5271 | Unable to create Inventory default note | | Edit |
5272 | Unable to create Employee Exp default note | | Edit |
5273 | Unable to create Purchasing Invoice default note | | Edit |
5274 | Unable to create Misc Log default note | | Edit |
5275 | Unable to create Equipment Log default note | | Edit |
5276 | Unable to create default note | | Edit |
5453 | Unable to create PA Project Override Segment Header - PA41301 Table | | Edit |
5454 | Unable to create PA Project Override Segment Lines - PA41302 Table | | Edit |
6142 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
6143 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
6144 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6145 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
6146 | Contract Number (PACONTNUMBER) does not exist in the PA01101 Table | | Edit |
6147 | Customer (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101 | | Edit |
6148 | Project class id (PAprjclsid) does not exist in the PA41201 Table | | Edit |
6149 | Invalid Project Number (PAPROJNUMBER) - Project Number already exists in the PA01201 Table | | Edit |
6150 | Invalid Project Type (PAProjectType) - Project Type values are 1=Time and Materials,2=Cost Plus and 3=Fixed Price | | Edit |
6151 | Invalid Accounting Method (PAAcctgMethod) - Acceptable values are 1=When Performed,2=When Billed, 3=Cost to Cost,4=Effort Expended,5=Completed and 6=Effort Expended Labor Only | | Edit |
6152 | Invalid Status (PASTAT<>4) Acceptable values for creating a new project is 4=Estimate | | Edit |
6153 | Invalid Close to Project Costs (PAcloseProjcosts) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes | | Edit |
6154 | Invalid Close to Billings (PAclosetobillings) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes | | Edit |
6155 | Invalid Restrict Customer List option (PA_RestrictCustomerList) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes | | Edit |
6156 | Invalid Combine for Revenue Recognition option (PASegmentCB) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes | | Edit |
6157 | Invalid Project Manager ID (PAprojmngrid) - Employee does not exist in the Employee Master Table - UPR00100 | | Edit |
6158 | Invalid Project Manager ID (PAprojmngrid) - This employee can not be assigned as a Project manager | | Edit |
6159 | Invalid Business Manager ID (PABusMgrID) - Employee does not exist in the Employee Master Table - UPR00100 | | Edit |
6160 | Invalid Business Manager ID. This employee can not be assigned as a Business manager | | Edit |
6161 | Invalid Tax Address Code (PRBTADCD) - Address Code does not exist for this Customer (CUSTNMBR) in the RM00102 Table | | Edit |
6164 | Invalid Billing Format (PABILLFORMAT0) - Billing Format does not exist in the PA43101 Table | | Edit |
6165 | Invalid Discount Percent (DSCPCTAM) | | Edit |
6166 | Invalid Retention Percent (PA_Retention_Percent) | | Edit |
6167 | Invalid Billing Cycle ID (PABILLCYCLEID1) - Billing Cycle ID does not exist in the PA02010 Table | | Edit |
6168 | Invalid Department ID (PADepartment) - Department ID does not exist in the UPR40300 Table | | Edit |
6169 | Invalid Estimator ID (PAEstimatorID) - Estimator ID does not exist in the PA00601 Table | | Edit |
6171 | Invalid Labor Rate Table ID (PALabor_Rate_Table_ID) - Labor Rate Table ID does not exist in the PA01402 Table | | Edit |
6172 | Invalid Labor Rate Table Type option (PALabor_RateTable_Type) - Acceptable values are 1=Employee or 2=Position | | Edit |
6173 | Invalid Labor Rate Table Accept Replacement option (PALabor_Rate_Table_Acc) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes | | Edit |
6174 | Invalid Equipment Rate Table ID (PAEquip_Rate_Table_ID) - Equipment Rate Table ID does not exist in the PA01406 Table | | Edit |
6175 | Invalid Equip Rate Table Accept Replacement option (PAEquip_Rate_Table_Acc) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes | | Edit |
6176 | Invalid Billing Type option (PAbllngtype) - Acceptable values are 1=STD, 2=N/C or 3=N/B | | Edit |
6177 | Invalid SUTA State (SUTASTAT) State Code does not exist | | Edit |
6178 | Invalid Workers Comp (WRKRCOMP) - Workers Comp ID does not exist in the UPR40700 Table | | Edit |
6179 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
6180 | Unable to update Billing Cycle record - PA61040 Table | | Edit |
6181 | Unable to create Revenue Source record - PA01211 Table | | Edit |
6182 | Unable to create Change Order Tracking record - PA01241 Table | | Edit |
6183 | Unable to create PA Project record - PA01201 Table | | Edit |
6184 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
6185 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
6434 | Invalid Customer Number. The Customer Number can not be changed on an existing Projects. | | Edit |
6435 | Invalid Project ID. The Project ID can not be changed on an existing Project. | | Edit |
6436 | This Project is attached to a Pending/Unapproved/Approved and Unprocessed change order. The Status cannot be changed. | | Edit |
6437 | Invalid Status. You can only change the status of Projects to Closed through the Project Closing window. | | Edit |
6438 | Invalid Status. You cannot choose a project status other than Completed when the Contract has been completed. | | Edit |
6439 | Invalid Status. Contract status needs to be Estimate prior to setting Project status to Estimate. | | Edit |
6440 | Unable to calculate GL Period | | Edit |
6441 | Unable to delete existing default notes | | Edit |
6442 | Unable to update Project Change Order record - PA01241 Table | | Edit |
6443 | Unable to update PA Project record - PA01201 Table | | Edit |
6527 | Invalid Status. You cannot choose a project status other than Closed when the Contract is closed. | | Edit |
6528 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6529 | Unable to create Billing Cycle record - PA61040 Table | | Edit |
6669 | Invalid Status (PASTAT) - Acceptable values are 1=Open,2=On Hold, 3=Closed,4=Estimate,5=Completed | | Edit |
8079 | Unable to create default note | | Edit |
9372 | Invalid Labor Rate Table ID (PALabor_Rate_Table_ID) - Labor Rate Table ID does not exist in the PA01404 Table | | Edit |
9390 | Unable to create default note | | Edit |
9391 | The Contract is not in a Estimate Status (PASTAT<>4) Acceptable values for creating a new project is 4=Estimate | | Edit |