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Errors for the taSopToPopLink Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taSopToPopLink
1601IV Reconcile or PM Reconcile process is running  Edit
1602Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
1603At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
1604Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1605Invalid SOP Type - the only valid SOP Types are 2=Order & 5=Backorder  Edit
1606Sop Document does not exist in the Sales Transaction Work Table - SOP10100  Edit
1607Currency ID (CURNCYID) does not exist in the Currency Setup Table - DYNAMICS..MC40200  Edit
1608Shipping Method (SHIPMTHD) does not exist in the Shipping Method Master Table - SY03000  Edit
1609Primary Vendor ID does not exist for the item/location combination  Edit
1610Unable to insert SOP Link (SOP60100)  Edit
1611Unable to create PO Line  Edit
1612Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
1613Cursor fetch error reading SOP Line (SOP10200)  Edit
1625Unable to update SOP Line (SOP10200)  Edit
1630Unable to create PO Header  Edit
1631This document does not contain any line items that need to be purchased  Edit
1635Unable to update PO Line (POP10110)  Edit
1636Document is currently being edited by another user. Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1637Unable to remove Dex Lock for the SOP Document  Edit
1639The Vendor ID (VENDORID) does not exist in the Vendor Master Table - PM00200  Edit
1640Vendor ID is blank and is required for non inventory items  Edit
1723Unable to get next PO number  Edit
1724Cursor fetch error reading temp table (#VendorPOs)  Edit
4656Sop To Pop Link already exists  Edit
12014There is an active Purchase Order Approval workflow. Please use Dynamics GP to enter this data  Edit
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