2396 | Project has been closed or completed | | Edit |
2398 | Fee Master record does not exist | | Edit |
2399 | Invalid Fee Type. Retentions cannot be used for Time and Materials | | Edit |
2400 | Invalid Fee Type. Service cannot be used for Cost Plus | | Edit |
2401 | Invalid Fee Type. Service cannot be used for Fixed Price. | | Edit |
2402 | Duplicate record. This Project Number/Fee ID combination already exists. | | Edit |
2403 | Invalid PAtotcbts parameter. Parameter must be either 0 or 1 | | Edit |
2404 | Invalid PAtotcbEL parameter. Parameter must be either 0 or 1 | | Edit |
2405 | Invalid PAtotcbML parameter. Parameter must be either 0 or 1 | | Edit |
2406 | Invalid PAtotcbvi parameter. Parameter must be either 0 or 1 | | Edit |
2407 | Invalid PAtotcber parameter. Parameter must be either 0 or 1 | | Edit |
2408 | Invalid PAtotcbinv parameter. Parameter must be either 0 or 1 | | Edit |
2409 | Invalid RequesterTrx parameter. Parameter must be either 0 or 1 | | Edit |
2410 | Invalid PARenew parameter. Parameter must be either 0 or 1 | | Edit |
2413 | Invalid PAFrequency parameter. Parameter must be either 1,2 or 3 | | Edit |
2414 | Invalid PAFrequency. Retainers can only have a frequency of Scheduled. | | Edit |
2415 | Invalid PAFrequency. Retentions could only have a frequency of Per Invoice or At Project Completion. | | Edit |
2416 | Invalid PAFrequency. Service Fees could only have a frequency of Scheduled. | | Edit |
2417 | Invalid PAFrequency. Fee Amount can only have a scheduled frequency. | | Edit |
2418 | Invalid Sales Item Taxable status (1=Taxable,2=Nontaxable,3=Base on Vendor) | | Edit |
2419 | Invalid Sales Item Tax Schedule | | Edit |
2420 | Could not update/create PA Change Order Entry Fee Schedule line record | | Edit |
2421 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
2422 | Invalid PARenewal_Date parameter. If PARenew=1 then PARenewal_Date must be passed in | | Edit |
2423 | Please enter the renewal date. | | Edit |
2424 | Invalid Sales Tax Schedule ID. Blank schedule ID is not allowed when Sales Tax Option = 1 | | Edit |
3920 | Project does not exist | | Edit |
4156 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
4157 | Input variable contains null value | | Edit |
4158 | Input variable contains empty value | | Edit |
4159 | Contract does not exist | | Edit |