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Errors for the taSopHdrIvcInsert Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taSopHdrIvcInsert
43Customer name is empty  Edit
53At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
54Required input variable contains an empty value  Edit
56Input variable contains a duplicate document Answers exist! Join NowEdit
58Default location code does not exist in SOP setup  Edit
59Location code (LOCNCODE) does not exist in inventory site setup - IV40700 table  Edit
60Payment total does not match line deposit + credit card payment total Answers exist! Join NowEdit
61Tax Schedule (TAXSCHID) does not exist in the Tax Schedule Master Table - TX00102  Edit
62Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount Answers exist! Join NowEdit
63Unable to insert/update Header Level comment  Edit
64Line Item table detail does not equal the markdown amount  Edit
66Customer Number does not exist  Edit
67Subtotal does not match the line item totals Answers exist! Join NowEdit
68Document ID is invalid Answers exist! Join NowEdit
69Unable to create a master number  Edit
70Unable to update/create the batch number  Edit
71Unable to update/create SOP header  Edit
72Unable to update/create distributions Answers exist! Join NowEdit
82No Tax schedule, but a tax value was passed in  Edit
85Freight tax detail amount does not match the header freight tax  Edit
86Misc tax detail amount does not match the header misc tax  Edit
95Unable to create a master number  Edit
133Unable to update unposted cash and sales amounts in the customer master summary  Edit
146Unable to update on order and deposits received amounts in the customer master summary  Edit
170Unable to update unposted cash and sales amounts in the customer master summary  Edit
177Unable to create the new shipping method  Edit
178Salesperson (SLPRSNID) does not exist in the Salesperson Master Table - RM00301  Edit
180Order date is not allowed on Returns  Edit
181Originating Order Type and Originating Order Number are not allowed on Returns  Edit
218Unable to calculate the discount and due dates  Edit
235Document amount does not equal (Subtotal+Freight+Misc+TaxAmt+FreightTax+MiscTax-TradeDisc) Answers exist! Join NowEdit
244Territory (SALSTERR) does not exist in the Territory Master Table - RM00303  Edit
248Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
364Batch Checkbook ID does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100  Edit
553SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
554Unable to update SOP10101  Edit
599Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
600Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
688SQL error updating CM Receipt table (CM20300)  Edit
706Unable to create commissions  Edit
709Commission amount does not match detail  Edit
710Commission Amount (COMMAMNT) can not be passed in when using Automatic Commissions (CREATECOMM = 1)  Edit
711Records already exist for commissions  Edit
723An Invalid RATETPID has been entered  Edit
724Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up Answers exist! Join NowEdit
726An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
727MC Exchange rate cannot be 0  Edit
728SQL error occurred updating SOP10103  Edit
729SQL error occurred updating SOP10105  Edit
730SQL error occurred updating SOP10103  Edit
731SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
732SQL error occurred updating SOP10105  Edit
733Unable to update SOP10101  Edit
735Discount Available amount cannot be greater then document amount Answers exist! Join NowEdit
736Discount Available amount is not valid for Quotes, Back Orders, Orders, or Returns  Edit
737Discount Taken amount is not valid for Quotes, Back Orders, or Orders  Edit
762Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
764Unable to update SOP10101  Edit
765Unable to update SOP10101  Edit
766Unable to update SOP10101  Edit
786Input variable contains a negative value  Edit
787Payment amount can not be greater then the document amount on a Return  Edit
799Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount Answers exist! Join NowEdit
811SQL error occurred updating SOP10102  Edit
812SQL error occurred updating SOP10102  Edit
818Primary Bill to address ID (PRBTADCD) does not exist in the RM00102 Table  Edit
832Input number of decimals exceeds setup for currency decimal places Answers exist! Join NowEdit
852Error processing tax line records  Edit
855Unable to update SOP30201  Edit
857Unable to update GL10000  Edit
858Unable to update GL10001  Edit
859Cannot use header level taxes and also create taxes on the fly  Edit
866Cannot pass in tax and markdown amounts when creating taxes on the fly  Edit
867Primary Ship to address ID (PRSTADCD) does not exist in the RM00102 Table  Edit
868SOP Line tax total does not equal the tax amount  Edit
869Unable to update CM20300  Edit
890Freight Tax Schedule (FRTSCHID) does not exist in the Tax Schedule Master Table - TX00102  Edit
891Misc Tax Schedule (MSCSCHID) does not exist in the Tax Schedule Master Table - TX00102  Edit
895Discount available freight (DISCFRGT) is larger then freight discount (FREIGHT)  Edit
896Discount available misc (DISCMISC) is larger then misc discount (MISCAMNT)  Edit
897Unable to insert/update Header Level comment from Comment Master  Edit
898Invalid SOPTYPE parameter was passed in  Edit
899Invalid CREATECOMM parameter was passed in  Edit
901Unable to update the comment master table  Edit
1319The originating currency is not assigned to the item  Edit
1321The payment doc date must = the trx doc date for MC trxs  Edit
1541Customer is on Hold, you must remove the Hold status to enter transactions Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1563Unable to insert Process Hold (SOP10104)  Edit
1790Customer is Inactive, you must Activate the customer to enter transactions  Edit
1791Customer credit limit has been exceeded  Edit
1792Error calling taCustomerBalance  Edit
2017eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
2018eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
2210Unable to insert/update Header Level comment  Edit
2211Invalid CREATEDIST parameter was passed in  Edit
2212Invalid CREATETAXES parameter was passed in  Edit
2213Invalid DEFTAXSCHDS parameter was passed in  Edit
2214Invalid FREIGTBLE parameter was passed in  Edit
2215Invalid MISCTBLE parameter was passed in  Edit
2216Invalid RequesterTrx parameter was passed in  Edit
2217Document does not exist, the Header can not be updated  Edit
2218Unable to update the existing SOP Header record Answers exist! Join NowEdit
2264SQL error occurred updating into SOP10200  Edit
2265SQL error occurred updating into SOP10200  Edit
2272QUOEXPDA can only be passed in when SOPTYPE = 1 (Quote)  Edit
2278Unable to parse CMMTTEXT field  Edit
2279Unable to parse comment text from the Comment Master  Edit
2280Unable to parse CMMTTEXT field  Edit
2296CMMTTEXT cannot be used if COMMENT_1 thru COMMENT_4 are being used  Edit
2298eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
2695Line items contain qauntity types that are not allowed for the Back Order DOCID entered  Edit
2696Line items contain qauntity types that are not allowed for the Invoice or SOP Fulfillment Order DOCID entered  Edit
2697Line items contain qauntity types that are not allowed for the Order DOCID entered Answers exist! Join NowEdit
2698Line items contain quantity types that are not allowed for the Quote DOCID entered  Edit
3002Location Code (LOCNCODE) can not be used when Inventory is not a registered module  Edit
3415Unable to update the comment master table  Edit
3470SQL error updating GL Transaction Work table (GL10000)  Edit
3554Invalid CKCreditLimit parameter was passed in  Edit
3555Invalid CKHOLD parameter was passed in  Edit
3768Unable to update deposits received amount in the customer master summary  Edit
3770Duplicate MSTRNUMB Answers exist! Join NowEdit
4008SQL error occurred updating SOP10103  Edit
4009SQL error occurred updating CM20300  Edit
4010SQL error occurred updating SOP30201  Edit
4011SQL error occurred updating GL10000  Edit
4012SQL error occurred updating GL10001  Edit
4013SQL error occurred updating SOP10101  Edit
4014SQL error occurred updating SOP10102  Edit
4015SQL error occurred updating SOP10105  Edit
4602Trade Discount Amount can not exceed Subtotal  Edit
4634SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
4649SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
5333Unable to update/create Sales Work Flow - SOP10112  Edit
5439Unable to update CM20300 table  Edit
5526You can not have a Tax Amount (TAXAMNT) < 0 unless you are passing a SOP Invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) with a negative quantity  Edit
5616The Batch Number (BACHNUMB) you are trying to insert into has been marked for posting you can not add transactions to a marked batch  Edit
5639Repeating (REPTING) can only be 0=False or 1=True  Edit
5640Frequency (TRXFREQU) can only be 0 thru 7  Edit
5641Times to Repeat (TIMETREP) can only be 0 thru 9999  Edit
5642Quote Days to Increment (QUOTEDYSTINCR) can only be 0 thru 999  Edit
5643The SOP Type is not a Quote or Order - you can not pass a value other then 0 for Repeating, Frequency, Times to Repeat, or Quote Days to Increment  Edit
5644The Frequency (TRXFREQU) is not Miscellaneous (TRXFREQU=7) so you can not pass a Quote Days to Increment value (QUOTEDYSTINCR) other then zero  Edit
6356SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
7031Discount dollar amount and Discount percent cannot both be passed in with an amount greater than 0  Edit
7032Payment Term does not exist  Edit
7122Discount Taken amount cannot be greater then document amount  Edit
7473You can not have a Freight Amount (FREIGHT) < 0 unless you are passing a SOP Invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) with a negative quantity  Edit
7474You can not have a Misc. Amount (MISCAMNT) < 0 unless you are passing a SOP Invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) with a negative quantity  Edit
7475You can not have a Trade Discount Amount (TRDISAMT) < 0 unless you are passing a SOP Invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) with a negative quantity  Edit
7476You can not have a Sub Total (SUBTOTAL) < 0 unless you are passing a SOP Invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) with a negative quantity or negative price  Edit
7477You can not have a Document Amount (DOCAMNT) < 0 unless you are passing a SOP Invoice (SOPTYPE = 3) with a negative quantity or negative price  Edit
7739Document ID is invalid for the SOP Fulfillment Order passed or the WORKFLOWENABLED flag is not set to 1 and needs to be in the SOP40200 for this DOCID  Edit
7802You can not pass both a Trade Discount Amount (TRDISAMT) and Trade Discount Percentage (TRADEPC)  Edit
8106SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
8120SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
8121SQL error occurred deleting SOP10101  Edit
8127Unable to update SOP10200 table  Edit
8133SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
8134SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
9243Unable to create Sales header note - SY03900  Edit
9284The Allow Repeating Documents check box is not checked in SOP Setup for the DOCID, a value other then 0 for Repeating, Frequency, Times to Repeat, or Quote Days to Increment can not be used  Edit
9342Multicurrency Rate Calculation (RTCLCMTD) is out of range 0 = multiply and 1 = divide  Edit
9369SQL error occurred updating into SOP10200  Edit
9370You are passing a Currency ID in the header and you did not pass the same one to the line Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9515The Batch Checkbook ID is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100  Edit
9538The Salesperson (SLPRSNID) is set to inactive in the Salesperson Master Table - RM00301  Edit
9577SQL error occurred updating SOP10200  Edit
11764The Print_Phone_NumberGB is invalid - 0 - 4 are valid  Edit
11809This site is currently marked inactive  Edit
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