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Errors for the taPopEnterMatchInvToShpMultiLine Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taPopEnterMatchInvToShpMultiLine
1520Invalid NONINVEN parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1  Edit
2584Item Number does not exist in Inventory and NONINVEN = 0, either check the item exists or set NONINVEN = 1 if this is a non-inventoried item  Edit
4865Unable to update POP10100 totals  Edit
4866Unable to update POP10500 qty matched  Edit
4872Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
4873At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
4874Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
4875A parameter was passed with a negative value  Edit
4876Invalid Revalue_Inventory parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1  Edit
4877Shipment does not exist to match invoice against  Edit
4878Either Item Number or Vendor Item Number is required  Edit
4879ShipRCPTLNNM is required if the Item Number, Vendor Number, and Shipment Receipt Number exist multiple times on the shipment  Edit
4880IVCLINNO is required if the Item Number, Vendor Number, and Invoice Receipt Number exist multiple times Answers exist! Join NowEdit
4881Receipt Line Number already exists  Edit
4882Quantity To Invoice is greater then the amount remaining to match  Edit
4883Invalid Account number string  Edit
4884Unable to update/create POP line record  Edit
4885Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
6230Item exists as a inventoried item, NONINVEN cannot be set to 1 Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7040Invalid LandedCost parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1  Edit
8158The Vendor Item Number exists for multiple items, the ITEMNMBR will also need to be passed in  Edit
8296Item Number passed does not equal item number associated with vendor item on purchase order  Edit
8302Unable to update POP10310 Remaining_AP_Amount  Edit
11973A Purchase Invoice is not allowed when a Prepayment exists for the Purchase Order  Edit
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