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Errors for the taPATimeSheetLineInsert Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taPATimeSheetLineInsert
1205Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
1206At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
1207Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1208Input variable contains a negative value  Edit
1210PA Timesheet setup does not exist  Edit
1211Invalid Transaction Type (PATSTYP) - 1=Standard & 2=Referenced  Edit
1212Employee does not exist in the Employee Master Table - UPR00100  Edit
1213Line Number Sequence already exists  Edit
1214Project does not exist  Edit
1215Project is on hold, closed or an estimate  Edit
1216Reference Document No. (PAREFNO) can not be blank for Transaction Type (PATSTYP) = 2  Edit
1217Reference Document Number (PAREFNO) does not exist in the Line History table - PA30101  Edit
1218Cost Category (PACOSTCATID) does not exist  Edit
1219Invalid Cost Category (PACOSTCATID) - has not been setup for Timesheet Entry  Edit
1220Invalid Cost Category (PACOSTCATID) - cost category is inactive  Edit
1221Category ID (PACOSTCATID) may not be for this project  Edit
1222Category ID is not in the budget  Edit
1223Budget status is invalid - budget status needs to be open  Edit
1224You can not adjust an item that does not exist in history - PA30101  Edit
1225Unit of Measure (PAUnit_of_Measure) is not part of the schedule  Edit
1226Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account  Edit
1227Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account  Edit
1228Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account  Edit
1229Unable to retrieve Unbilled Accounts Receivable Account  Edit
1230Unable to retrieve Unbilled Project Revenues Account  Edit
1231Unable to retrieve Contra Account  Edit
1232Unable to retrieve Unbilled Project Revenues Account  Edit
1233PA WIP IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1234PA COGS IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID  Edit
1235PA Unbilled AR IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID  Edit
1236PA Unbilled Proj Rev IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID  Edit
1237PA Contra Account IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID  Edit
1238PA Overhead IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID  Edit
1239Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account  Edit
1240Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account  Edit
1241Unable to retrieve Overhead Account  Edit
1245UPR MSTR Pay Type record does not exist  Edit
1246Pay code (PAPayCode) does not exist for Employee (EMPLOYID) in rate table - PA01403  Edit
1247Pay code (PAPayCode) does not exist for Employee (EMPLOYID) in rate table - PA01403  Edit
1248You can not use Position based Rate Tables  Edit
1249Pay code does not exist for Position in rate table  Edit
1250Contract Number (PACONTNUMBER) does not exist in PA01101  Edit
1251Contract is on hold, closed or an estimate  Edit
1252Customer Number Alias does not exist  Edit
1253Customer has been closed to cost  Edit
1254Employee (EMPLOYID) access does not exist for this project (PAPROJNUMBER) in the PA01408 table  Edit
1255The time range entered is not valid - (PATB > PATE) and (PAQtyQ<>0)  Edit
1256You are not allowed to have negative actual quantity  Edit
1257You are not allowed to exceed budget qty  Edit
1258You are not allowed to have negative actual costs Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1259You are not allowed to exceed budget costs  Edit
1260You are not allowed to have negative actual accrued revenues  Edit
1261You are not allowed to exceed total budget/revenue  Edit
1262You are not allowed to enter zero quantity (PAQtyQ=0)  Edit
1263Invalid Billing Type - (PAbllngtype < 1 or PAbllngtype > 3)  Edit
1264Invalid Salary Posting Type (PASalary_Posting_Type) - can not be < 0 or > 3  Edit
1265Pay code (PAPayCode) does not exist for this employee (EMPLOYID) or is inactive (INACTIVE=1)  Edit
1266Invalid Department Code (PADepartment) - it does not exist in the UPR40300 Table  Edit
1267Invalid Job Title code (PAJob_Title) - does not exist in the UPR40301 Table  Edit
1268Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table  Edit
1269Unable to insert into the PA01408 Table  Edit
1270Unable to create PA Timesheet Line Entry - PA10001  Edit
1271Post Custom Business Logic in taPATimeSheetLineInsertPost returned an error value  Edit
1300Unit cost for this pay code do not match - unit cost can not be changed  Edit
1324Unable to create billing note in the PA01601 Table  Edit
1328The Employee(EMPLOYID)/Pay Code(PAPayCode) combination is inactive (INACTIVE=1) in the UPR00400 Table  Edit
1329An hourly employee may not use a salary pay code  Edit
1330The default pay code can not be of type Pension, EIC, Reported or Charged Tips  Edit
1331Pay code (PAPayCode) does not exist for Position (PAJob_Title) in rate table - PA01405  Edit
2043eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
2044eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
5397Invalid Unit Cost. If Currency ID is different than Functional ID then you need to pass in PAUNITCOST  Edit
6413Unable to add cost category on the fly  Edit
6414Unable to add cost category on the fly  Edit
6449Project is closed to costs.  Edit
6450Contract is closed to costs  Edit
6451Invalid Time Begin. Entry by time is not allowed in Timesheet setups Answers exist! Join NowEdit
6452Invalid Time End. Entry by time is not allowed in Timesheet setups  Edit
6454Invalid Billing Type. Billing type can only be 3 (N/B) when Project number =  Edit
6455Invalid Billing Type. Billing type can only be 1 (STD) when Project type is Cost Plus or Fixed Price  Edit
6456You are not allowed to enter zero unit cost (PAUNITCOST=0)  Edit
6483Invalid Quantity. Entry by quantity is not allowed in Timesheet setups  Edit
6486Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
7578Employee does not exist in the PA Employee Master Table - PA00601  Edit
7744Input number of decimals exceeds setup for decimal places  Edit
8143Cost Category (PACOSTCATID) does not exist  Edit
9392Can only integrate Cost Category Codes that exist in Project budget Answers exist! Join NowEdit
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