1205 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
1206 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
1207 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1208 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
1210 | PA Timesheet setup does not exist | | Edit |
1211 | Invalid Transaction Type (PATSTYP) - 1=Standard & 2=Referenced | | Edit |
1212 | Employee does not exist in the Employee Master Table - UPR00100 | | Edit |
1213 | Line Number Sequence already exists | | Edit |
1214 | Project does not exist | | Edit |
1215 | Project is on hold, closed or an estimate | | Edit |
1216 | Reference Document No. (PAREFNO) can not be blank for Transaction Type (PATSTYP) = 2 | | Edit |
1217 | Reference Document Number (PAREFNO) does not exist in the Line History table - PA30101 | | Edit |
1218 | Cost Category (PACOSTCATID) does not exist | | Edit |
1219 | Invalid Cost Category (PACOSTCATID) - has not been setup for Timesheet Entry | | Edit |
1220 | Invalid Cost Category (PACOSTCATID) - cost category is inactive | | Edit |
1221 | Category ID (PACOSTCATID) may not be for this project | | Edit |
1222 | Category ID is not in the budget | | Edit |
1223 | Budget status is invalid - budget status needs to be open | | Edit |
1224 | You can not adjust an item that does not exist in history - PA30101 | | Edit |
1225 | Unit of Measure (PAUnit_of_Measure) is not part of the schedule | | Edit |
1226 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
1227 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
1228 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
1229 | Unable to retrieve Unbilled Accounts Receivable Account | | Edit |
1230 | Unable to retrieve Unbilled Project Revenues Account | | Edit |
1231 | Unable to retrieve Contra Account | | Edit |
1232 | Unable to retrieve Unbilled Project Revenues Account | | Edit |
1233 | PA WIP IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1234 | PA COGS IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
1235 | PA Unbilled AR IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
1236 | PA Unbilled Proj Rev IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
1237 | PA Contra Account IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
1238 | PA Overhead IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
1239 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
1240 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
1241 | Unable to retrieve Overhead Account | | Edit |
1245 | UPR MSTR Pay Type record does not exist | | Edit |
1246 | Pay code (PAPayCode) does not exist for Employee (EMPLOYID) in rate table - PA01403 | | Edit |
1247 | Pay code (PAPayCode) does not exist for Employee (EMPLOYID) in rate table - PA01403 | | Edit |
1248 | You can not use Position based Rate Tables | | Edit |
1249 | Pay code does not exist for Position in rate table | | Edit |
1250 | Contract Number (PACONTNUMBER) does not exist in PA01101 | | Edit |
1251 | Contract is on hold, closed or an estimate | | Edit |
1252 | Customer Number Alias does not exist | | Edit |
1253 | Customer has been closed to cost | | Edit |
1254 | Employee (EMPLOYID) access does not exist for this project (PAPROJNUMBER) in the PA01408 table | | Edit |
1255 | The time range entered is not valid - (PATB > PATE) and (PAQtyQ<>0) | | Edit |
1256 | You are not allowed to have negative actual quantity | | Edit |
1257 | You are not allowed to exceed budget qty | | Edit |
1258 | You are not allowed to have negative actual costs | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1259 | You are not allowed to exceed budget costs | | Edit |
1260 | You are not allowed to have negative actual accrued revenues | | Edit |
1261 | You are not allowed to exceed total budget/revenue | | Edit |
1262 | You are not allowed to enter zero quantity (PAQtyQ=0) | | Edit |
1263 | Invalid Billing Type - (PAbllngtype < 1 or PAbllngtype > 3) | | Edit |
1264 | Invalid Salary Posting Type (PASalary_Posting_Type) - can not be < 0 or > 3 | | Edit |
1265 | Pay code (PAPayCode) does not exist for this employee (EMPLOYID) or is inactive (INACTIVE=1) | | Edit |
1266 | Invalid Department Code (PADepartment) - it does not exist in the UPR40300 Table | | Edit |
1267 | Invalid Job Title code (PAJob_Title) - does not exist in the UPR40301 Table | | Edit |
1268 | Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table | | Edit |
1269 | Unable to insert into the PA01408 Table | | Edit |
1270 | Unable to create PA Timesheet Line Entry - PA10001 | | Edit |
1271 | Post Custom Business Logic in taPATimeSheetLineInsertPost returned an error value | | Edit |
1300 | Unit cost for this pay code do not match - unit cost can not be changed | | Edit |
1324 | Unable to create billing note in the PA01601 Table | | Edit |
1328 | The Employee(EMPLOYID)/Pay Code(PAPayCode) combination is inactive (INACTIVE=1) in the UPR00400 Table | | Edit |
1329 | An hourly employee may not use a salary pay code | | Edit |
1330 | The default pay code can not be of type Pension, EIC, Reported or Charged Tips | | Edit |
1331 | Pay code (PAPayCode) does not exist for Position (PAJob_Title) in rate table - PA01405 | | Edit |
2043 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
2044 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
5397 | Invalid Unit Cost. If Currency ID is different than Functional ID then you need to pass in PAUNITCOST | | Edit |
6413 | Unable to add cost category on the fly | | Edit |
6414 | Unable to add cost category on the fly | | Edit |
6449 | Project is closed to costs. | | Edit |
6450 | Contract is closed to costs | | Edit |
6451 | Invalid Time Begin. Entry by time is not allowed in Timesheet setups | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6452 | Invalid Time End. Entry by time is not allowed in Timesheet setups | | Edit |
6454 | Invalid Billing Type. Billing type can only be 3 (N/B) when Project number = | | Edit |
6455 | Invalid Billing Type. Billing type can only be 1 (STD) when Project type is Cost Plus or Fixed Price | | Edit |
6456 | You are not allowed to enter zero unit cost (PAUNITCOST=0) | | Edit |
6483 | Invalid Quantity. Entry by quantity is not allowed in Timesheet setups | | Edit |
6486 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
7578 | Employee does not exist in the PA Employee Master Table - PA00601 | | Edit |
7744 | Input number of decimals exceeds setup for decimal places | | Edit |
8143 | Cost Category (PACOSTCATID) does not exist | | Edit |
9392 | Can only integrate Cost Category Codes that exist in Project budget | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |