6642 | Unable to delete records in the IV00107 table | | Edit |
6643 | Whole & Fractional (UMSLSOPT = 3) is invalid because the item is set to use 0 quantity decimals - DECPLQTY = 1 | | Edit |
7057 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7058 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taIVCreateItemPriceListLine stored procedure | | Edit |
7059 | The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) is empty | | Edit |
7060 | The Item Number (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101 | | Edit |
7061 | The Price Level (PRCLEVEL) can not be blank | | Edit |
7062 | The Price Level (PRCLEVEL) does not exist in the Price Level Setup Table - IV40800 | | Edit |
7063 | Unit of Measure (UOFM) is empty | | Edit |
7064 | The Unit of Measure (UOFM) does not exist in the IV40202 table for this UOFM Schedule (UOMSCHDL) | | Edit |
7073 | Currency ID is required (CURNCYID) | | Edit |
7074 | The Currency ID (CURNCYID) does not exist in the Currency Setup Table - DYNAMICS..MC40200 | | Edit |
7075 | The Currency ID (CURNCYID) is not active for this database in the Multicurrency Currency Access Table - DYNAMICS..MC60100 | | Edit |
7076 | Unable to create the new Item Currency Record | | Edit |
7077 | The To Quantity (TOQTY) can not be <= 0 | | Edit |
7078 | The To Quantity (TOQTY) can not be > 999999999999 | | Edit |
7079 | The To Quantity (TOQTY) can not be <= an existing To Quantity (TOQTY) that already exists for this Item Price List | | Edit |
7080 | The Update if Exists Value is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid | | Edit |
7081 | The requester trx value is invalid - 0 & 1 are valid | | Edit |
7082 | Unable to insert into the Item Price List Table - IV00108 | | Edit |
7083 | Duplicate Price List Line - IV00108 | | Edit |
7084 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7100 | Unable to insert into the Item Price List Options Table - IV00107 | | Edit |
7107 | The UOFM Selling Option (UMSLSOPT) is invalid - 1,2 & 3 are valid | | Edit |
7111 | The Rounding Amount (RNDGAMNT) can not be < 0 | | Edit |
7112 | The Rounding Option (ROUNDHOW) value is invalid 0, 1, and 2 are valid | | Edit |
7113 | The Rounding Policy (ROUNDTO) is invalid 1 thru 4 are valid | | Edit |
7114 | The Rounding Amount (RNDGAMNT) can not be > 999999999999.99999 | | Edit |
7136 | Unable to delete records in the IV00108 table | | Edit |