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Errors for the taSopLineDelete Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taSopLineDelete
407At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
408Required input variable SOPNUMBE or ITEMNMBR is empty  Edit
409Document does not exist Answers exist! Join NowEdit
411Input variable contains an invalid SOP type  Edit
413Unable to update inventory location, location code amounts  Edit
414Unable to update inventory location, all location code amounts  Edit
419Unable to delete line record  Edit
420Unable to delete tax record, SOP10105  Edit
421Unable to delete line(s) for serial/lot numbers  Edit
422Unable to update serial number master  Edit
423Unable to update lot number master  Edit
751Unable to delete comment, SOP10202  Edit
752Input variable RecreateDist is invalid  Edit
785Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
796Item Number exists multiple times on the Document, please pass in LNITMSEQ for DeleteType=1 or LNITMSEQ and CMPNTSEQ for DeleteType=2  Edit
798Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
999Combination of SOPNUMBE, SOPTYPE, ITEMNMBR, LNITMSEQ, and CMPNTSEQ does not exist on document, line can not be deleted  Edit
2091SOP to POP Link exists for Line Item, Line can not be deleted  Edit
2220Input variable RequesterTrx is invalid  Edit
2223Unable to remove Dex Lock for the SOP Document  Edit
2254Line has partially transferred quantities and can not be deleted  Edit
2263Unable to update the existing SOP Header record Answers exist! Join NowEdit
2783eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3447Unable to update on order amount in the customer master summary  Edit
3449Combination of SOPNUMBE, SOPTYPE, ITEMNMBR, LNITMSEQ, and CMPNTSEQ does not exist on document, component can not be deleted  Edit
3450Unable to update sop line amounts for Kit Item  Edit
3454Unable to delete line record  Edit
3455Unable to delete line(s) for serial/lot numbers  Edit
3456DeleteType must equal 1 to delete the Kit Line Item, DeleteType of 2 is for deleting components  Edit
3542eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3563Unable to delete line record(s) from SOP10203  Edit
3566Required input variable DeleteType is invalid  Edit
4766Unable to update inventory location, location code amounts for this backorder  Edit
5340SQL error updating Sop Header table (SOP10100)  Edit
5991Unable to update bin number master  Edit
5999Unable to delete line record(s) from SOP10203  Edit
6511Unable to delete override serial number from IV00200  Edit
6512Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location  Edit
6513Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location  Edit
6514Unable to delete override lot number from IV00300  Edit
6515Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location  Edit
6516Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location  Edit
7017Document is currently being edited by another user. Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7195Unable to update inventory location, location code amounts  Edit
7196Unable to update inventory location, all location code amounts  Edit
7197Unable to update bin number master  Edit
7219Unable to update inventory location, location code amounts for this back order  Edit
9311Unable to update bin number master  Edit
9312Unable to update bin number master  Edit
11858Unable to update serial number master for kit component  Edit
11859Unable to delete override serial number from IV00200 for kit component  Edit
11860Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location for serial kit compt  Edit
11861Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location for serial kit compt  Edit
11862Unable to update lot number master for kit component  Edit
11863Unable to delete override lot number from IV00300 for kit component  Edit
11864Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - site location for lot kit compt  Edit
11865Unable to reduce quantity on hand in item quantity master - all site location for lot kit compt  Edit
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