3744 | Input variable RequesterTrx is invalid | | Edit |
3745 | PONUMBER is required | | Edit |
3746 | Invalid PONUMBER, no line items exist | | Edit |
3747 | Invalid PONUMBER, no link(s) exists | | Edit |
3748 | SOPTYPE is required | | Edit |
3749 | No link(s) exists for the SOP document | | Edit |
3750 | SOP doc has been moved to history, cannot remove link | | Edit |
3751 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3752 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3753 | POP Document is currently being edited by another user | | Edit |
3754 | SOP Document is currently being edited by another user | | Edit |
3755 | Error updating POP10110 | | Edit |
3756 | Unable to delete link from SOP60100 | | Edit |
3757 | Error updating SOP10200 | | Edit |
3758 | Unable to remove Dex Lock for the SOP Document | | Edit |
3759 | No SOP to POP link exists for PONUMBER | | Edit |
4024 | Multiple SOP to POP links exists, enter SOPNUMBE & SOPTYPE | | Edit |
4025 | SOP doc has been moved to history, cannot remove link | | Edit |
4026 | SOP Document is currently being edited by another user | | Edit |
4027 | Error updating POP10110 | | Edit |
4028 | Unable to delete link from SOP60100 | | Edit |
4029 | Error updating SOP10200 | | Edit |
4030 | No SOP to POP link exists for PONUMBER / SOPNUMBE & SOPTYPE | | Edit |
4031 | Multiple SOP to POP links exists, enter LNITMSEQ | | Edit |
4032 | SOP doc has been moved to history, cannot remove link | | Edit |
4033 | SOP Document is currently being edited by another user | | Edit |
4034 | Error updating POP10110 | | Edit |
4035 | Unable to delete link from SOP60100 | | Edit |
4036 | Error updating SOP10200 | | Edit |
4037 | No SOP to POP link exists for LNITMSEQ | | Edit |
4038 | Multiple SOP to POP links exists, enter CMPNTSEQ | | Edit |
4039 | SOP doc has been moved to history, cannot remove link | | Edit |
4040 | SOP Document is currently being edited by another user | | Edit |
4041 | Error updating POP10110 | | Edit |
4042 | Unable to delete link from SOP60100 | | Edit |
4043 | Error updating SOP10200 | | Edit |
4044 | No SOP to POP link exists for CMPNTSEQ | | Edit |
4045 | Multiple SOP to POP links exists, enter CMPNTSEQ | | Edit |
4046 | SOP doc has been moved to history, cannot remove link | | Edit |
4047 | SOP Document is currently being edited by another user | | Edit |
4048 | Error updating POP10110 | | Edit |
4049 | Unable to delete link from SOP60100 | | Edit |
4050 | Error updating SOP10200 | | Edit |
4051 | Unable to remove Dex Lock for the session | | Edit |
4052 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
4053 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
4054 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
4055 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
4056 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |