1364 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferLineInsertPre returned an error value | | Edit |
1365 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for IV Trx Line Insert | | Edit |
1366 | Item number (ITEMNMBR) is empty | | Edit |
1368 | Transaction Quantity (TRXQTY) can not be < zero for a Transfer | | Edit |
1369 | The From Site Quantity Type (TRFQTYTY) is incorrect 1=On Hand, 2=Returned, 3=In Use, 4=In Service, 5=Damaged | | Edit |
1370 | The To Site Quantity Type (TRTQTYTY) is incorrect 1=On Hand, 2=Returned, 3=In Use, 4=In Service, 5=Damaged | | Edit |
1371 | The From Location Code/site (TRXLOCTN) is blank | | Edit |
1372 | The To Location Code/Site ID (TRNSTLOC) is blank | | Edit |
1373 | The From Location Code/Site ID (TRXLOCTN) does not exist in Location/Site Setup - IV40700 | | Edit |
1374 | The To Location Code/Site ID (TRNSTLOC) does not exist in Location/Site Setup - IV40700 | | Edit |
1375 | The From Location Code/Site ID (TRXLOCTN) is not assigned to the Item Number (ITEMNMBR) passed in | | Edit |
1376 | The To Location Code/Site ID (TRNSTLOC) is not assigned to the Item Number (ITEMNMBR) passed in | | Edit |
1377 | Setup does not allow for transfer overrides and the Transaction Qty passed in is > QTYONHND - ATYALLOC for the Item | | Edit |
1378 | The IV Transfer Document (IVDOCNBR) already exists in IV10001 | | Edit |
1379 | Unit of Measure does not exist for the item | | Edit |
1380 | Inventory Account (InventoryAccount) does not exist for Account Number String passed in for Item Transfer | | Edit |
1381 | Inventory Account does not exist for Account Index (IVIVINDX) given for Item Transfer | | Edit |
1382 | Account does not exist in IV setup | | Edit |
1383 | Inventory Account does not exist for offset account number string that was passed in for Item Transfer | | Edit |
1384 | Account does not exist for offset Account Index (IVIVOFIX) given for Item Transfer | | Edit |
1385 | Offset Account does not exist in IV setup | | Edit |
1386 | Unable to update/create Inventory line record | | Edit |
1387 | Post Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferLineInsertPost returned an error value | | Edit |
1518 | Unable to update allocation in IV Qty Master for site | | Edit |
1519 | Unable to update allocation in IV Qty Master for ALL Site | | Edit |
1557 | The Transaction Qty (TRXQTY) passed in to transfer is > the QTYRTRND this Item has at the From Location | | Edit |
1558 | The Transaction Qty (TRXQTY) passed in to transfer is > the QTYINUSE this Item has at the From Location | | Edit |
1559 | The Transaction Qty (TRXQTY) passed in to transfer is > then the QTYINSVC this Item has at the From Location | | Edit |
1560 | The Transaction Qty (TRXQTY) passed in to transfer is > then the QTYDMGED this Item has at the From Location | | Edit |
1561 | IV Document Number (IVDOCNBR) is empty | | Edit |
1562 | The Trx Qty <> to sum of serial / lots in the IV10002 | | Edit |
2267 | The Item (ITEMNMBR) passed does not currently exist in the Item Master table - IV00101 | | Edit |
2763 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
2764 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3616 | The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid | | Edit |
4735 | Kit, Service, Miscellaneous and Flat Fee Items may not be transferred | | Edit |
5017 | Override flag (OverrideQty) must be either (0=reset qty with available) or (1=override) | | Edit |
5018 | You cannot transfer the same qty types at the same location | | Edit |
6346 | Base Unit of Measure is not setup for the item | | Edit |
11711 | Reason Code does not exist in the Reason Code Setup Table - IV40300 | | Edit |
11712 | Reason Code is inactive in the Reason Code Setup Table - IV40300 | | Edit |
11713 | Reason Code not allowed for Inventory Tranfers - IV40300 | | Edit |
11831 | This TRXLOCTN is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11832 | This Item TRXLOCTN site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11833 | This TRNSTLOC site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11834 | This Item TRNSTLOC site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |