt for DDL =1 added for 7.0 - EuropeanEFT | IN |
RequesterTrx | smallint | No | Requester Transaction - 0=false,1=true - if true than populates Requester shadow table | IN |
BRKDNALL | tinyint | No | Batch frequency. 1=Single Use, 2=Weekly, 3=Biweekly, 4=Semimonthly, 5=Monthly, 6=Bimonthly, 7=Quarterly, 8=Miscellaneous | IN |
USERID | char(15) | No | Batch frequency. 1=Single Use, 2=Weekly, 3=Biweekly, 4=Semimonthly, 5=Monthly, 6=Bimonthly, 7=Quarterly, 8=Miscellaneous | IN |
BACHFREQ | tinyint | No | Batch frequency. 1=Single Use, 2=Weekly, 3=Biweekly, 4=Semimonthly, 5=Monthly, 6=Bimonthly, 7=Quarterly, 8=Miscellaneous | IN |
RECPSTGS | smallint | No | Number of times a recurring batch should post for recurring posting, 0=unlimited | IN |
MSCBDINC | smallint | No | Number of days to increment the transaction date if you selected a miscellaneous frequency for this batch | IN |
APPROVL | tinyint | No | Batch Approval - - 0 = False and 1 = True | IN |
APPRVLDT | datetime | No | Batch Approval Date - | IN |
APRVLUSERID | char(15) | No | Batch Approval User ID - | IN |
TRXSOURC | char(25) | Yes | Transaction Source - for Batch Approval | IN |
USRDEFND1 | char(50) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND2 | char(50) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND3 | char(50) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND4 | varchar(8000) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
USRDEFND5 | varchar(8000) | No | User Defined field - developer use only | IN |
ErrorState | int | No | Create Custom Business Logic | INOUT |
oErrString | varchar(255) | No | Create Custom Business Logic | INOUT |