4813 | Item exists as a inventoried item, NONINVEN cannot be set to 1 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4831 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
4832 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
4833 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4834 | Unit Cost and Extended Cost must be set to 0 when using AUTOCOST option | | Edit |
4835 | Purchase order number does not exist | | Edit |
4836 | A parameter was passed with a negative value | | Edit |
4837 | Invalid Revalue_Inventory parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1 | | Edit |
4838 | Invalid NONINVEN parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1 | | Edit |
4839 | Invalid AUTOCOST parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1 | | Edit |
4840 | Invalid Purchase_IV_Item_Taxable parameter, parameter must be 0,1 or 2 | | Edit |
4841 | Invalid RequesterTrx parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1 | | Edit |
4842 | Invalid AutoInvoice parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1 | | Edit |
4843 | ShipRCPTLNNM parameter can not be used when not passing in the POPMtchShpRcpt | | Edit |
4844 | POLNENUM parameter can not be used when not passing in a PONUMBER | | Edit |
4845 | UNITCOST and/or EXTDCOST must be 0 when using AutoInvoice = 1. The AUTOCOST option is automatically used with AutoInvoice = 1 | | Edit |
4846 | PONUMBER is required when AutoInvoice = 1 | | Edit |
4847 | Invalid Purchase Item Tax Schedule | | Edit |
4848 | Invalid Purchase Site Tax Schedule | | Edit |
4849 | Either Item Number or Vendor Item Number is required | | Edit |
4850 | Item Number/Vendor Item number is not assigned to the Vendor | | Edit |
4851 | ShipRCPTLNNM is required if the Item Number, Vendor Number, and Shipment Receipt Number exist multiple times on the shipment | | Edit |
4852 | Shipment Line Item does not exist to match Invoice against | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4853 | Purchase Order has more then one Item Number, Vendor Number, and Vendor Item Number that are the same, POLNENUM is required | | Edit |
4854 | Purchase Order Line does not exist for the PONUMBER, ITEMNMBR, VENDORID, VNDITNUM, and POLNENUM | | Edit |
4855 | UOFM can not be changed when receiving an Inventoried or Non-Inventoried Item against a PO | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4856 | VENDORID does not match the Purchase Order | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
4857 | CURNCYID does match the CURNCYID on the Purchase order | | Edit |
4858 | UOFM is not valid for the item | | Edit |
4859 | Decimal Places passed in on UNITCOST does not match setup | | Edit |
4860 | Decimal Places passed in on EXTDCOST does not match setup | | Edit |
4861 | Extended Cost must be 0 when Qty Invoiced is 0 | | Edit |
4862 | Unit Cost calculation does not match out to Extended Cost | | Edit |
4863 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
4864 | Receipt Line Number already exists | | Edit |
4867 | Unable to update/create POP line record | | Edit |
4868 | Unable to update/create POP line quantity record | | Edit |
4869 | Error in taPopEnterMatchInvToShpMultiLine procedure | | Edit |
4870 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
4871 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
5307 | The Purchase Order has been closed or canceled, you can not receive against it | | Edit |
5308 | The Purchase Order Line has been closed or canceled, you can not receive against it | | Edit |
5309 | There are no shipments to match against | | Edit |
5310 | Invalid LandedCost parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1 | | Edit |
5311 | The Landed Cost does not exist for the VENDORID and Currency passed in | | Edit |
5312 | ITEMNMBR is required and used for the Landed Cost when using LandedCost = 1 | | Edit |
5882 | Unable to update POP10100 totals | | Edit |
5885 | Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
7018 | PO Number can not be used when invoicing a Landed Cost | | Edit |
7033 | The EXTDCOST for the Landed Cost can not be less than the Extended Cost of the matched Invoice | | Edit |
7039 | Item Number does not exist in Inventory and NONINVEN is set to 0. Make sure item exists or if Non-Inventoried, set NONINVEN = 1 | | Edit |
7124 | Quantity has been fully invoiced for the shipment, if you wish to add this line, the POPMtchShpRcpt parameter must be empty | | Edit |
7125 | Purchase Receipt number already exists in work or history | | Edit |
8157 | The Vendor Item Number exists for multiple items, the ITEMNMBR will also need to be passed in | | Edit |
8295 | Item Number passed does not equal item number associated with vendor item on purchase order | | Edit |
9375 | The UOFM used does not exist for this item | | Edit |
9376 | A default Purchasing Unit of Measure is not setup for this item - UOFM is required | | Edit |
11486 | Project Accounting is not supported on Enter Match Transactions | | Edit |
11782 | Invalid TrackedDropShipped parameter, parameter must be 0 or 1 | | Edit |
11783 | PO Type must be 2 or 4 (Drop Ship or Drop-Ship Blanket) when TrackedDropShipped = 1. | | Edit |
11784 | The Serial/Lot Quantity in the POP10330 does not match the Quantity Invoiced in the POP10500 | | Edit |
11806 | This item is not being tracked by serial or lot numbers. | | Edit |
11972 | Purchase Invoice is not allowed when a Prepayment exists for the Purchase Order | | Edit |
11982 | TrackedDropShipped cannot be 0 when records exist in the POP10330 table for this line | | Edit |