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Errors for the taRMVoidTransaction Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taRMVoidTransaction
6206Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
6207A null was found in at least one input parameter for taRMVoidTransaction  Edit
6208The Customer number (CUSTNMBR) is empty  Edit
6209The Customer Number (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101  Edit
6210The Document number (DOCNUMBR) is empty  Edit
6211Document number (DOCNUMBR) does not exist in the open table, RM20101  Edit
6212Document number (DOCNUMBR) cannot be processed, VOIDSTTS <> 0  Edit
6216SQL error occurred updating RM20101  Edit
6223Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
6224Invalid document type (RMDTYPAL) - must be 7,8, or 9  Edit
6240Error with Unapply Transaction  Edit
6253Invalid void status (VOIDSTTS), must be between 1 and 3  Edit
8167SQL error occurred updating RM20101  Edit
9494You can only waive Finance Charges and currently that document type is not supported - credit memos, returns, and payments are currently supported  Edit
9495You can not NSF (VOIDSTTS = 2) any type of document except a Payment (RMDTYPAL = 9)  Edit
9496Document number (DOCNUMBR) exists in the Open table and you are attempting to NSF it, however the cash receipt you selected is a Cash Payment or Credit Card Payment  Edit
21007The void date cannot be before the document date  Edit
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