153 | Pre Custom Business Logic in taPMTransactionInsertPre returned an error value | | Edit |
154 | Post Custom Business Logic in taPMTransactionInsertPost returned an error value | | Edit |
255 | The Vendor ID (VENDORID) is empty | | Edit |
257 | The Document Number (DOCNUMBR) is empty | | Edit |
264 | SQL error occurred inserting into the Multicurrency Payables Transactions Table - MC020103 | | Edit |
265 | An error occurred in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
266 | An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
300 | The Document Type (DOCTYPE) is invalid - 1=Invoice, 2=Fin. Chrg, 3=Misc. Chrg, 4=Return, 5=Credit Memo | | Edit |
305 | Document Number (DOCNUMBR) already exists in the PM00400, PM10000, PM20000, PM30200, POP10300 or the MC020103 Table | | Edit |
306 | Voucher Number (VCHNUMWK) already exists in PM Keys Master Table - PM00400 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
307 | Document Amount (DOCAMNT) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
308 | Document Amount is incorrect - DOCAMNT <> MSCCHAMT + PRCHAMNT + TAXAMNT + FRTAMNT - TRDISAMT | | Edit |
309 | Tax Schedule ID (TAXSCHID) does not exist in the Sales/Purchase Tax Schedule Master Table - TX00102 | | Edit |
310 | Purchase Tax Schedule ID (PCHSCHID) does not exist in the Sales/Purchase Tax Schedule Master Table - TX00102 | | Edit |
311 | Misc Tax Schedule ID (MSCSCHID) does not exist in the Sales/Purchse Tax Schedule Master Table - TX00102 | | Edit |
312 | Freight Tax Schedule ID (FRTSCHID) does not exist in the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Master Table - TX00102 | | Edit |
313 | Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
314 | The Batch Number (BACHNUMB) is empty | | Edit |
316 | Batch (BACHNUMB) is currently being posted | | Edit |
317 | Invalid Document Date (DOCDATE) - It is Empty | | Edit |
318 | Primary Address Code (VADDCDPR) does not exist in Vendor Address Master Table - PM00300 | | Edit |
319 | Payment Term (PYMTRMID) does not exist in the Payment Term Master Table - SY03300 | | Edit |
320 | The Cash Amount Checkbook ID (CAMCBKID) does not exist in Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
322 | The Check Amount Check Book ID (CHAMCBID) does not exist in Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
324 | The Checkbook id (CHEKBKID) does not exist in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
326 | Unable to create the new shipping method | | Edit |
327 | Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) is > 0 but the Cash Payment Checkbook ID (CAMCBKID) is missing | | Edit |
328 | Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) is > 0 but the Cash Date (CAMTDATE) is missing | | Edit |
329 | Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) is > 0 but the Document Number for the Cash Payment (CDOCNMBR) is missing | | Edit |
330 | Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) is > 0 but the Cash Payment Number for the Payment (CAMPMTNM) is missing | | Edit |
331 | Payment Number for the Cash Payment (CAMPMTNM) already exists in the PM Keys Master Table - PM00400 | | Edit |
332 | Cash Amount Checkbook (CAMCBKID), Payment Number (CAMPMTNM) and Date (CAMTDATE) for Cash are not allowed when the Cash Amount (CASHAMNT) is 0 | | Edit |
333 | Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) is > 0 but the Checkbook ID for the Check (CHAMCBID) is missing | | Edit |
334 | Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) is > 0 but the Check Date (CHEKDATE) is missing | | Edit |
335 | Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) is > 0 but the Payment Number (CAMPYNBR) for the Check Payment is missing | | Edit |
336 | Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) is > 0 but the Check Number (CHEKNMBR) for the Check Payment is missing | | Edit |
337 | Payment Number (CAMPYNBR) for the Check Payment already exists in the PM Keys Master Table - PM00400 | | Edit |
338 | Checkbook (CHAMCBID), Check Number (CHEKNMBR), Check Date (CHEKDATE) and Payment Number (CAMPYNBR) for Checks are not allowed when the Check Amount (CHEKAMNT) is 0 | | Edit |
339 | Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) is > 0 but the Credit Card ID (CARDNAME) is missing | | Edit |
340 | Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) is > 0 but the Credit Card Date (CRCARDDT) is missing | | Edit |
341 | Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) is > 0 but the Receipt Number (CCRCTNUM) for the Credit Card is missing | | Edit |
342 | Credit Card Amount (CRCRDAMT) is > 0 but the Payment Number (CCAMPYNM) for the Credit Card is missing | | Edit |
343 | Document Number for the Credit Card Payment (CCAMPYNM) already exists in the PM Keys Master Table - PM00400 | | Edit |
344 | The Credit Card ID (CARDNAME) passed does not exist in the Credit Card Master Table - SY03100 | | Edit |
345 | SQL error occurred inserting into the PM Keys Master Table - PM00400 | | Edit |
346 | SQL error occurred inserting into the PM Keys Master Table - PM00400 | | Edit |
347 | SQL error occurred inserting into the PM Keys Master Table - PM00400 | | Edit |
348 | SQL error occurred inserting into the PM Keys Master Table - PM00400 | | Edit |
349 | Unable to update/create distributions | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
350 | SQL error occurred updating PM Distributions | | Edit |
351 | SQL error occurred inserting into the PM Transaction Work Table - PM10000 | | Edit |
352 | Unable to update batch information in SY00500 | | Edit |
361 | Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) does not exist in Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
372 | The Vendor ID (VENDORID) does not exist in the Vendor Master Table - PM00200 | | Edit |
399 | Charge Amount is incorrect - CHRGAMNT <> DOCAMNT - CASHAMNT - CHEKAMNT - CRCRDAMT - DISTKNAM | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
480 | Credit Memos cannot have Payment Terms, Cash, Check, Credit Card, or Discounts amounts | | Edit |
481 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for the taPMTransactionInsert procedure | | Edit |
542 | SQL error occurred updating into PM10500 | | Edit |
543 | SQL error occurred updating the PM Tax Work Table - PM10500 | | Edit |
552 | MC Exchange rate cannot be 0 or less then 0 | | Edit |
560 | The Rate Type ID (RATETPID) entered does not exist in the Multi Currency Rate Type Setup Table - MC40100 | | Edit |
713 | You can not enter a 1099 value (TEN99AMNT) for a non-1099 Vendor | | Edit |
714 | You can not enter a 1099 value (TEN99AMNT) > than the Purchase Amount (PRCHAMNT) minus the Trade Discount Amount (TRDISAMT) | | Edit |
761 | Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
934 | SQL error occurred updating the Payables Distribution Work Open Table - PM10100 | | Edit |
935 | SQL error occurred updating the PM Distribution Work Open Table - PM10100 | | Edit |
1100 | Returns (DOCTYPE = 4) cannot have Payment Terms (PYMTRMID) | | Edit |
1292 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
1323 | The payment doc date must equal the trx doc date for MC trxs | | Edit |
1643 | This Check Number (CHEKNMBR) has been used in the PM Keys Master Table - PM00400 for this Checkbook ID and the Checkbook is set up to not allow Duplicate Checks | | Edit |
3343 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3725 | The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid | | Edit |
4018 | SQL error occurred updating the PM Transaction Work Table - PM10000 | | Edit |
4019 | SQL error occurred updating the PM Distribution Work Table - PM10100 | | Edit |
4020 | SQL error occurred updating the PM Tax Work Table - PM10500 | | Edit |
4607 | Discount percentage (PRCTDISC) must be between 0 and 100 | | Edit |
4608 | Discount dollar amount (DSCDLRAM) cannot be < 0 OR > the purchase amount - PRCHAMNT | | Edit |
4609 | Discount amount available (DISAMTAV) cannot be < 0 OR > the Purchase Amount (PRCHAMNT) | | Edit |
4610 | Unable to calculate the discount and due dates | | Edit |
4611 | Cannot pass in Discount Dollar Amount (DSCDLRAM) and a Discount Percent (PRCTDISC) | | Edit |
4637 | Cannot pass in Discount dollar amount (DSCDLRAM) and a Discount Percent (PRCTDISC) | | Edit |
5373 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
5597 | The Exchange Rate passed (XCHGRATE) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
5626 | The Batch Number (BACHNUMB) you are trying to insert into has been approved - you can not edit an approved batch | | Edit |
5631 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
9286 | Remit To Address Code (VADCDTRO) does not exist in Vendor Address Master Table - PM00300 | | Edit |
9518 | Batch Checkbook ID (BatchCHEKBKID) is set to inactive in Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
9519 | The Cash Amount Checkbook ID (CAMCBKID) is set to inactive in Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
9520 | The Check Amount Check Book ID (CHAMCBID) is set to inactive in Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
9521 | The Checkbook ID (CHEKBKID) is set to inactive in Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
11479 | No Checkbook ID has been passed for the new batch number - pass a batch checkbook id (BatchCHEKBKID) or add a default checkbook in Payables Setup | | Edit |
11986 | The Batch Checkbook ID passed in doesn't match the Checkbook ID assigned to the existing batch - can't change the Batch Checkbook ID using this node. | | Edit |