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Errors for the taPMTransactionTaxInsert Stored Procedure
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eConnect Schema Reference for taPMTransactionTaxInsert
155 | Pre Custom Business Logic in taPMTransactionTaxInsertPre returned an error value | | Edit |
156 | Post Custom Business Logic in taPMTransactionTaxInsertPost returned an error value | | Edit |
401 | At least one input variable contains a null value in the taPMTransactionTaxInsert procedure | | Edit |
402 | Input variable contains empty value | | Edit |
403 | Invalid Document Type (DOCTYPE) - 1=Invoice, 2=Fin. Chrg, 3=Misc. Chrg, 4=Return, & 5=Credit Memo are valid | | Edit |
404 | Invalid tax schedule ID | | Edit |
405 | Tax Schedule ID does not have a default account index | | Edit |
406 | Unable to update/create the PM Tax record - PM10500 | | Edit |
447 | Account does not exist for Account Number String given | | Edit |
448 | Account does not exist for Account Index given | | Edit |
534 | You can not enter a negative tax line because the Enable Reverse Charge Taxes option is not marked in the Company Setup Options Window | | Edit |
698 | Tax record already exists in the PM Tax Work Table - PM10500 | | Edit |
2775 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
2776 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
5620 | The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid | | Edit |