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Errors for the taPopPoVoid Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taPopPoVoid
3845Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
3846At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
3847Input variable RequesterTrx is invalid - 0 = false & 1 = true  Edit
3848PO Status is not NEW, PO can not be voided  Edit
3849SOP to POP Link exists, PO can not be voided  Edit
3850eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3851PO Status has changed from new and can not be voided  Edit
3852PO Document is currently being edited by another user  Edit
3853Unable to delete record, CPO10110  Edit
3854Unable to delete record, POA40003  Edit
3855Unable to delete record, POP10550  Edit
3856Unable to get transaction source  Edit
3857Insert into Purchase Order History Table (POP30100) failed  Edit
3858Insert into POP30110 failed  Edit
3859Insert into POP30160 failed  Edit
3860Unable to delete record, POP10150  Edit
3861Unable to delete record, POP10100  Edit
3862Unable to delete record, POP10110  Edit
3863Unable to delete record, POP10160  Edit
3864Unable to delete record, POP10550  Edit
3865Unable to remove Dex Lock for the POP Document  Edit
3866Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
3867eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
11969Voiding a PO is not allowed when a Prepayment exists for the Purchase Order  Edit
12007Voiding a PO is not allowed when Workflow Approval status is Not Submitted/Not Activated for the Purchase Order  Edit
20167The PO can not be voided when the Workflow Status is set to Pending Approval or Pending Changes  Edit
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