163 | Unable to update amount remaining on the invoice in the RM20101 table | | Edit |
164 | Unable to update amount remaining on the invoice | | Edit |
165 | Apply To and Apply From documents are not for the same customer or national account | | Edit |
184 | Invalid Apply From Document Type (APFRDCTY) - (Valid: 7=Credit Memo, 8=Return, 9=Payment) | | Edit |
207 | Unable to update Customer Summary (RM00103) | | Edit |
211 | Unable to update Customer Summary (RM00103) | | Edit |
562 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for the taApply insert | | Edit |
563 | Invoice number - APTODCNM - is blank | | Edit |
564 | Apply From Document number (APFRDCNM) is blank | | Edit |
565 | Apply amount (APPTOAMT) is negative | | Edit |
568 | Apply To Document (APTODCNM) does not exist in the RM Open Table - RM20101 | | Edit |
569 | Apply From Document (APFRDCNM) is missing | | Edit |
570 | Amount to apply (APPTOAMT) is larger than the invoice amount | | Edit |
574 | Apply Amount (APPTOAMT) + Discount Taken Amount (DISTKNAM) + Write Off (WROFAMNT) is > then the amount remaining on the invoice | | Edit |
664 | Apply To Amount (APPTOAMT) is > than the amount remaining on the payment/return | | Edit |
668 | Unable to update amount remaining on the payment/return | | Edit |
669 | Unable to update amount remaining on the payment/return | | Edit |
670 | Payment/Return is already applied to the invoice | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
676 | Apply Amount + Discount Taken + Writeoff Amount is > the current transaction amount | | Edit |
677 | SQL error inserting the Apply record into the RM20201 table | | Edit |
1644 | Unable to remove Dex Lock for the SOP Document | | Edit |
1645 | Document is currently being edited by another user | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1660 | Invalid Apply To Document Type (APTODCTY) - (Valid: 1=Sales/Invoice, 3=Debit Memo, 4=Finance Charge, 5=Service/Repairs) | | Edit |
1798 | Pre Custom Business Logic in taRMApplyPre returned an error value | | Edit |
1799 | Post Custom Business Logic in the taRMApplyPost returned an error value | | Edit |
3386 | Document is currently being edited by another user | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4657 | Unable to update/create distributions | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4658 | Unable to get transaction source | | Edit |
4694 | Apply To or Apply From document are different currencies then functional | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4695 | Apply Amount + Discount Taken is greater than the current transaction amount | | Edit |
5467 | Unable to get next journal entry number | | Edit |
5468 | Unable to fetch next record for PostGL cursor | | Edit |
5470 | Could not create GL transaction line | | Edit |
5472 | Could not create GL transaction header | | Edit |
5473 | Unable to update temp table | | Edit |
5474 | Unable to update temp table | | Edit |
6611 | Unable to update Customer Fiscal Period Summary (RM00104) | | Edit |
6612 | Unable to update Customer Calendar Period Summary (RM00104) | | Edit |
8327 | SQL error occurred updating the RM Distribution Work Table - RM10101 | | Edit |