149 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
150 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
446 | Invalid Account number string | | Edit |
589 | The purchase order has been Received, Canceled, or Closed | | Edit |
590 | You can only enter Invoice receipts for a Drop Ship Purchase Order | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
591 | The purchase order line has been Received, Canceled, or Closed | | Edit |
594 | Unit Cost and Extended Cost must be set to 0 when using AUTOCOST option | | Edit |
734 | Quantity Invoiced not allowed for Shipment Document Type | | Edit |
833 | Invalid Purchase Item Tax Schedule | | Edit |
834 | Invalid Purchase Site Tax Schedule | | Edit |
837 | Invalid Landed Cost Group ID | | Edit |
1276 | POP Setup does not allow the site to be changed in Receiving | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1277 | Location code does not exist in inventory | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1289 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
1290 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
1779 | Item Number/Vendor Item number is not assigned to the Vendor | | Edit |
2045 | Invalid Purchase Item Taxable status (1=Taxable,2=Nontaxable,3=Base on Vendor) | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
2050 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
2051 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
2052 | Purchase order number does not exist | | Edit |
2053 | Purchase Order Line Item does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
2054 | Item Number not found in Inventory | | Edit |
2057 | Unit Cost calculation does not match out to Extended Cost | | Edit |
2061 | Receipt Line Number already exists | | Edit |
2062 | Quantity Invoiced cannot be greater then Quantity Shipped | | Edit |
2075 | Unable to update/create POP line record | | Edit |
2076 | Unable to update/create POP line quantity record | | Edit |
3389 | The Serial/Lot Quantity in the POP10330 does not match the Quantity Shipped in the POP10500 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3799 | VENDORID does not match the Purchase Order | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3808 | Invalid PO Line number. This line number does not exists on the corresponding PO | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3809 | Invalid Item number. This Item number does not match Item number on the corresponding PO | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3810 | Invalid PO Line Number. PO Line number must be greater than 0 | | Edit |
4601 | LOCNCODE is required when receiving with out a purchase order number | | Edit |
4604 | Item number/location code does not exist in inventory | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4605 | Location code can not be used when Inventory is not registered | | Edit |
4606 | UOFM can not be changed when receiving an Inventoried or Non-Inventoried Item against a PO | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4612 | Invalid Account Index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
5446 | Extended Cost must be 0 when Qty Shipped is 0 and the document type is a Shipment | | Edit |
5455 | The POP Type is invalid (POPTYPE) - 1=Shipment and 3=Shipment/Invoice | | Edit |
6662 | VENDORID does not match the Purchase Order | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6663 | UOFM can not be changed when receiving an Inventoried or Non-Inventoried Item against a PO | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
7320 | CURNCYID does match the CURNCYID on the Purchase order | | Edit |
7321 | Decimal Places passed in on UNITCOST does not match setup | | Edit |
7322 | Decimal Places passed in on EXTDCOST does not match setup | | Edit |
7922 | Item Number/Vendor Item number does not match a line on the Purchase Order | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
7993 | Extended Cost must be 0 when Qty Invoiced is 0 and the document type is a Shipment/Invoice | | Edit |
8050 | Error updating Landed Cost | | Edit |
8051 | Unit Cost calculation does not match out to Extended Cost | | Edit |
8052 | Unit Cost cannot be less then 0 or null, unless AUTOCOST = 1 | | Edit |
8053 | Input variable contains a duplicate document (POPRCTNM) | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
8095 | Project Number does not exist in the Project table - PA01201 | | Edit |
8096 | Invalid PA Status - PA01201 | | Edit |
8097 | PA Close to Project Costs set to true - PA01201 | | Edit |
8098 | Invalid PA Status - PA01101 | | Edit |
8099 | PA Close to Project Costs set to true - PA01101 | | Edit |
8100 | PA Close to Project Costs set to true - PA00501 | | Edit |
8101 | Cost Category does not exists - PA01001 | | Edit |
8102 | Invalid Transaction Usage - PA01001 | | Edit |
8103 | Cost Category is inactive - PA01001 | | Edit |
8162 | Item is an Inventoried Item, the NONINVEN flag is set incorrectly to a 1 for Non Inventoried | | Edit |
8173 | Cost Category can not be blank if Project Number contains a value | | Edit |
8174 | Project Number can not be blank if Cost Category contains a value | | Edit |
8175 | Unable to update/create PA PO Rec/Inv line record - PA10702 | | Edit |
8176 | Unable to update/create POP line quanity record - PA10721 | | Edit |
8177 | Category ID (CostCatID) is not in the budget | | Edit |
8178 | Budget status is invalid - budget status needs to be open | | Edit |
8181 | Setup data does not exist for Project Acct Purchase Invoicing | | Edit |
8182 | Unable to execute taPricingGetRoundPrice | | Edit |
8184 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Sold Account | | Edit |
8185 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
8186 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Sold Account | | Edit |
8187 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Sold Account | | Edit |
8188 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
8189 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
8190 | Unable to retrieve Contra Account (PAContra_Account_IDX) | | Edit |
8191 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account (PACGBWIPIDX) | | Edit |
8192 | Unable to retrieve Contra Account (PAContra_Account_IDX) | | Edit |
8193 | You are passing a Project to the Receipt but one does not exist on the PO | | Edit |
8239 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
8271 | Unable to insert comment text for line item | | Edit |
8272 | Unable to update comment text for line item | | Edit |
8273 | Unable to delete comment text for line item | | Edit |
8696 | You are passing a Project to the Receipt but the PO does not have this project on it | | Edit |
9008 | The Vendor Item Number exists for multiple items, the ITEMNMBR will also need to be passed in | | Edit |
9235 | Unable to gather Landed Cost ID | | Edit |
9335 | This line item already has bin information - you cannot Auto Assign Bins | | Edit |
9336 | Unable to update POP Default Bins | | Edit |
9337 | You cannot receive kit items | | Edit |
9339 | Receipt Date is required | | Edit |
9343 | Item/vendor item/vendor combination is not available to receive from the PO Line | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9344 | PO Line number is required - item exists on more than one line. | | Edit |
9373 | The UOFM used does not exist for this item | | Edit |
9374 | A default Purchasing Unit of Measure is not setup for this item - UOFM is required | | Edit |
9379 | SQL error occurred updating POP10100 | | Edit |
10408 | Unable to update the PA01301 table | | Edit |
10417 | Unable to update the PA01201 table | | Edit |
10418 | Unable to update the PA01101 table | | Edit |
10419 | Unable to update the PA01101 table | | Edit |
11780 | You cannot enter a quantity greater than the combined total of the Remaining to Receive quantity and the overage tolerance set up for the item. | | Edit |
11781 | You cannot enter a quantity greater than the combined total of the Remaining to Receive quantity and the overage tolerance set up for the item. | | Edit |
11819 | This site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11820 | This item site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11971 | A Prepayment exists for the Purchase Order | | Edit |
12013 | There is an active Purchase Order Approval workflow. Use Dynamics GP to enter this data | | Edit |
20144 | Unable to calculate PABEndDate info | | Edit |
20145 | Unable to calculate IV Periodic Budget Period | | Edit |
20146 | Unable to calculate GL Period | | Edit |
21042 | Receipt Date is required for PA | | Edit |
21043 | Unable to calculate PABBeginDate info | | Edit |