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Errors for the taRMCommissions Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taRMCommissions
5622The Requester value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0=False & 1=True  Edit
7427Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
7428At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
7429Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7430The Customer Number (CUSTNMBR) passed does not exist in Customer Master Table - RM00101  Edit
7431The Salesperson ID (SLPRSNID) passed does not exist in Salesperson Master Table - RM00301  Edit
7432You have not passed a Sales Territory (SALSTERR) and one does not exist on the Customer (CUSTNMBR) - please place a Sales Territory on the Customer or pass one  Edit
7433The Sales Territory (SALSTERR) passed does not exist in Sales Territory Master Table - RM00303  Edit
7434Input variable contains an invalid RM Document Type (RMDTYPAL)  Edit
7435You can not have a Commissionable Trx on a Finance Charge (RMDTYPAL = 4)  Edit
7436You can not have a Commissionable Trx on a Warranty (RMDTYPAL = 6)  Edit
7437You can not have a Commissionable Trx on a Credit Memo (RMDTYPAL = 7)  Edit
7438Commission Percent (COMPRCNT) is invalid - it must be >= 0 or <= 100  Edit
7439Percent of Sale (PRCTOSAL) is invalid - it must be >= 0 or <= 100  Edit
7440Combination of Territory (SALSTERR) and Salesperson (SLPRSNID) have already been used on this Document  Edit
7441Commission Amount (COMDLRAM) is invalid - it can not be < 0  Edit
7442Commission Line Sequence Number already exists  Edit
7444eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
7445Unable to create RM Commission record  Edit
7446Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
7447eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
7448You can not pass a Document Amount < 0 (DOCAMNT)  Edit
9541The Salesperson ID (SLPRSNID) is set to inactive in Salesperson Master Table - RM00301  Edit
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