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Errors for the taRMVoidTransaction Stored Procedure
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eConnect Schema Reference for taRMVoidTransaction
6206 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
6207 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for taRMVoidTransaction | | Edit |
6208 | The Customer number (CUSTNMBR) is empty | | Edit |
6209 | The Customer Number (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101 | | Edit |
6210 | The Document number (DOCNUMBR) is empty | | Edit |
6211 | Document number (DOCNUMBR) does not exist in the open table, RM20101 | | Edit |
6212 | Document number (DOCNUMBR) cannot be processed, VOIDSTTS <> 0 | | Edit |
6216 | SQL error occurred updating RM20101 | | Edit |
6223 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
6224 | Invalid document type (RMDTYPAL) - must be 7,8, or 9 | | Edit |
6240 | Error with Unapply Transaction | | Edit |
6253 | Invalid void status (VOIDSTTS), must be between 1 and 3 | | Edit |
8167 | SQL error occurred updating RM20101 | | Edit |
9494 | You can only waive Finance Charges and currently that document type is not supported - credit memos, returns, and payments are currently supported | | Edit |
9495 | You can not NSF (VOIDSTTS = 2) any type of document except a Payment (RMDTYPAL = 9) | | Edit |
9496 | Document number (DOCNUMBR) exists in the Open table and you are attempting to NSF it, however the cash receipt you selected is a Cash Payment or Credit Card Payment | | Edit |
21007 | The void date cannot be before the document date | | Edit |