6060 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
6061 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
6062 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6063 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
6064 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6065 | PA Equipment Log setup does not exist | | Edit |
6066 | Invalid Transaction Type | | Edit |
6067 | Line Number Sequence already exists | | Edit |
6068 | Project does not exist | | Edit |
6069 | Project is on hold, closed or an estimate | | Edit |
6070 | Reference Document No. can not be blank for Transaction Type = 2 | | Edit |
6071 | Reference Document Number does not exist in the Line History table | | Edit |
6072 | Equipment ID does not exist | | Edit |
6073 | Equipment ID is inactive | | Edit |
6074 | Equipment ID can not be blank | | Edit |
6075 | Contract Number does not exist | | Edit |
6076 | Contract is on hold, closed or an estimate | | Edit |
6077 | Customer Number Alias does not exist | | Edit |
6078 | Customer has been closed to cost | | Edit |
6079 | Cost Category does not exist | | Edit |
6080 | Invalid Cost Category - Cost Category has not been setup for Equipment Log Entry | | Edit |
6081 | Invalid Cost Category - cost category is inactive | | Edit |
6082 | Category ID may not be for this project | | Edit |
6083 | Category ID is not in the budget | | Edit |
6084 | Budget status is invalid - budget status needs to be open | | Edit |
6085 | You can not adjust an item that does not exist in history | | Edit |
6086 | Unit of Measure is not part of the schedule | | Edit |
6087 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
6088 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
6089 | Unable to retrieve Cost of Goods Account | | Edit |
6090 | Unable to retrieve Unbilled Accounts Receivable Account | | Edit |
6091 | Unable to retrieve Unbilled Project Revenues Account | | Edit |
6092 | Unable to retrieve Contra Account | | Edit |
6093 | Unable to retrieve Unbilled Project Revenues Account | | Edit |
6094 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
6095 | Unable to retrieve Work in Progress Account | | Edit |
6096 | Unable to retrieve Overhead Account | | Edit |
6097 | PA WIP IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
6098 | PA COGS IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
6099 | PA Unbilled AR IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
6100 | PA Unbilled Proj Rev IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
6105 | PA Contra Account IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
6106 | PA Overhead IDX Account does not have access to Currency ID | | Edit |
6107 | Equipment Log setup does not allow entry by time range | | Edit |
6108 | Equipment Log setup does not allow entry by units. | | Edit |
6109 | The time range entered is not valid | | Edit |
6110 | You are not allowed to have negative actual quantity | | Edit |
6111 | You are not allowed to exceed budget qty | | Edit |
6112 | You are not allowed to have negative actual costs | | Edit |
6113 | You are not allowed to exceed budget costs | | Edit |
6114 | You are not allowed to have negative actual accrued revenues | | Edit |
6115 | You are not allowed to exceed budget accrued revenues | | Edit |
6116 | You are not allowed to enter zero quantity | | Edit |
6117 | You are not allowed to enter zero unit costs | | Edit |
6118 | Invalid Billing Type | | Edit |
6119 | Invalid Currency ID | | Edit |
6121 | Unable to create billing note | | Edit |
6122 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
6123 | Unable to create PA Equipment Line Entry | | Edit |
6124 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
6125 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |