182 | Unable to create the SOP line record | | Edit |
191 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
192 | Input variable contains empty value | | Edit |
193 | Document does not exist in work file for the SOPTYPE, SOPNUMBE, and LNITMSEQ that were passed in | | Edit |
194 | Input variable contains an invalid order type | | Edit |
195 | Default location code does not exist in SOP setup | | Edit |
196 | Location code does not exist in inventory | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
197 | Location/item code does not exist in inventory | | Edit |
198 | Inventory item does not exist | | Edit |
452 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
470 | Unable to update quantity allocated in item quantity master for component item | | Edit |
521 | Unable to update quantity back ordered in item quantity master | | Edit |
522 | Unable to update Sop Line | | Edit |
587 | Unable to update quantity allocated in item quantity master for component item | | Edit |
830 | QTYTBAOR can not be used with this SOP Type | | Edit |
831 | Item Type associated to Line Sequence number is not a Kit type item | | Edit |
2097 | QtyShrtOpt can not be used if you are not registered for the Inventory Module | | Edit |
3423 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
3424 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
3457 | More serials already allocated for line item then QUANTITY to allocate in sop line | | Edit |
3461 | Procedure taSopSerial returned an error value | | Edit |
3462 | if AUTOALLOCATELOT = 1 or 2, the taSopLotAuto node must be called with a DOCID that fulfills or QTYFULFI > 0 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3463 | if AUTOALLOCATELOT = 0, the taSopLotAuto node should not be called | | Edit |
3464 | Procedure taSopLot returned an error value | | Edit |
3466 | if AUTOALLOCATESERIAL = 1 or 2, the taSopSerial node must be called | | Edit |
3467 | DOCID does not exist for document type | | Edit |
3468 | The Line Quantity specified for this Lot Number is > than what is on hand. The QtyShrtOpt must be something other then 2 or Lots must be created | | Edit |
3469 | The QTY specified for this Serial Number is > what is on hand. The QtyShrtOpt must be something other then 2 or Serial Numbers must be created | | Edit |
3472 | Unable to update quantity back ordered in item quantity master | | Edit |
3545 | QTYFULFI amount > 0 can not be passed in when using QtyShrtOpt = (1,3,4,5,6) and a shortage is encountered | | Edit |
3546 | QTYFULFI can not be > 0 until the Kit Item is Allocated | | Edit |
3547 | QTYFULFI can not be used with a Quote, Return, or Backorder type document | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3548 | QTYCANCE cannot be > 0 with a Return type document | | Edit |
3549 | Fulfillment is not allowed with the document id being used | | Edit |
3550 | QTYFULFI cannot be greater than QUANTITY | | Edit |
3553 | UNITCOST can not be passed in unless a Return type document or non inventoried item | | Edit |
3905 | Invalid NONINVEN parameter was passed in | | Edit |
3906 | The Component unit of measure could not be found | | Edit |
3907 | Invalid AUTOALLOCATESERIAL parameter was passed in | | Edit |
3909 | Invalid AUTOALLOCATELOT parameter was passed in | | Edit |
3910 | Component sequence number already exists for the Kit line item | | Edit |
3911 | Serial Item has no quantity left to fulfill - Quantity Shortage exists | | Edit |
3912 | Line quantity does not equal the return types (QUANTITY <> QTYINSVC+QTYINUSE+QTYDMGED+QTYRTRND+QTYONHND) | | Edit |
3914 | Serial Quantity in Serial Line table does not match Serial QUANTITY Fulfilled | | Edit |
3915 | Component Unit of Measure does not exist | | Edit |
3916 | More Lots already allocated for line item then QUANTITY to allocate in Sop Line Work | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4059 | Invalid UpdateIfExists parameter was passed in (0=Add, 1=Modify Existing) | | Edit |
4060 | Document is currently being edited by another user. | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4061 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
4062 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
4063 | Unable to remove Dex Lock for the SOP Document | | Edit |
4064 | Unable to execute taSopLineDelete | | Edit |
4065 | Component does not exist for the LNITMSEQ, CMPNTSEQ, and ITEMNMBR passed in | | Edit |
6258 | Invalid RequesterTrx parameter was passed in (0=Add, 1=Modify Existing) | | Edit |
6259 | Invalid QtyShrtOpt parameter was passed in (1=Sell Balance; 2=Override Shortage; 3=BO All; 4=BO Balance; 5=Cancel All; 6=Cancel Balance) | | Edit |
6261 | QtyShrtOpt other then 2 is not allowed with Invoices at this time | | Edit |
7191 | Unable to update SOP Default Bins | | Edit |
7192 | This line item already has bin information Default Bins cannot be used | | Edit |
7469 | You can not pass a negative qty for any SOPTYPE other then invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) | | Edit |
7742 | Document ID is invalid for the SOP Fulfillment Order passed or the WORKFLOWENABLED flag is not set to 1 and needs to be in the SOP40200 for this DOCID | | Edit |
8117 | The Component is set up multiple times on the Kit item, the CMPITUOM parameter must be passed in | | Edit |
8119 | Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
8129 | Invalid RecreateDist parameter was passed in (0=Do not recreate distributions, 1=Recreate distributions) | | Edit |
8130 | Unable to update SOP Header values | | Edit |
8183 | Unable to execute taPricingGetRoundPrice | | Edit |
8243 | Quantity Type in serial/lot was not passed in to match the Returned quantity types in the line | | Edit |
8502 | Return Quantity Types are valid only on Returns | | Edit |
11811 | This site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11812 | This item site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
12002 | Recreate Commission parameter out of range (0,1) | | Edit |
12008 | Recreate Commission can only be set to 1 if adding or modifying an existing document - (UpdateIfExists = 1) | | Edit |