407 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
408 | Required input variable SOPNUMBE or ITEMNMBR is empty | | Edit |
409 | Document does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
411 | Input variable contains an invalid SOP type | | Edit |
413 | Unable to update inventory location, location code amounts | | Edit |
414 | Unable to update inventory location, all location code amounts | | Edit |
419 | Unable to delete line record | | Edit |
420 | Unable to delete tax record, SOP10105 | | Edit |
421 | Unable to delete line(s) for serial/lot numbers | | Edit |
422 | Unable to update serial number master | | Edit |
423 | Unable to update lot number master | | Edit |
751 | Unable to delete comment, SOP10202 | | Edit |
752 | Input variable RecreateDist is invalid | | Edit |
785 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
796 | Item Number exists multiple times on the Document, please pass in LNITMSEQ for DeleteType=1 or LNITMSEQ and CMPNTSEQ for DeleteType=2 | | Edit |
798 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
999 | Combination of SOPNUMBE, SOPTYPE, ITEMNMBR, LNITMSEQ, and CMPNTSEQ does not exist on document, line can not be deleted | | Edit |
2091 | SOP to POP Link exists for Line Item, Line can not be deleted | | Edit |
2220 | Input variable RequesterTrx is invalid | | Edit |
2223 | Unable to remove Dex Lock for the SOP Document | | Edit |
2254 | Line has partially transferred quantities and can not be deleted | | Edit |
2263 | Unable to update the existing SOP Header record | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
2783 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3447 | Unable to update on order amount in the customer master summary | | Edit |
3449 | Combination of SOPNUMBE, SOPTYPE, ITEMNMBR, LNITMSEQ, and CMPNTSEQ does not exist on document, component can not be deleted | | Edit |
3450 | Unable to update sop line amounts for Kit Item | | Edit |
3454 | Unable to delete line record | | Edit |
3455 | Unable to delete line(s) for serial/lot numbers | | Edit |
3456 | DeleteType must equal 1 to delete the Kit Line Item, DeleteType of 2 is for deleting components | | Edit |
3542 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3563 | Unable to delete line record(s) from SOP10203 | | Edit |
3566 | Required input variable DeleteType is invalid | | Edit |
4766 | Unable to update inventory location, location code amounts for this backorder | | Edit |
5340 | SQL error updating Sop Header table (SOP10100) | | Edit |
5991 | Unable to update bin number master | | Edit |
5999 | Unable to delete line record(s) from SOP10203 | | Edit |
6511 | Unable to delete override serial number from IV00200 | | Edit |
6512 | Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location | | Edit |
6513 | Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location | | Edit |
6514 | Unable to delete override lot number from IV00300 | | Edit |
6515 | Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location | | Edit |
6516 | Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location | | Edit |
7017 | Document is currently being edited by another user. | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
7195 | Unable to update inventory location, location code amounts | | Edit |
7196 | Unable to update inventory location, all location code amounts | | Edit |
7197 | Unable to update bin number master | | Edit |
7219 | Unable to update inventory location, location code amounts for this back order | | Edit |
9311 | Unable to update bin number master | | Edit |
9312 | Unable to update bin number master | | Edit |
11858 | Unable to update serial number master for kit component | | Edit |
11859 | Unable to delete override serial number from IV00200 for kit component | | Edit |
11860 | Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location for serial kit compt | | Edit |
11861 | Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location for serial kit compt | | Edit |
11862 | Unable to update lot number master for kit component | | Edit |
11863 | Unable to delete override lot number from IV00300 for kit component | | Edit |
11864 | Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location for lot kit compt | | Edit |
11865 | Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location for lot kit compt | | Edit |