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Errors for the taPopRcptSerialInsert Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taPopRcptSerialInsert
3789Pre Custom Business Logic for taPopRcptSerialInsertPre returned an error value  Edit
3790At least one input variable contains a null value in taPopRcptSerialInsert stored procedure  Edit
3791Required input parameter contains an empty value in the taPopRcptSerialInsert stored procedure Answers exist! Join NowEdit
3792Invalid RequesterTrx parameter was passed in  Edit
3793The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) passed in is not set up to track Serial Numbers (SERLTNUM)  Edit
3794eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3795Unable to create Purchasing Serial Lot record - POP10330  Edit
3796Post Custom Business Logic for taPopRcptSerialInsertPost returned an error value  Edit
3797eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3798The Serial Number (SERLTNUM) passed in already exists - please choose another Serial Number  Edit
9300Cannot create Bin (CreateBin = 1) if multi bins are not enabled Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9301Cannot pass in Bin (BIN) if Multi Bins are not enabled  Edit
9302Create Bin flag is invalid (0,1)  Edit
9303Location code is required  Edit
9304Location code does not exist in IV setup  Edit
9305Bin is required when creating the bin on the fly  Edit
9306Bin does not exist - set CreateBin = 1 if you want to create it  Edit
9307Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9308Unable to create Bin in IV40701  Edit
9309A POP Receipt bin is not set up for this item or site Answers exist! Join NowEdit
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