1626 | The Location Code (LOCNCODE) is empty | | Edit |
2271 | The Item passed does not currently exist in the Item Master table | | Edit |
3335 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taIVTransferLotInsert stored procedure | | Edit |
3336 | Input parameter contains an empty value in the taIVTransferLotInsert stored procedure | | Edit |
3337 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferLotInsertPre returned an error value | | Edit |
3338 | Post Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferLotInsertPost returned an error value | | Edit |
3339 | Unable to update QTYONHND in item quantity master (IV00102) - site location | | Edit |
3340 | Unable to update QTYONHND in item quantity master (IV00102) - all site location | | Edit |
3341 | Unable to insert into the IV10002 table | | Edit |
3342 | Unable to insert into the IV10002 table | | Edit |
3344 | Invalid Quantity Type Number not found | | Edit |
3345 | Unable to insert into the Item Lot Number Master Table - IV00300 | | Edit |
3346 | The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) you passed in is not set up to track Lot Numbers - choose the correct Item | | Edit |
3347 | The SERLTQTY can not be < 0 | | Edit |
3348 | Lot Number (LOTNUMBR) passed in to create on the fly was not assigned to a Location (LOCNCODE) | | Edit |
3349 | Unable to update the Quantity Allocated in the IV00300 table for decrease adjustment | | Edit |
3350 | Unable to update the Quantity Allocated in the IV00300 table for decrease adjustment | | Edit |
3351 | Unable to update the IV00300 record and set the Sold Flag to True | | Edit |
3352 | Unable to update the IV00300 record and set the Sold Flag to True | | Edit |
3353 | Lot Number does not exist | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3354 | The Quantity entered for this Lot is not available in the IV00300 | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3355 | Lot already exists. Set input parameter @I_vAUTOCREATELOT = 0 | | Edit |
3356 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3357 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
5867 | Unable to update the IV10002 table | | Edit |
5953 | The Quantity Type (QTYTYPE) passed in is out of range (1,2,3,4,5) | | Edit |
5954 | Override Bin (OverrideBin) flag is invalid | | Edit |
5955 | Create Bin (CreateBin) flag is invalid | | Edit |
5956 | Transfer To Location (TOLOCNCODE) is empty | | Edit |
5957 | Lot number (LOTNUMBR) must exist in the bin (BIN) to transfer | | Edit |
5958 | Bin does not exist - set Create Bin flag = 1 if you want to create it. | | Edit |
5959 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
5960 | Unable to insert the Bin in the IV40701 Table | | Edit |
5961 | Transfer To Bin does not exist - set Create Bin flag = 1 if you want to create it. | | Edit |
5962 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
5963 | Unable to insert the To Bin in the IV40701 table | | Edit |
5964 | Unable to create Bin in IV00112 | | Edit |
5965 | Bin does not exist in IV00112 - set Create Bin flag = 1 if you want to create it. | | Edit |
5984 | The quantity (SERLTQTY) entered is > the bin quantity available | | Edit |
5985 | Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin | | Edit |
6352 | Lot Number (LOTNUMBR) passed in to create on the fly already exists | | Edit |
6641 | Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin | | Edit |
8679 | The Lot is expired - expiration date must be supplied | | Edit |
8680 | Lot number (LOTNUMBR) must exist with the supplied expiration date to transfer | | Edit |
8681 | Inventory Control Setup is set to allow existing lots only | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
8682 | Inventory Control setup is set to not allow use of expired lots | | Edit |
8683 | Inventory Control setup is set to not allow use of expired lots | | Edit |
11835 | This site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11836 | This item site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11990 | The selected quantity is less than available lot quantity | | Edit |