1 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for cash receipts | | Edit |
2 | Customer number (CUSTNMBR) is empty | | Edit |
3 | Document number (DOCNUMBR) is empty | | Edit |
5 | Batch number (BACHNUMB) is empty | | Edit |
6 | Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) is empty | | Edit |
7 | Document number already exists in either RM00401, RM10101, RM10201, RM20101 or RM30101 | | Edit |
12 | Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100 | | Edit |
13 | Unable to update batch information in SY00500 | | Edit |
14 | Invalid cash receipt type (CSHRCTYP) - (0=Check,1=Cash,2=Credit Card) | | Edit |
16 | The Credit Card (CRCARDID) is missing | | Edit |
17 | The Credit Card ID (CRCARDID) does not exist in the Credit Card Master Table - SY03100 | | Edit |
18 | SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Keys Master Table - RM00401 | | Edit |
19 | SQL error occurred updating RM Customer Summary Table - RM00103 | | Edit |
20 | Unable to update/create distributions | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
21 | SQL error occurred inserting into the RM Cash Receipts Work Table - RM10201 | | Edit |
22 | You can not pass a Check number (CHEKNMBR) on a receipt type of cash (CSHRCTYP = 1) | | Edit |
23 | Credit card# included on a non-credit card receipt | | Edit |
24 | Customer Number (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101 | | Edit |
25 | Batch is currently being posted | | Edit |
159 | Pre Custom Business Logic in the taRMCashReceiptInsertPre returned an error value | | Edit |
160 | Post Custom Business Logic in taRMCashReceiptInsertPost returned an error value | | Edit |
225 | The RATETPID entered does not exist in the MC40100 table | | Edit |
232 | Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
362 | Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) does not exist in CM00100 | | Edit |
544 | An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
545 | SQL error occurred inserting into the Multicurrency Receivables Transactions Tables - MC020102 | | Edit |
546 | MC Exchange rate cannot be 0 or less then 0 | | Edit |
774 | An error occurred in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
1296 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
1297 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3722 | The requester trx - RequesterTrx - value is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid | | Edit |
5627 | The Batch Number (BACHNUMB) you are trying to insert into has been approved - you can not edit an approved batch | | Edit |
5629 | You can not pass a negative Exchange Rate (XCHGRATE) | | Edit |
5630 | You can not pass a negative Rate Variance (RATEVARC) | | Edit |
5654 | The Create Distributions - CREATEDIST - value is invalid - 0=False & 1=True are valid | | Edit |
8115 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101 | | Edit |
8116 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101 | | Edit |
9512 | Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100 | | Edit |
9513 | The Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master table - CM00100 | | Edit |
11481 | Duplicate check number for this customer already exists in RM00401 | | Edit |
12004 | Length of Document Number (DOCNUMBR) is greater than 17 | | Edit |