234 | More than one Item Number (ITEMNMBR) exists for the Vendor Item Number (VNDITNUM) | | Edit |
238 | Input variable contains null value | | Edit |
246 | Item Number (ITEMNMBR) and Vendor Item Number (VNDITNUM) can not both be empty | | Edit |
252 | Vendor (VENDORID) does not exist in the Vendor Master Table - PM00200 | | Edit |
253 | Quantity Ordered (QUANTITY) must be > 0 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
254 | Default location code (LOCNCODE) does not exist for the Item | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
256 | Location code (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the Site Setup Table - IV40700 | | Edit |
261 | Item number/location code (ITEMNMBR/LOCNCODE) does not exist in the Item Quantity Master Table - IV00102 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
304 | Item Number (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101 | | Edit |
315 | Quantity Canceled (QTYCANCE) must be > 0 | | Edit |
321 | Base UofM for this item is not set (QTYBSUOM) | | Edit |
323 | Quantity Canceled (QTYCANCE) can not be > the Quantity Ordered (QUANTITY) | | Edit |
377 | Invalid PO Type (POTYPE) - 1 thru 4 are valid values | | Edit |
387 | Invalid Free On Board value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
391 | Unable to parse comment text from the Comment Master | | Edit |
393 | Required Date (REQDATE) can not be before the Release By Date (RELEASEBYDATE) | | Edit |
395 | Unit Cost (UNITCOST) can not be negative | | Edit |
396 | Item Number (ITEMNMBR) and Vendor Item Number (VNDITNUM) can not both be empty | | Edit |
397 | Vendor Item Number (VNDITNUM) is not setup for this Item Number (ITEMNMBR) | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
398 | Invalid Non Inventory flag (NONINVEN) - 0 and 1 are valid values | | Edit |
442 | Account number string does not exist for the InventoryAccount | | Edit |
443 | Account does not exist for Account Index given on the InventoryAccount | | Edit |
496 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
649 | Could not create po line record - POP10110 | | Edit |
692 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
880 | Invalid Purchase Item Taxable (Purchase_IV_Item_Taxable) status (1=Taxable,2=Nontaxable,3=Base on Vendor | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
881 | Invalid Purchase Item Tax Schedule (Purchase_Item_Tax_Schedu) - it does not exist in the TX00101 table | | Edit |
882 | Invalid Purchase Site Tax Schedule (Purchase_Site_Tax_Schedu) - it does not exist in the TX00101 table | | Edit |
989 | Invalid shipping method (SHIPMTHD) - it does not exist in the Ship Method Master Table - SY03000 | | Edit |
1272 | Could not update item quantity record - IV00103 | | Edit |
1285 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
1286 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
1333 | Invalid PO Line Status (POLNESTA) - 1=new and 2=released | | Edit |
1334 | Could not update item quantity record for location - IV00102 | | Edit |
1335 | Could not update item quantity record - IV00102 | | Edit |
1600 | You can not have a blank UOFM | | Edit |
2289 | Unable to update the comment master table | | Edit |
2290 | Unable to parse @I_vCMMTTEXT field | | Edit |
2293 | Unable to insert Line Level comment - POP10550 | | Edit |
2295 | CMMTTEXT cannot be used if COMMENT_1 thru COMMENT_4 are being used | | Edit |
3806 | Duplicate Line Item | | Edit |
4599 | UOFM is not valid for the item | | Edit |
5466 | Item exists as a inventoried item, NONINVEN cannot be set to 1 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6333 | Customer Number (CUSTNMBR) is required for Drop Ships | | Edit |
6334 | Invalid Customer Number | | Edit |
6335 | Default Shipping Method for the vendor is not setup | | Edit |
6336 | Default Shipping Method for the customer is not setup | | Edit |
6337 | The Country Code (CCode) does not exist in the VAT Country Code Master Table - VAT10001 | | Edit |
6338 | Default Customer Ship to Address is not setup | | Edit |
6342 | Customer Ship to Address (ADRSCODE) does not exist in the Customer Address Master Table - RM00102 | | Edit |
6620 | Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6621 | Decimal Places passed in for UNITCOST does not match setup | | Edit |
7771 | Cannot change POTYPE if you have already shipped or invoiced | | Edit |
7773 | Project Number does not exist for this Customer in the Project table - PA01201 | | Edit |
7774 | Invalid PA Status - PA01201 | | Edit |
7775 | PA Close to Project Costs set to true - PA01201 | | Edit |
7776 | Invalid PA Status - PA01101 | | Edit |
7779 | Cost Category does not exists - PA01001 | | Edit |
7780 | Invalid Transaction Usage - PA01001 | | Edit |
7781 | Cost Category is inactive - PA01001 | | Edit |
8104 | PA Close to Project Costs set to true - PA01101 | | Edit |
8105 | PA Close to Project Costs set to true - PA00501 | | Edit |
8136 | Line Sequence Number (ORD) must be > 0 | | Edit |
8207 | Unable to update the comment record - POP10150 | | Edit |
8209 | You can not pass a Blanket Purchase Order (POTYPE = 3) and a value in the Cost Category (CostCatID) | | Edit |
8210 | You can not pass a Drop Ship Blanket Purchase Order (POTYPE = 4) and a value in the Cost Category (CostCatID) | | Edit |
8211 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
8212 | You can not pass a Drop Ship Blanket Purchase Order (POTYPE = 4) and a value in the Project (ProjNum) | | Edit |
8213 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
8214 | Project Acct Purchase Order setup record does not exist | | Edit |
8215 | Project does not exist | | Edit |
8216 | Cost Category does not exist | | Edit |
8217 | Cost Category is not setup for this Project | | Edit |
8218 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
8219 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
8220 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
8221 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
8222 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
8223 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
8224 | Unable to retrieve WIP Account | | Edit |
8225 | Quantity Canceled can not be greater than the Quantity Ordered | | Edit |
8227 | Could not create po line record - PA10601 | | Edit |
8228 | Unable to update PA Budget IVItems (PA01303) record | | Edit |
8229 | Unable to update PA Budget Master (PA01301) record | | Edit |
8230 | Unable to update Project Master (PA01201) record | | Edit |
8231 | Unable to update Contract Master (PA01101) record | | Edit |
8232 | Unable to update PA Customer Master (PA00501) record | | Edit |
8233 | Unable to update PA Budget Periodic Totals Master (PA01304) record | | Edit |
8234 | Unable to update PA Project Periodic Totals Master (PA01221) record | | Edit |
8235 | Unable to update PA Contract Periodic Totals Master (PA01121) record | | Edit |
8236 | Unable to update PA Customer Periodic Totals Master (PA00511) record | | Edit |
8237 | Could not create PA10600 record | | Edit |
8238 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
8248 | The document has already been received, closed, or canceled. You can not edit a document with a received, closed, or canceled status | | Edit |
8274 | You can not pass a Blanket Purchase Order (POTYPE = 3) and a value in the Project (ProjNum) | | Edit |
8279 | Unable to create POP line note - SY03900 | | Edit |
8280 | Unable to update POP line note - SY03900 | | Edit |
8281 | Unable to delete POP line note - SY03900 | | Edit |
8504 | Decimal Places passed in for QUANTITY does not match setup | | Edit |
8698 | Tax Amount (TAXAMNT) is negative and company setup option does not allow reverse taxes | | Edit |
8700 | This budget or cost category does not allow an inventoried item | | Edit |
8701 | Document Date is required for PA | | Edit |
9002 | This Item has not been assigned a Vendor Item Number | | Edit |
9127 | Duplicate Order | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9178 | ORD is required when the item exists multiple times on the document | | Edit |
9179 | LNITMSEQ already exists on a different Item Number | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9188 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), the line item has not been released | | Edit |
9189 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), the line item cannot be changed back to new | | Edit |
9191 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), the line item cannot be manually released | | Edit |
9192 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), the line item cannot be changed back to new | | Edit |
9193 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), the line item cannot be changed to released | | Edit |
9194 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), the line item cannot be cancelled if already received | | Edit |
9195 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), you cannot open a closed line | | Edit |
9196 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), cannot receive or close a line that was not received against | | Edit |
9208 | Invalid LOCNCODE or UOFM, you cannot change these values if already received | | Edit |
9209 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), partially matched items cannot be closed | | Edit |
9211 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), cannot be cancelled, items have been received | | Edit |
9213 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), cannot be received/closed, items have not been received | | Edit |
9214 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), item has unposted receipt quantities | | Edit |
9216 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), receipts and invoices are equal, needs to be closed | | Edit |
9217 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), drop shipments cannot be received | | Edit |
9223 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), the line item cannot be changed back to new | | Edit |
9224 | Could not update/create po line | | Edit |
9228 | Invalid PO Status (POLNESTA), unposted receipts exist | | Edit |
9229 | Invalid PO Line Status (POLNESTA)- 1,2,3,4,5,6 are valid | | Edit |
9230 | Invalid Quantity, Quantity cannot be less then Quantity Remaining | | Edit |
9231 | Landed Cost Group Id not found | | Edit |
9338 | You cannot add kit items or discontinued items to a po | | Edit |
11451 | Company Address (ADRSCODE) does not exist in the Company Location Master - SY00600 | | Edit |
11452 | Company Address (ADRSCODE) does not exist in the Company Location Master - SY00600 | | Edit |
11453 | Location Code (ADRSCODE) does not exist in the Inventory Site Setup - IV40700 | | Edit |
11480 | This item number is not included in the Budget | | Edit |
11482 | Cancel Amount cannot be greater then quantity remaining | | Edit |
11750 | The item is inactive, the quantity cannot be changed | | Edit |
11751 | You cannot add inactive items to a po | | Edit |
11766 | The Print_Phone_NumberGB is invalid - 0 - 4 are valid | | Edit |
11817 | This site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11818 | This item site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11967 | Updates not allowed when a Prepayment exists for the Purchase Order | | Edit |
20154 | Unable to calculate PABBeginDate info | | Edit |
20155 | Unable to calculate PABEndDate info | | Edit |
20156 | Unable to calculate IV Periodic Budget Period | | Edit |
20157 | Unable to calculate GL Period | | Edit |
20158 | Segment Override Account does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
20159 | Segment Override Account is inactive | | Edit |
20160 | Unable to retrieve Account Segment Override Info | | Edit |