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Errors for the taPAChangeOrderEntryFeeSchedule Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taPAChangeOrderEntryFeeSchedule
4140Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
4141Input variable contains null value  Edit
4142Input variable contains empty value  Edit
4143Project does not exist  Edit
4144Project has been closed or completed  Edit
4145This project does not track change orders  Edit
4146Fee ID does not exist  Edit
4148Duplicate record. This Project Number/Fee ID combination already exists.  Edit
4149Unable to calculate GL Period  Edit
4150Invalid Date. Date entered is not within service begin and end date.  Edit
4151Invalid Project Fee. You cannot have a negative Project Fee amount for TM projects.  Edit
4152Invalid Project Fee. You can only have negative Fee amount for Project Fees.  Edit
4153Invalid Fee Amount. Total Scheduled amount can not be greater than Fee Amount  Edit
4154Could not update/create PA Change Order Entry Fee Schedule line record  Edit
4155Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
8690Track Changes is incorrect - 1=Baseline and 2=Forecast  Edit
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