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Errors for the taRMTransaction Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taRMTransaction
161Pre Custom Business Logic in taRMTransactionPre returned an error value  Edit
162Post Custom Business Logic in taRMTransactionPost returned an error value  Edit
185A null was found in at least one input parameter for taRMTransaction  Edit
186The Customer number (CUSTNMBR) is empty  Edit
187The Document number (DOCNUMBR) is empty  Edit
188Document amount (DOCAMNT) < 0  Edit
189The Batch number (BACHNUMB) is empty  Edit
190Document number (DOCNUMBR) already exists in either RM00401, RM10301, RM20101 or RM30101  Edit
201SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Sales Work Table - RM10301  Edit
202Batch (BACHNUMB) is currently being posted  Edit
203Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) > 0 but the Checkbook ID for the Cash Payment (CBKIDCSH) is missing  Edit
204Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) > 0 but the Cash Date (CASHDATE) is missing  Edit
205Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) > 0 but the Document Number for the Cash Payment (DCNUMCSH) is missing  Edit
206Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) > 0 but the Checkbook ID for the Check (CBKIDCHK) is missing  Edit
216The Document Date (DOCDATE) is empty  Edit
217Primary address ID (ADRSCODE) does not exist in the Customer Address Master - RM00102  Edit
241Document Number for the Cash Payment (DCNUMCSH) already exists in the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401  Edit
363Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100  Edit
468SQL error occurred updating the RM Summary Table RM00103  Edit
469SQL error occurred updating the RM Summary Table - RM00103  Edit
472Terms Discount Taken Amount (DISTKNAM) must be 0 on Warranties (RMDTYPAL = 6)  Edit
473Payment Terms (PYMTRMID) are not allowed with Warranties (RMDTYPAL = 6)  Edit
474Payment Terms (PYMTRMID) are not allowed on Returns (RMDTYPAL = 8)  Edit
475Terms Discount Taken Amount (DISTKNAM is not valid for Credit Memos and Returns (RMDTYPAL = 7 or RMDTYPAL =8)  Edit
476Can not have both Percent (DSCPCTAM) and Currency Amounts (DSCDLRAM) for the payment term  Edit
482Unable to calculate the discount and due dates Answers exist! Join NowEdit
535The Rate Type ID (RATETPID) entered does not exist in the Multi Currency Rate Type Setup Table - MC40100  Edit
536Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up Answers exist! Join NowEdit
537An error occurred in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc Answers exist! Join NowEdit
538An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
539SQL error occurred inserting into Multicurrency Receivables Transactions Table - MC020102  Edit
540SQL error occurred updating the RM Tax Work Table - RM10601  Edit
541SQL error occurred updating the RM Tax Work Table - RM10601  Edit
551MC Exchange rate cannot be 0 or less then 0  Edit
585Discount Returned Amount (DISCRTND) is valid only on Credit Memos and Returns (RMDTYPAL = 7 or RMDTYPAL = 8)  Edit
586Terms Discount Available (DISAVAMT) can not be > the remaining document amount (SLSAMNT - TRDISAMT + FRTAMNT + MISCAMNT + TAXAMNT)  Edit
608The Credit Card passed (CRCRDNAM) does not exist in the Credit Card Master Table - SY03100  Edit
609SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401  Edit
610SQL error occurred updating the RM Summary Table - RM00103  Edit
611SQL error occurred updating RM10101  Edit
615Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) > 0 but the Credit Card Date is missing  Edit
616Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) > 0 but the Document Number for the Credit Card (DCNUMCRD) is missing  Edit
617The PPS Amt Deducted for Credits (PPSAMDED) > Document Amount (DOCAMNT) Answers exist! Join NowEdit
618PPS Amt Deducted for Credits (PPSAMDED) > Write Off Amount (WROFAMNT) Answers exist! Join NowEdit
619GST Discount Amount (GSTDSAMT) > Discount Taken Amount (DISTKNAM)  Edit
620Checkbook ID (CBKIDCSH) does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100  Edit
621Document Amount is incorrect - (DOCAMNT <> SLSAMNT - TRDISAMT + FRTAMNT + MISCAMNT + TAXAMNT)  Edit
622Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) must be 0 on Warranties or Credit Memos (RMDTYPAL = 6 or RMDTYPAL = 7)  Edit
623Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) must be 0 on Warranties or Credit Memos (RMDTYPAL = 6 or RMDTYPAL = 7)  Edit
624Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) must be 0 on Warranties or Credit Memos (RMDTYPAL = 6 or RMDTYPAL = 7)  Edit
625Payment Terms (PYMTRMID) are not allowed on Credit Memos (RMDTYPAL = 7)  Edit
626The Payment Term (PYMTRMID) does not exist in the Payment Term Master Table - SY03300  Edit
627Invalid Document Type (RMDTYPAL)  Edit
628Unable to update/create distributions Answers exist! Join NowEdit
632Checkbook id (CBKIDCHK) does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100  Edit
633Unable to update batch information in SY00500  Edit
641SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401  Edit
642Checkbook (CBKIDCSH), Document Number (DCNUMCSH) and Cash Date (CASHDATE) for Cash are not allowed when the Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) = 0  Edit
643Checkbook (CBKIDCHK), Document Number (DCNUMCHK), Check Number (CHEKNMBR) and Check Date (CHEKDATE) for Checks are not allowed when the Check Amount is 0  Edit
644Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) > 0 but the Document Number for the Check Payment (DCNUMCHK) is missing  Edit
645Document Number for the Check Payment (DCNUMCHK) already exists in the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401  Edit
646Document Number for the Credit Card Payment (DCNUMCRD) already exists in the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401  Edit
647SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401  Edit
648SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401  Edit
712Tax amount (TAXAMNT) does not equal tax details in RM10601 Answers exist! Join NowEdit
808Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) > 0 but the Check Date (CHEKDATE) is missing  Edit
809Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) > 0 but the Credit Card ID (CRCRDNAM) is missing  Edit
1298eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
1299eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
1320The Shipping Method (SHIPMTHD) does not exist in the Shipping Method Master Table - SY03000  Edit
1322The payment doc date must = the trx doc date for MC trxs  Edit
1389SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101  Edit
1505SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101  Edit
3723The requester trx (RequesterTrx) value is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid  Edit
4016SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101  Edit
4017SQL error occurred updating the RM Tax Work Table - RM10601  Edit
4643One of the original trx amounts has too many decimal places  Edit
5445Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
5469SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101  Edit
5598The Exchange Rate passed (XCHGRATE) can not be < 0  Edit
5625The Batch Number (BACHNUMB) you are trying to insert into has been approved - you can not edit an approved batch  Edit
7020One of the trx amounts has too many decimal places Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7023The Tax Schedule ID entered (TAXSCHID) does not exist in the Sales Tax master table - TX00101  Edit
7024The Territory entered (SALSTERR) does not exist in the Territory master table - RM00303  Edit
7126Discount dollar amount (DSCDLRAM) and Discount percent (DSCPCTAM) cannot both with passed in with an amount greater than 0  Edit
7149The Salesperson entered (SLPRSNID) does not exist in the Salesperson Master Table - RM00301  Edit
7443The Commission Dollar Amount can not be < 0 (COMDLRAM)  Edit
7449Commission Apply To (COMAPPTO) is invalid - 0 = Sales & 1 = Invoice Total  Edit
7450The Commission Dollar Amount passed does not match what is in the RM Commssion Table - RM10501  Edit
7451SQL error occurred updating the RM Commission Table - RM10501  Edit
7452SQL error occurred updating the RM Commission Table - RM10501  Edit
7453SQL error occurred updating the RM Commissions Table - RM10601  Edit
8147One of the original trx amounts has too many decimal places  Edit
8697SQL error occurred updating the AA Distribution Work Table - AAG20001  Edit
9522Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100  Edit
9523Checkbook ID (CBKIDCHK) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100  Edit
9524Checkbook ID (CBKIDCSH) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100  Edit
9537The Salesperson entered (SLPRSNID) is set to inactive in the Salesperson Master Table - RM00301  Edit
12003Length of Document Number (DOCNUMBR) is greater than 17  Edit
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