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eConnect Errors Each eConnect node has specific errors that are associated with it
Param NameData TypeReqParamDescParam Mode
PAYRCORDchar(6)Yes Deduction - IN
DSCRIPTNchar(30)Yes Deduction Description - IN
INACTIVEtinyintNo Inactive - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
PAYTYPEsmallintNo Pay Type - - 1 = Hourly, 2 = Salary, 3 = Piecework IN
BSPAYRCDchar(6)No Base Pay Record - IN
PAYRTAMTnumeric(19,5)No Pay Rate Amount - IN
PAYUNITchar(25)No Pay Unit - IN
PAYUNPERsmallintNo Pay Unit Period - - 1 = Weekly, 2 = Biweekly, IN
PAYPERODsmallintNo Pay Period - - 1 = Weekly, 2 = Biweekly, IN
MXPYPPERnumeric(19,5)No Max Pay Per Year - IN
TipTypesmallintNo Tipe Type - - 1 = Directly & 2 = In-Directly IN
PAYADVNCnumeric(19,5)No Pay Advance - IN
RPTASWGStinyintNo Report As Wages - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
W2BXNMBRsmallintNo W2 Box Number - IN
W2BXLABLchar(6)No W2 Box Label - IN
W2BXNMBR2smallintNo W-2 Box Number 2 - IN
W2BXLABL2char(6)No W-2 Box Label 2 - IN
W2BXNMBR3smallintNo W-2 Box Number 3 - IN
W2BXLABL3char(6)No W-2 Box Label 3 - IN
W2BXNMBR4smallintNo W-2 Box Number 4 - IN
W2BXLABL4char(6)No W-2 Box Label 4 - IN
SBJTFDTXtinyintNo Subject to Federal Tax - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
SBJTSSECtinyintNo Subject to Social Security - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
SBJTMCARtinyintNo Subject to Medicare - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
SBJTSTTXtinyintNo Subject to State Tax - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
SBJTLTAXtinyintNo Subject to Local Tax - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
SBJTFUTAtinyintNo Subject to FUTA Tax - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
SBJTSUTAtinyintNo Subject to SUTA Tax - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
FFEDTXRTnumeric(19,5)No Flat Federal Tax Rate - IN
FLSTTXRTnumeric(19,5)No Flat State Tax Rate - IN
ACRUVACNtinyintNo Accrue Vacation - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
ACRUSTIMtinyintNo Accrue Sick Time - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
DATAENTDFLTtinyintNo Data Entry Default - - 0 = False & 1 = True IN
SHFTCODEchar(6)No Shift Code - IN
PAYFACTRnumeric(19,5)No Pay Factor - IN
UpdateIfExiststinyintNo Flag to allow customer data to be updated if it exists. 0=no, 1=yes IN
RequesterTrxsmallintNo Requester Transaction - 0=false,1=true - if true than populates Requester shadow table IN
USRDEFND1char(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND2char(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND3char(50)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND4varchar(8000)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
USRDEFND5varchar(8000)No User Defined field - developer use only IN
ErrorStateintNo Return value: 0=No Errors, 1=Error Occurred INOUT
oErrStringvarchar(255)No Return Error Code List INOUT
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