741 | No Rounding Difference Account setup for this Currency | | Edit |
1278 | SQL error occurred updating PA01901 | | Edit |
1332 | Duplicate transaction with Employee, Transaction Type, Period combination in the PA30100 or PA10000 Table | | Edit |
1432 | Invalid Reporting Period | | Edit |
1956 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
1957 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
1958 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1959 | Input variable (PATACRV) contains a negative value | | Edit |
1960 | PA Timesheet setup does not exist | | Edit |
1961 | Invalid Transaction Type (PATSTYP) - 1=Standard & 2=Referenced | | Edit |
1962 | Duplicate Timesheet Entry (PATSNO) in either the PA30101, PA10000 or PA01901 Tables | | Edit |
1963 | Employee (EMPLOYID) does not exist in the Employee Master Table - UPR00100 | | Edit |
1964 | Reference Document No. (PAREFNO) can not be blank for Transaction Type (PATSTYP) = 2 | | Edit |
1965 | Reference Document Number (PAREFNO) does not exist in the Line History table - PA30101 | | Edit |
1967 | Total Quantity (PATQTY) does not match sum of detail quantities | | Edit |
1968 | You are not allowed to enter zero cost transaction (PAtotcosts) | | Edit |
1969 | Total Costs does not match sum of detail line costs | | Edit |
1970 | You are not allowed to enter negative Accrued Revenues (PATACRV<0) | | Edit |
1971 | Total Accrued revenue does not match sum of detail lines | | Edit |
1972 | Invalid Reporting Period (PAREPD) | | Edit |
1973 | Invalid Reporting Date | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1974 | Detail Line document dates are not within the start/end dates | | Edit |
1975 | Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table | | Edit |
1976 | An Invalid RATETPID has been entered - it does not exist in the MC40100 Table | | Edit |
1977 | Invalid Currency | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1978 | An error occurred in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
1979 | An error was return (@O_iErrorState)ed from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
1980 | MC Exchange (XCHGRATE) rate cannot be 0 | | Edit |
1981 | SQL error occurred updating the PA10001 table | | Edit |
1982 | SQL error occurred updating the PA10001 Table | | Edit |
1983 | Unable to update/create the batch number | | Edit |
1994 | Unable to create PA Timesheet Line Entry - PA10000 | | Edit |
1995 | Unable to update/create the distributions | | Edit |
1996 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
2041 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
2042 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
5263 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
5419 | SQL error occurred updating the PA10001 table | | Edit |
6415 | Unable to update periodic and summary tables | | Edit |
6444 | Unable to calculate GL Period | | Edit |
6445 | Invalid Exchange Date, cannot post to a date within a closed period | | Edit |
6446 | Unable to calculate GL Period | | Edit |
6447 | Invalid Document Date, cannot post to a date within a closed period | | Edit |
6448 | Invalid Employee (EMPLOYID). This Employee ID does not match the employee ID on the line detail records. | | Edit |
6481 | Invalid Exchange Rate. Exchange Rate has expired | | Edit |
6482 | Invalid Employee (EMPLOYID). This Employee is inactive. | | Edit |
7326 | Unable to update Summary tables | | Edit |
9279 | Invalid Reporting Date | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
9280 | Invalid Reporting Date | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |