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Errors for the taPAProjects Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taPAProjects
5271Unable to create Inventory default note  Edit
5272Unable to create Employee Exp default note  Edit
5273Unable to create Purchasing Invoice default note  Edit
5274Unable to create Misc Log default note  Edit
5275Unable to create Equipment Log default note  Edit
5276Unable to create default note  Edit
5453Unable to create PA Project Override Segment Header - PA41301 Table  Edit
5454Unable to create PA Project Override Segment Lines - PA41302 Table  Edit
6142Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
6143At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
6144Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
6145Input variable contains a negative value  Edit
6146Contract Number (PACONTNUMBER) does not exist in the PA01101 Table  Edit
6147Customer (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101  Edit
6148Project class id (PAprjclsid) does not exist in the PA41201 Table  Edit
6149Invalid Project Number (PAPROJNUMBER) - Project Number already exists in the PA01201 Table  Edit
6150Invalid Project Type (PAProjectType) - Project Type values are 1=Time and Materials,2=Cost Plus and 3=Fixed Price  Edit
6151Invalid Accounting Method (PAAcctgMethod) - Acceptable values are 1=When Performed,2=When Billed, 3=Cost to Cost,4=Effort Expended,5=Completed and 6=Effort Expended Labor Only  Edit
6152Invalid Status (PASTAT<>4) Acceptable values for creating a new project is 4=Estimate  Edit
6153Invalid Close to Project Costs (PAcloseProjcosts) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes  Edit
6154Invalid Close to Billings (PAclosetobillings) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes  Edit
6155Invalid Restrict Customer List option (PA_RestrictCustomerList) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes  Edit
6156Invalid Combine for Revenue Recognition option (PASegmentCB) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes  Edit
6157Invalid Project Manager ID (PAprojmngrid) - Employee does not exist in the Employee Master Table - UPR00100  Edit
6158Invalid Project Manager ID (PAprojmngrid) - This employee can not be assigned as a Project manager  Edit
6159Invalid Business Manager ID (PABusMgrID) - Employee does not exist in the Employee Master Table - UPR00100  Edit
6160Invalid Business Manager ID. This employee can not be assigned as a Business manager  Edit
6161Invalid Tax Address Code (PRBTADCD) - Address Code does not exist for this Customer (CUSTNMBR) in the RM00102 Table  Edit
6164Invalid Billing Format (PABILLFORMAT0) - Billing Format does not exist in the PA43101 Table  Edit
6165Invalid Discount Percent (DSCPCTAM)  Edit
6166Invalid Retention Percent (PA_Retention_Percent)  Edit
6167Invalid Billing Cycle ID (PABILLCYCLEID1) - Billing Cycle ID does not exist in the PA02010 Table  Edit
6168Invalid Department ID (PADepartment) - Department ID does not exist in the UPR40300 Table  Edit
6169Invalid Estimator ID (PAEstimatorID) - Estimator ID does not exist in the PA00601 Table  Edit
6171Invalid Labor Rate Table ID (PALabor_Rate_Table_ID) - Labor Rate Table ID does not exist in the PA01402 Table  Edit
6172Invalid Labor Rate Table Type option (PALabor_RateTable_Type) - Acceptable values are 1=Employee or 2=Position  Edit
6173Invalid Labor Rate Table Accept Replacement option (PALabor_Rate_Table_Acc) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes  Edit
6174Invalid Equipment Rate Table ID (PAEquip_Rate_Table_ID) - Equipment Rate Table ID does not exist in the PA01406 Table  Edit
6175Invalid Equip Rate Table Accept Replacement option (PAEquip_Rate_Table_Acc) - Acceptable values are 0=No or 1=Yes  Edit
6176Invalid Billing Type option (PAbllngtype) - Acceptable values are 1=STD, 2=N/C or 3=N/B  Edit
6177Invalid SUTA State (SUTASTAT) State Code does not exist  Edit
6178Invalid Workers Comp (WRKRCOMP) - Workers Comp ID does not exist in the UPR40700 Table  Edit
6179eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
6180Unable to update Billing Cycle record - PA61040 Table  Edit
6181Unable to create Revenue Source record - PA01211 Table  Edit
6182Unable to create Change Order Tracking record - PA01241 Table  Edit
6183Unable to create PA Project record - PA01201 Table  Edit
6184Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
6185eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
6434Invalid Customer Number. The Customer Number can not be changed on an existing Projects.  Edit
6435Invalid Project ID. The Project ID can not be changed on an existing Project.  Edit
6436This Project is attached to a Pending/Unapproved/Approved and Unprocessed change order. The Status cannot be changed.  Edit
6437Invalid Status. You can only change the status of Projects to Closed through the Project Closing window.  Edit
6438Invalid Status. You cannot choose a project status other than Completed when the Contract has been completed.  Edit
6439Invalid Status. Contract status needs to be Estimate prior to setting Project status to Estimate.  Edit
6440Unable to calculate GL Period  Edit
6441Unable to delete existing default notes  Edit
6442Unable to update Project Change Order record - PA01241 Table  Edit
6443Unable to update PA Project record - PA01201 Table  Edit
6527Invalid Status. You cannot choose a project status other than Closed when the Contract is closed.  Edit
6528Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
6529Unable to create Billing Cycle record - PA61040 Table  Edit
6669Invalid Status (PASTAT) - Acceptable values are 1=Open,2=On Hold, 3=Closed,4=Estimate,5=Completed  Edit
8079Unable to create default note  Edit
9372Invalid Labor Rate Table ID (PALabor_Rate_Table_ID) - Labor Rate Table ID does not exist in the PA01404 Table  Edit
9390Unable to create default note  Edit
9391The Contract is not in a Estimate Status (PASTAT<>4) Acceptable values for creating a new project is 4=Estimate  Edit
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