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Errors for the taIVTransferLineInsert Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taIVTransferLineInsert
1364Pre Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferLineInsertPre returned an error value  Edit
1365A null was found in at least one input parameter for IV Trx Line Insert  Edit
1366Item number (ITEMNMBR) is empty  Edit
1368Transaction Quantity (TRXQTY) can not be < zero for a Transfer  Edit
1369The From Site Quantity Type (TRFQTYTY) is incorrect 1=On Hand, 2=Returned, 3=In Use, 4=In Service, 5=Damaged  Edit
1370The To Site Quantity Type (TRTQTYTY) is incorrect 1=On Hand, 2=Returned, 3=In Use, 4=In Service, 5=Damaged  Edit
1371The From Location Code/site (TRXLOCTN) is blank  Edit
1372The To Location Code/Site ID (TRNSTLOC) is blank  Edit
1373The From Location Code/Site ID (TRXLOCTN) does not exist in Location/Site Setup - IV40700  Edit
1374The To Location Code/Site ID (TRNSTLOC) does not exist in Location/Site Setup - IV40700  Edit
1375The From Location Code/Site ID (TRXLOCTN) is not assigned to the Item Number (ITEMNMBR) passed in  Edit
1376The To Location Code/Site ID (TRNSTLOC) is not assigned to the Item Number (ITEMNMBR) passed in  Edit
1377Setup does not allow for transfer overrides and the Transaction Qty passed in is > QTYONHND - ATYALLOC for the Item  Edit
1378The IV Transfer Document (IVDOCNBR) already exists in IV10001  Edit
1379Unit of Measure does not exist for the item  Edit
1380Inventory Account (InventoryAccount) does not exist for Account Number String passed in for Item Transfer  Edit
1381Inventory Account does not exist for Account Index (IVIVINDX) given for Item Transfer  Edit
1382Account does not exist in IV setup  Edit
1383Inventory Account does not exist for offset account number string that was passed in for Item Transfer  Edit
1384Account does not exist for offset Account Index (IVIVOFIX) given for Item Transfer  Edit
1385Offset Account does not exist in IV setup  Edit
1386Unable to update/create Inventory line record  Edit
1387Post Custom Business Logic for taIVTransferLineInsertPost returned an error value  Edit
1518Unable to update allocation in IV Qty Master for site  Edit
1519Unable to update allocation in IV Qty Master for ALL Site  Edit
1557The Transaction Qty (TRXQTY) passed in to transfer is > the QTYRTRND this Item has at the From Location  Edit
1558The Transaction Qty (TRXQTY) passed in to transfer is > the QTYINUSE this Item has at the From Location  Edit
1559The Transaction Qty (TRXQTY) passed in to transfer is > then the QTYINSVC this Item has at the From Location  Edit
1560The Transaction Qty (TRXQTY) passed in to transfer is > then the QTYDMGED this Item has at the From Location  Edit
1561IV Document Number (IVDOCNBR) is empty  Edit
1562The Trx Qty <> to sum of serial / lots in the IV10002  Edit
2267The Item (ITEMNMBR) passed does not currently exist in the Item Master table - IV00101  Edit
2763eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
2764eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value  Edit
3616The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid  Edit
4735Kit, Service, Miscellaneous and Flat Fee Items may not be transferred  Edit
5017Override flag (OverrideQty) must be either (0=reset qty with available) or (1=override)  Edit
5018You cannot transfer the same qty types at the same location  Edit
6346Base Unit of Measure is not setup for the item  Edit
11711Reason Code does not exist in the Reason Code Setup Table - IV40300  Edit
11712Reason Code is inactive in the Reason Code Setup Table - IV40300  Edit
11713Reason Code not allowed for Inventory Tranfers - IV40300  Edit
11831This TRXLOCTN is currently marked inactive  Edit
11832This Item TRXLOCTN site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11833This TRNSTLOC site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11834This Item TRNSTLOC site is currently marked inactive  Edit
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