1585 | The variable ADJTYPE is invalid it must be 0 = increase or 1 = decrease | | Edit |
1586 | The variable (IVDOCTYP) is invalid it must be 1 = Adjustment or 2 = Variance | | Edit |
1587 | The Serial Number (SERLNMBR) you passed already exists | | Edit |
1590 | Serial Number (SERLNMBR) is not available | | Edit |
1591 | The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) you passed in is not set up to track Serial Numbers - choose the correct Item | | Edit |
1592 | Serial Number (SERLNMBR) passed in to create on the fly was not assigned to a Location | | Edit |
1593 | Unable to insert into the Item Seriala Number Master Table - IV00200 | | Edit |
1594 | Unable to update QTYONHND in item quantity master (IV00102) - site location | | Edit |
1595 | Unable to update QTYONHND in item quantity master (IV00102) - all site location | | Edit |
1596 | Unable to insert into the Inventory Serial and Lot Number Work Table - IV10002 | | Edit |
1597 | Unable to update the IV00200 record and set the Sold Flag (SERLNSLD) to True | | Edit |
1627 | Location Code is required | | Edit |
1628 | Invalid Quantity Type Number not found | | Edit |
2268 | The Item (ITEMNMBR) passed does not currently exist in the Item Master table - IV00101 | | Edit |
2759 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
2924 | eConnectOutVerify proc returned an error value | | Edit |
3375 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taIVTransactionSerialInsertPre returned an error value | | Edit |
3376 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taIVTransactionSerialInsert stored procedure | | Edit |
3377 | Input parameter contains an empty value in the taIVTransactionSerialInsert stored procedure | | Edit |
3378 | Post Custom Business Logic for taIVTransactionSerialInsertPost returned an error value | | Edit |
3702 | The requester trx value (RequesterTrx) is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid | | Edit |
5901 | Create Bin (CreateBin) flag is invalid | | Edit |
5912 | The serial number (SERLNMBR) already exists for this item (ITEMNMBR) | | Edit |
5913 | Unable Insert/Update the IV00112 | | Edit |
5914 | Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin | | Edit |
5915 | Bin (BIN) does not exist - set Create Bin flag = 1 if you want to create it. | | Edit |
5916 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
5917 | Unable to create Bin in IV40701 | | Edit |
5918 | Unable to create Bin in IV00112 | | Edit |
5919 | Bin does not exist in IV00112 - set Create Bin flag = 1 if you want to create it. | | Edit |
8675 | Inventory Control Setup is set to allow existing serials only | | Edit |
11829 | This site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11830 | This item site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |