161 | Pre Custom Business Logic in taRMTransactionPre returned an error value | | Edit |
162 | Post Custom Business Logic in taRMTransactionPost returned an error value | | Edit |
185 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for taRMTransaction | | Edit |
186 | The Customer number (CUSTNMBR) is empty | | Edit |
187 | The Document number (DOCNUMBR) is empty | | Edit |
188 | Document amount (DOCAMNT) < 0 | | Edit |
189 | The Batch number (BACHNUMB) is empty | | Edit |
190 | Document number (DOCNUMBR) already exists in either RM00401, RM10301, RM20101 or RM30101 | | Edit |
201 | SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Sales Work Table - RM10301 | | Edit |
202 | Batch (BACHNUMB) is currently being posted | | Edit |
203 | Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) > 0 but the Checkbook ID for the Cash Payment (CBKIDCSH) is missing | | Edit |
204 | Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) > 0 but the Cash Date (CASHDATE) is missing | | Edit |
205 | Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) > 0 but the Document Number for the Cash Payment (DCNUMCSH) is missing | | Edit |
206 | Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) > 0 but the Checkbook ID for the Check (CBKIDCHK) is missing | | Edit |
216 | The Document Date (DOCDATE) is empty | | Edit |
217 | Primary address ID (ADRSCODE) does not exist in the Customer Address Master - RM00102 | | Edit |
241 | Document Number for the Cash Payment (DCNUMCSH) already exists in the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401 | | Edit |
363 | Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
468 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Summary Table RM00103 | | Edit |
469 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Summary Table - RM00103 | | Edit |
472 | Terms Discount Taken Amount (DISTKNAM) must be 0 on Warranties (RMDTYPAL = 6) | | Edit |
473 | Payment Terms (PYMTRMID) are not allowed with Warranties (RMDTYPAL = 6) | | Edit |
474 | Payment Terms (PYMTRMID) are not allowed on Returns (RMDTYPAL = 8) | | Edit |
475 | Terms Discount Taken Amount (DISTKNAM is not valid for Credit Memos and Returns (RMDTYPAL = 7 or RMDTYPAL =8) | | Edit |
476 | Can not have both Percent (DSCPCTAM) and Currency Amounts (DSCDLRAM) for the payment term | | Edit |
482 | Unable to calculate the discount and due dates | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
535 | The Rate Type ID (RATETPID) entered does not exist in the Multi Currency Rate Type Setup Table - MC40100 | | Edit |
536 | Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
537 | An error occurred in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
538 | An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
539 | SQL error occurred inserting into Multicurrency Receivables Transactions Table - MC020102 | | Edit |
540 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Tax Work Table - RM10601 | | Edit |
541 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Tax Work Table - RM10601 | | Edit |
551 | MC Exchange rate cannot be 0 or less then 0 | | Edit |
585 | Discount Returned Amount (DISCRTND) is valid only on Credit Memos and Returns (RMDTYPAL = 7 or RMDTYPAL = 8) | | Edit |
586 | Terms Discount Available (DISAVAMT) can not be > the remaining document amount (SLSAMNT - TRDISAMT + FRTAMNT + MISCAMNT + TAXAMNT) | | Edit |
608 | The Credit Card passed (CRCRDNAM) does not exist in the Credit Card Master Table - SY03100 | | Edit |
609 | SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401 | | Edit |
610 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Summary Table - RM00103 | | Edit |
611 | SQL error occurred updating RM10101 | | Edit |
615 | Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) > 0 but the Credit Card Date is missing | | Edit |
616 | Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) > 0 but the Document Number for the Credit Card (DCNUMCRD) is missing | | Edit |
617 | The PPS Amt Deducted for Credits (PPSAMDED) > Document Amount (DOCAMNT) | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
618 | PPS Amt Deducted for Credits (PPSAMDED) > Write Off Amount (WROFAMNT) | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
619 | GST Discount Amount (GSTDSAMT) > Discount Taken Amount (DISTKNAM) | | Edit |
620 | Checkbook ID (CBKIDCSH) does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
621 | Document Amount is incorrect - (DOCAMNT <> SLSAMNT - TRDISAMT + FRTAMNT + MISCAMNT + TAXAMNT) | | Edit |
622 | Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) must be 0 on Warranties or Credit Memos (RMDTYPAL = 6 or RMDTYPAL = 7) | | Edit |
623 | Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) must be 0 on Warranties or Credit Memos (RMDTYPAL = 6 or RMDTYPAL = 7) | | Edit |
624 | Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) must be 0 on Warranties or Credit Memos (RMDTYPAL = 6 or RMDTYPAL = 7) | | Edit |
625 | Payment Terms (PYMTRMID) are not allowed on Credit Memos (RMDTYPAL = 7) | | Edit |
626 | The Payment Term (PYMTRMID) does not exist in the Payment Term Master Table - SY03300 | | Edit |
627 | Invalid Document Type (RMDTYPAL) | | Edit |
628 | Unable to update/create distributions | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
632 | Checkbook id (CBKIDCHK) does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
633 | Unable to update batch information in SY00500 | | Edit |
641 | SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401 | | Edit |
642 | Checkbook (CBKIDCSH), Document Number (DCNUMCSH) and Cash Date (CASHDATE) for Cash are not allowed when the Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) = 0 | | Edit |
643 | Checkbook (CBKIDCHK), Document Number (DCNUMCHK), Check Number (CHEKNMBR) and Check Date (CHEKDATE) for Checks are not allowed when the Check Amount is 0 | | Edit |
644 | Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) > 0 but the Document Number for the Check Payment (DCNUMCHK) is missing | | Edit |
645 | Document Number for the Check Payment (DCNUMCHK) already exists in the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401 | | Edit |
646 | Document Number for the Credit Card Payment (DCNUMCRD) already exists in the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401 | | Edit |
647 | SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401 | | Edit |
648 | SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401 | | Edit |
712 | Tax amount (TAXAMNT) does not equal tax details in RM10601 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
808 | Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) > 0 but the Check Date (CHEKDATE) is missing | | Edit |
809 | Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) > 0 but the Credit Card ID (CRCRDNAM) is missing | | Edit |
1298 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
1299 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
1320 | The Shipping Method (SHIPMTHD) does not exist in the Shipping Method Master Table - SY03000 | | Edit |
1322 | The payment doc date must = the trx doc date for MC trxs | | Edit |
1389 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101 | | Edit |
1505 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101 | | Edit |
3723 | The requester trx (RequesterTrx) value is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid | | Edit |
4016 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101 | | Edit |
4017 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Tax Work Table - RM10601 | | Edit |
4643 | One of the original trx amounts has too many decimal places | | Edit |
5445 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
5469 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101 | | Edit |
5598 | The Exchange Rate passed (XCHGRATE) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
5625 | The Batch Number (BACHNUMB) you are trying to insert into has been approved - you can not edit an approved batch | | Edit |
7020 | One of the trx amounts has too many decimal places | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
7023 | The Tax Schedule ID entered (TAXSCHID) does not exist in the Sales Tax master table - TX00101 | | Edit |
7024 | The Territory entered (SALSTERR) does not exist in the Territory master table - RM00303 | | Edit |
7126 | Discount dollar amount (DSCDLRAM) and Discount percent (DSCPCTAM) cannot both with passed in with an amount greater than 0 | | Edit |
7149 | The Salesperson entered (SLPRSNID) does not exist in the Salesperson Master Table - RM00301 | | Edit |
7443 | The Commission Dollar Amount can not be < 0 (COMDLRAM) | | Edit |
7449 | Commission Apply To (COMAPPTO) is invalid - 0 = Sales & 1 = Invoice Total | | Edit |
7450 | The Commission Dollar Amount passed does not match what is in the RM Commssion Table - RM10501 | | Edit |
7451 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Commission Table - RM10501 | | Edit |
7452 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Commission Table - RM10501 | | Edit |
7453 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Commissions Table - RM10601 | | Edit |
8147 | One of the original trx amounts has too many decimal places | | Edit |
8697 | SQL error occurred updating the AA Distribution Work Table - AAG20001 | | Edit |
9522 | Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
9523 | Checkbook ID (CBKIDCHK) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
9524 | Checkbook ID (CBKIDCSH) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
9537 | The Salesperson entered (SLPRSNID) is set to inactive in the Salesperson Master Table - RM00301 | | Edit |
12003 | Length of Document Number (DOCNUMBR) is greater than 17 | | Edit |