743 | Total Reimbursable Amount does not match sum of Line items | | Edit |
1301 | No Rounding Difference Account setup for this Currency | | Edit |
1827 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
1828 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
1829 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1830 | Input variable contains a negative value | | Edit |
1831 | Invalid Transaction Type | | Edit |
1832 | Employee does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1833 | Employee is not setup as a Vendor | | Edit |
1834 | Employee does not exist in PA Employee Master | | Edit |
1835 | Reference Document No. can not be blank for Transaction Type = 2 | | Edit |
1836 | Reference Document Number does not exist in the Line History table | | Edit |
1837 | Invalid Currency ID | | Edit |
1838 | An Invalid RATETPID has been entered | | Edit |
1839 | An Invalid Vendor Address ID has been entered | | Edit |
1840 | Unable to calculate GL Period | | Edit |
1841 | PA Start date falls within a closed period | | Edit |
1842 | transaction with this Employee ID - Start Date, End Date, Sequence combination has already been created | | Edit |
1843 | transaction with this Employee ID - Start Date, End Date, Sequence combination has already been posted | | Edit |
1845 | Tax Schedule does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1846 | No Tax schedule, but a tax value was passed in | | Edit |
1847 | Tax detail amount does not match the header tax amount | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1848 | Tax detail amount does not match the header tax amount | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1849 | Invalid Purchase Misc Taxable status (1=Taxable,2=Nontaxable,3=Base on Vendor | | Edit |
1850 | Invalid Purchase Freight Taxable status (1=Taxable,2=Nontaxable,3=Base on Vendor | | Edit |
1851 | Freight Tax Schedule does not exist | | Edit |
1852 | No Freight Tax schedule, but a freight tax value was passed in | | Edit |
1853 | Freight tax detail amount does not match the header freight tax | | Edit |
1854 | Misc Tax Schedule does not exist | | Edit |
1855 | No Misc Tax schedule, but a misc tax value was passed in | | Edit |
1856 | Misc tax detail amount does not match the header misc tax | | Edit |
1857 | Validate Cash Amount Checkbook ID does not exist in CM00100 | | Edit |
1858 | Check Amount Check Book ID does not exist in CM00100 | | Edit |
1859 | Cash Amount > 0 but the Checkbook ID for the Cash Payment is missing | | Edit |
1860 | Cash Amount > 0 but the Cash Date is missing | | Edit |
1861 | Cash Amount > 0 but the Document Number for the Cash Payment is missing | | Edit |
1862 | Cash Amount > 0 but the Cash Payment Number for the Payment is missing | | Edit |
1863 | Payment Number for the Cash Payment already exists | | Edit |
1864 | Checkbook, Payment Number and Date for Cash are not allowed when the Cash Amount is 0 | | Edit |
1865 | Check Amount > 0.00 but the Checkbook ID for the Check is missing | | Edit |
1866 | Check Amount > 0.00 but the Check Date is missing | | Edit |
1867 | Check Amount > 0.00 but the Payment Number for the Check Payment is missing | | Edit |
1868 | Check Amount > 0.00 but the Document Number for the Check Payment is missing | | Edit |
1869 | Payment Number for the Check Payment already exists | | Edit |
1870 | Checkbook, Payment Number, Check Number and Date for Checks are not allowed when the Check Amount is 0 | | Edit |
1871 | Credit Card Amount > 0.00 but the Credit Card ID is missing | | Edit |
1872 | Credit Card Amount > 0.00 but the Credit Card Date is missing | | Edit |
1873 | Credit Card Amount > 0.00 but the Receipt Number for the Credit Card is missing | | Edit |
1874 | Credit Card Amount > 0.00 but the Payment Number for the Credit Card is missing | | Edit |
1875 | Document Number for the Credit Card Payment already exists | | Edit |
1876 | Invalid credit card ID | | Edit |
1877 | Total Quantity does not match sum of Line items | | Edit |
1879 | Total Document Amount does not match sum of Line items | | Edit |
1880 | Total 1099 Amount does not match sum of Line items | | Edit |
1881 | Total Unapplied 1099 Amount does not match sum of Line items | | Edit |
1882 | Total Unapplied 1099 Amount does not match sum of Line items | | Edit |
1883 | Invalid Currency | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1884 | An error occurred in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
1885 | An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
1886 | MC Exchange rate cannot be 0 | | Edit |
1887 | SQL error occurred updating into PA10501 | | Edit |
1888 | SQL error occurred updating into PA10502 | | Edit |
1889 | SQL error occurred updating into PA10504 | | Edit |
1890 | SQL error occurred updating into PA10501 | | Edit |
1891 | SQL error occurred updating into PA10502 | | Edit |
1892 | SQL error occurred updating into PA10504 | | Edit |
1893 | Unable to update/create the batch number | | Edit |
1894 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1903 | Unable to create PA Employee Expense Line Entry | | Edit |
1904 | Unable to update/create the distributions | | Edit |
1905 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
1998 | Total Backout Purchases Amount does not match sum of Line items | | Edit |
2031 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
2032 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
4002 | SQL error occurred updating PA01901 | | Edit |
4004 | Duplicate PA Employee Expense Document Number | | Edit |
5002 | Document number already exists in PM Keys table (PM00400) | | Edit |
5255 | SQL error occurred updating PM00400 | | Edit |
5262 | SQL error updating Employee Expense Line table (PA10501) | | Edit |
5398 | Unable to update PA Customer Master | | Edit |
5399 | SQL error occurred updating PM00400 | | Edit |
6416 | Unable to create periodic records | | Edit |
6457 | Employee is not allowed to file Employee Expenses | | Edit |
6458 | Unable to calculate GL Period | | Edit |
6459 | Invalid Document Date, cannot post to a date within a closed period | | Edit |
6460 | Invalid shipping method. The shipping method does not exist | | Edit |
6461 | Unable to calculate GL Period | | Edit |
6462 | Invalid Posting Date, cannot post to a date within a closed period | | Edit |
6463 | Unable to calculate GL Period | | Edit |
6464 | Invalid Exchange Date, cannot post to a date within a closed period | | Edit |
6475 | Invalid Employee (EMPLOYID). This Employee ID does not match the employee ID on the line detail records. | | Edit |
6476 | Invalid Start and End dates. There are line items with a date outside of the Start/End date range | | Edit |
6485 | Invalid Start and End Dates. Start date has to be less than End date. | | Edit |
6487 | Invalid Exchange Rate. Exchange Rate has expired | | Edit |
7019 | SQL error occurred updating PM00400 | | Edit |
7318 | SQL error occurred updating PM00400 | | Edit |
7334 | Total Accrued Revenue does not match sum of Line items | | Edit |
9547 | Cash Check and Credit Card amounts cannot be passed when the Project Extended Cost is negative | | Edit |