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Errors for the taSopMultiBin Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taSopMultiBin
6355Unable to insert quantity allocated in bin master (IV00112)  Edit
7173Bin already exists for the item - cannot create a duplicate CreateBin must not equal 1  Edit
7202Custom Business Logic for taSopMultiBinPre returned an error value  Edit
7203At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
7204A required parameter is missing or empty  Edit
7205Multibin must be enabled to use this node.  Edit
7207Invalid input for OverrideBin  Edit
7208Invalid input for RequesterTrx  Edit
7209Input variable contains an invalid SOP type  Edit
7210Input variable QTYTYPE contains an invalid quantity type - for Orders & Invoices only QTY on Hand is valid  Edit
7211Input variable QTYTYPE contains an invalid type: 1-5 are valid types  Edit
7212The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) does not exist on the SOP Type (SOPTYPE) / SOP Number (SOPNUMBE) combination passed  Edit
7213The Line Item Sequence Number (LNITMSEQ) is required  Edit
7214The Line Item Sequence Number (LNITMSEQ) is invalid  Edit
7215More than one line contains the same Item Number (ITEMNMBR), so the component sequence number (CMPNTSEQ) is required to identify the specific item number (ITEMNMBR)  Edit
7216Unable to find a Sop Line  Edit
7217The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) must not track Lot / Serial Numbers Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7218The UOFM is not setup for the item  Edit
7220Bins for the item have already been assigned for the qty fulfilled on the line  Edit
7221Create Bin flag is invalid (CreateBin)  Edit
7222Bin does not exist - set CreateBin = 1 if you want to create it.  Edit
7223Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7224Unable to create Bin in IV40701  Edit
7225Unable to create Bin in the Item Site Bin Master Table - IV00112  Edit
7226Bin does not exist in Item Site Bin Master Table - IV00112 - set CreateBin = 1 if you want to create it.  Edit
7227A sales order return bin is not set up for this item or site  Edit
7228A sales order fulfillment bin is not set up for this item or site  Edit
7229The bin does not have enough quantity - set OverrideBin = 1 to override bin shortage  Edit
7230Unable to update quantity allocated in bin master (IV00112)  Edit
7231eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
7232Unable to insert into SOP10203  Edit
7233Custom Business Logic for taSopMultiBinPost returned an error value  Edit
7234eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
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