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Errors for the taIVTransferLotInsert Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taIVTransferLotInsert
1626The Location Code (LOCNCODE) is empty  Edit
2271The Item passed does not currently exist in the Item Master table  Edit
3335At least one input variable contains a null value in taIVTransferLotInsert stored procedure  Edit
3336Input parameter contains an empty value in the taIVTransferLotInsert stored procedure  Edit
3337Pre Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferLotInsertPre returned an error value  Edit
3338Post Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferLotInsertPost returned an error value  Edit
3339Unable to update QTYONHND in item quantity master (IV00102) - site location  Edit
3340Unable to update QTYONHND in item quantity master (IV00102) - all site location  Edit
3341Unable to insert into the IV10002 table  Edit
3342Unable to insert into the IV10002 table  Edit
3344Invalid Quantity Type Number not found  Edit
3345Unable to insert into the Item Lot Number Master Table - IV00300  Edit
3346The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) you passed in is not set up to track Lot Numbers - choose the correct Item  Edit
3347The SERLTQTY can not be < 0  Edit
3348Lot Number (LOTNUMBR) passed in to create on the fly was not assigned to a Location (LOCNCODE)  Edit
3349Unable to update the Quantity Allocated in the IV00300 table for decrease adjustment  Edit
3350Unable to update the Quantity Allocated in the IV00300 table for decrease adjustment  Edit
3351Unable to update the IV00300 record and set the Sold Flag to True  Edit
3352Unable to update the IV00300 record and set the Sold Flag to True  Edit
3353Lot Number does not exist Answers exist! Join NowEdit
3354The Quantity entered for this Lot is not available in the IV00300 Answers exist! Join NowEdit
3355Lot already exists. Set input parameter @I_vAUTOCREATELOT = 0  Edit
3356eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3357eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
5867Unable to update the IV10002 table  Edit
5953The Quantity Type (QTYTYPE) passed in is out of range (1,2,3,4,5)  Edit
5954Override Bin (OverrideBin) flag is invalid  Edit
5955Create Bin (CreateBin) flag is invalid  Edit
5956Transfer To Location (TOLOCNCODE) is empty  Edit
5957Lot number (LOTNUMBR) must exist in the bin (BIN) to transfer  Edit
5958Bin does not exist - set Create Bin flag = 1 if you want to create it.  Edit
5959Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
5960Unable to insert the Bin in the IV40701 Table  Edit
5961Transfer To Bin does not exist - set Create Bin flag = 1 if you want to create it.  Edit
5962Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
5963Unable to insert the To Bin in the IV40701 table  Edit
5964Unable to create Bin in IV00112  Edit
5965Bin does not exist in IV00112 - set Create Bin flag = 1 if you want to create it.  Edit
5984The quantity (SERLTQTY) entered is > the bin quantity available  Edit
5985Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin  Edit
6352Lot Number (LOTNUMBR) passed in to create on the fly already exists  Edit
6641Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin  Edit
8679The Lot is expired - expiration date must be supplied  Edit
8680Lot number (LOTNUMBR) must exist with the supplied expiration date to transfer  Edit
8681Inventory Control Setup is set to allow existing lots only Answers exist! Join NowEdit
8682Inventory Control setup is set to not allow use of expired lots  Edit
8683Inventory Control setup is set to not allow use of expired lots  Edit
11835This site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11836This item site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11990The selected quantity is less than available lot quantity  Edit
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