4638 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
5020 | Multibin must be enabled to use this node. | | Edit |
5021 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
5022 | Item Number, Doc Number, Doc Date is required | | Edit |
5023 | Item Number (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101 | | Edit |
5024 | Item Type does not exist | | Edit |
5025 | Cannot transfer this type of item only items with a type of 1=Sales Inv or 2=Discontinued can be transferred | | Edit |
5026 | Site ID/Location Code (LOCNCODE) is required | | Edit |
5027 | Site ID/Location Code (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the IV40700 Table | | Edit |
5028 | Site ID/Location Code (LOCNCODE) is not assigned to the Item (ITEMNMBR) | | Edit |
5029 | Quantity Type (QTYTYPE) is out of range | | Edit |
5031 | Unit of Measure does not exist (case sensitive) | | Edit |
5032 | Serial Numbered items must use the base unit of measure | | Edit |
5033 | Base Unit of Measure is not setup for the item | | Edit |
5034 | Bin (BIN) does not exist | | Edit |
5038 | Transfer To Bin (TOBIN) does not exist in IV40701 - set CreateBin = 1 if you want to create it. | | Edit |
5039 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
5040 | Unable to create To Bin (TOBIN) in IV40701 | | Edit |
5041 | Unable to create To Bin (TOBIN) in IV00112 | | Edit |
5042 | Transfer To Bin does not exist in IV00112 - set CreateBin = 1 if you want to create it. | | Edit |
5043 | Serial/Lot Number (SerLotNmbr) is required | | Edit |
5044 | Serial number does not exist in the Bin entered | | Edit |
5045 | Serial number is not available | | Edit |
5046 | Lot number / qty type / location combination does not exist in the Bin entered | | Edit |
5047 | Lot number is not available | | Edit |
5048 | The QTY (QUANTITY) entered has to be > 0 | | Edit |
5049 | The QTY entered is > the Bin QTY Available | | Edit |
5050 | There is no quantity available | | Edit |
5051 | Serial numbered items must be transferred one at a time | | Edit |
5052 | Lot numbered items must be transferred one LOT at a time - QTY entered is > qty available for the lot in that bin | | Edit |
5053 | There is no quantity available | | Edit |
5054 | The QTY (QUANTITY) does not have the correct decimal places | | Edit |
5055 | Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin | | Edit |
5056 | Unable to update IV00112 for transfer to bin | | Edit |
5057 | Unable to update IV00112 for transfer to bin | | Edit |
5058 | Unable to update IV00300 record | | Edit |
5059 | Unable to find IV00300 record | | Edit |
5060 | Unable to insert into the Item Lot Number Master Table - IV00300 | | Edit |
5061 | Unable to update IV00300 with transfer to bin | | Edit |
5062 | Unable to update IV00112 for transfer from bin | | Edit |
5064 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
5346 | Unit of Measure does not exist for the item | | Edit |
8673 | Lot number / qty type / location / expiration date combination does not exist in the Bin entered | | Edit |
11601 | Reset Qty value out of range (0 or 1) | | Edit |
11602 | Add more serials or lots to existing doc value out of range (0 or 1) | | Edit |
11603 | The From Bin (BIN) and To Bin (TOBIN) cannot be the same | | Edit |
11651 | Create Bin value out of range (0 or 1) | | Edit |
11700 | Transfer Doc Number already exists | | Edit |
11701 | Transfer Doc number does not exist to add serial or lots | | Edit |
11702 | Reason Code does not exist in the Reason Code Setup Table - IV40300 | | Edit |
11703 | Reason Code is inactive in the Reason Code Setup Table - IV40300 | | Edit |
11704 | Reason Code is not setup for this type of transaction - IV40300 | | Edit |
11714 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
11715 | Cannot process serial\lots for non serial\lot tracked items. | | Edit |
11716 | Unable to transfer doc number | | Edit |
11823 | This site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |
11824 | This item site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |