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Errors for the taItemSite Stored Procedure
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eConnect Schema Reference for taItemSite
973 | Primary Vendor ID (PRIMVNDR) does not exist in the Vendor Master Table - PM00200 | | Edit |
974 | Landed Cost Group ID (Landed_Cost_Group_ID) does not exist in the Inventory Landed Cost Group Table - IV41101 | | Edit |
975 | Requisition Quantity (QTYRQSTN) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
976 | Quantity Requisitioned (QTYRQSTN) contains more decimal places than defined on the item master | | Edit |
977 | SQL error inserting into Item Quantity Master (IV00102) | | Edit |
978 | SQL error updating Item Quantity Master (IV00102) | | Edit |
979 | Item Site already exists (set UpdateIfExists = 1 to update the existing record) | | Edit |
1522 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error | | Edit |
1616 | Location Code (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the Item Site Setup table - IV40700 | | Edit |
1619 | Item Number (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101 | | Edit |
1638 | A null was found in at least one input parameter | | Edit |
1642 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error | | Edit |
1759 | Invalid value for UpdateIfExists (0=New Site, 1=Update Existing) | | Edit |
3765 | SQL error inserting into Item Quantity Master (IV00102) | | Edit |
3766 | SQL error updating Item Quantity Master (IV00102) | | Edit |