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Errors for the taPAProjectFee Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taPAProjectFee
4899Invalid PAFrequency parameter - Parameter must be either 1,2 or 3  Edit
4900Invalid PAFrequency - Retainers can only have a frequency of Scheduled  Edit
4901Invalid PAFrequency - Retentions could only have a frequency of Per Invoice or At Project Completion  Edit
4902Invalid PAFrequency - Service Fees could only have a frequency of Scheduled  Edit
4903Invalid PAFrequency - Fee Amount can only have a scheduled frequency  Edit
4904Invalid Billing Tax Schedule (PAbilltaxscheduleid) it does not exist in the TX00101 Table  Edit
4905Invalid Billing Tax Schedule ID (PAbilltaxscheduleid) - Blank schedule ID is not allowed when Sales Tax Option = Taxable  Edit
4906Unable to calculate GL Period  Edit
4908Invalid Fee Amount - Fee Amount must equal sum of amounts setup in Fee Schedule  Edit
4915Could not create PA Project Fee record - PA02101  Edit
4916Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
5261Could not create PA Project Fee Total Master record - PA00402  Edit
6187Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
6188Input variable contains null value  Edit
6189Input variable contains empty value  Edit
6190Project (PAPROJNUMBER) does not exist in the PA01201 Table  Edit
6191Fee Master record does not exist  Edit
6192Invalid Retention Percent (PA_Retention_Percent) - Can not be used for a Project Fee type  Edit
6193Invalid Fee Percent (PA_Retention_Percent <> 0) or (PAPercent_Cost <> 0) or (PAPercent_Revenue <> 0) or (PAService_Fee_Amount <> 0) - Retainer Fees can only be based on a Fee Amount  Edit
6194Invalid Fee Amount (PAFeeAmount<> 0) or (PAPercent_Cost <> 0) or (PAPercent_Revenue <> 0) or (PAService_Fee_Amount <> 0) - Retention Fees can only be based on a Retention Fee percentage  Edit
6195Invalid Fee Percent (PA_Retention_Percent <> 0) or (PAPercent_Cost <> 0) or (PAPercent_Revenue <> 0)- Service Fees can only be based on a Fee Amount  Edit
6196Invalid Fee Type - Retentions cannot be used for Time and Materials  Edit
6197Invalid Fee Type - Service cannot be used for Cost Plus  Edit
6198Invalid Fee Type. Service cannot be used for Fixed Price  Edit
6199Duplicate record - This Project Number, Fee ID, Line Item seq combination already exists in PA02101 Table  Edit
6200Invalid RequesterTrx parameter - Parameter must be either 0 or 1  Edit
6296Project (PAPROJNUMBER) has been closed or completed  Edit
6297Unable to update PA Contract Master - PA01101 Table  Edit
6298Unable to update PA Project Master - PA01201 Table  Edit
6299Unable to update PA Customer Master - PA00501 Table  Edit
6426Invalid Line Item Sequence. Line Item Sequence needs to be set to 0 for Fee Types 2 (Retainer) and 3 (Retentions)  Edit
6427Could not update PA Project Fee Total Master record - PA00402  Edit
6428Could not update PA Project Fee record - PA02101  Edit
6429Unable to create Fee Periodic Records  Edit
6532Unable to update PA Contract Master - PA01101 Table  Edit
6533Unable to update PA Project Master - PA01201 Table  Edit
6534Unable to update PA Customer Master - PA00501 Table  Edit
7119Invalid Service Fee Amount - Service Fee Amount can not be 0  Edit
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