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Errors for the taIVTransferSerialInsert Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taIVTransferSerialInsert
1544At least one input variable contains a null value in taIVTransferSerialInsert stored procedure  Edit
1545Input parameter contains an empty value in the taIVTransferSerialInsert stored procedure  Edit
1546The Serial Number (SERLNMBR) you passed has already been sold - please choose another Serial Number  Edit
1547Serial Number (SERLNMBR) does not exist and you do not have eConnect setup to Auto Create Serial Numbers (AUTOCREATESERIAL = 1)  Edit
1548The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) you passed in is not set up to track Serial Numbers - choose the correct Item  Edit
1549Unable to insert into the Item Serial Number Master Table - IV00200  Edit
1550Unable to update QTYONHND in item quantity master (IV00102) - site location  Edit
1551Unable to update QTYONHND in item quantity master (IV00102) - all site location  Edit
1552Unable to insert into the IV Serial and Lot Number Work Table - IV10002  Edit
1553Unable to update the Serial Number Master Table - IV00200 record and set the Sold Flag to True  Edit
1554Pre Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferSerialInsertPre returned an error value  Edit
1555Post Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferSerialInsertPost returned an error value  Edit
1556The Serial Number passed in to create on the fly was not assigned to a Location  Edit
2269The Item (ITEMNMBR) passed does not currently exist in the Item Master table - IV00101  Edit
2765eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
2766eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3614The AUTOCREATESERIAL value is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid  Edit
3615The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid  Edit
5969Override Bin (OverrideBin) flag is invalid  Edit
5970Create Bin (CreateBin) flag is invalid  Edit
5971Transfer To Location (TOLOCNCODE) is empty  Edit
5972Serial number (SERLNMBR) must exist in the bin (BIN) to transfer  Edit
5973Bin does not exist - set Create Bin flag (CreateBin = 1) if you want to create it.  Edit
5974Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
5975Unable to create Bin  Edit
5976Transfer To Bin (TOBIN) does not exist - set Create Bin flag (CreateBin = 1) if you want to create it.  Edit
5977Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
5978Unable to create To Bin  Edit
5979Unable to create Bin in IV00112  Edit
5980Bin does not exist in IV00112 - set Create Bin flag (CreateBin = 1) if you want to create it.  Edit
5981The serial number is not available in the specified bin  Edit
5982Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin  Edit
5983Unable to update Item Site Bin Master Table - IV00112 for transfer from bin  Edit
8676Inventory Control Setup is set to allow existing serials only  Edit
11837This site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11838This item site is currently marked inactive  Edit
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