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Errors for the taFSServiceCallMaster Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taFSServiceCallMaster
1436Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSServiceCallMaster returned an error value  Edit
1437At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
1438Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1439Input variable contains a negative value  Edit
1440Invalid Service Record Type (SRVRECTYPE) - 1 and 2 are valid values  Edit
1441Service Record Type and Call Number combinations are marked for posting  Edit
1442Duplicate service call master record  Edit
1443Customer (CUSTNMBR) does not exist  Edit
1444Customer (CUSTNMBR) is on hold  Edit
1445Customer (CUSTNMBR) is inactive  Edit
1446Address Code does not exist for this Customer  Edit
1447Invalid Service Type (SRVTYPE) - it does not exist in the SVC00920 Table  Edit
1448Invalid Service Call Status Code (SRVSTAT) - it does not exist in the SVC00913  Edit
1449Payment Term (PYMTRMID) does not exist in the Payment Terms Master Table - SY03300  Edit
1450Invalid Timezone, Timezone does not exist in the SVC00900  Edit
1451Invalid ETA Date, ETA date (ETADTE) must be > than Entry Date (ENTDTE)  Edit
1452ETA Date/Time (ETADTE) must be a date later than Entry Date/Time (ENTTME)  Edit
1453Invalid Dispatch Date, Dispatch date (DISPDTE) must be a date later than the Entry Date (ENTDTE)  Edit
1454Invalid Dispatch Date/Time, Dispatch date/time (DISPDTE) must be a date later than the Entry Date/Time (ENTDTE)  Edit
1455Dispatch date (DISPDTE) or Dispatch time (DISPTME) cannot be assigned to a qoute (SRVRECTYPE = 1)  Edit
1456Invalid Arrival Date, Arrival date (ARRIVDTE) must be a date later than the Dispatch Date (DISPDTE)  Edit
1457Invalid Arrival Date/Time, Arrival Date/Time (ARRIVDTE) must be a date later than Dispatch Date/Time (DISPDTE)  Edit
1458Arrival date (ARRIVDTE) or Arrival time (ARRIVTME) cannot be assigned to a quote (SRVRECTYPE = 1)  Edit
1459Invalid Arrival Date, Complete date (COMPDTE) must be a date later than the Arrival Date (ARRIVDTE)  Edit
1460Invalid Complete Date/Time, Complete date/time (COMPDTE/COMPTME) must be greater than or equal to Entry Date/Time (ARRIVDTE/ARRIVTME)  Edit
1461Complete date (COMPDTE) or Complete time (COMPTME) cannot be assigned to a qoute (SRVRECTYPE = 1)  Edit
1462Invalid Hold Status (SVC_On_Hold) - (0=not on Hold,1=Hold  Edit
1463Invalid Office ID (OFFID), Office ID does not exist in the SVC00902 Table  Edit
1464Invalid Tech ID (TECHID), Tech ID does not exist in the SVC00100 Table  Edit
1465Invalid Service Area ID (SVCAREA), Service Area ID does not exist in the SVC00909 Table  Edit
1466Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1467Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table  Edit
1468An Invalid RATETPID has been entered - the RATETPID does not exist in the MC40100 Table  Edit
1469Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up Answers exist! Join NowEdit
1470An error occured in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
1471An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
1473MC Exchange rate cannot be 0  Edit
1474Unable to create FS Service Call Master Entry Audit Record - SVC00210  Edit
1475Unable to update the service call master record - SVC00200  Edit
1476Unable to create FS Service Call Master Entry Audit Record - SVC00210  Edit
1477Post Custom Business Logic in taFSServiceCallMaster returned an error value  Edit
1478Invalid Entry Time, Entry Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
1479Invalid Entry Date, Entry Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
1480Invalid ETA Time, ETA Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
1481Invalid ETA Date, ETA Date time value must be 12:00:00  Edit
1482Invalid Dispatch Time, Dispatch Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
1483Invalid Dispatch Date, Dispatch Date time value must be 12:00:00  Edit
1484Invalid Arrival Time, Arrival Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
1485Invalid Arrival Date, Arrival Date time value must be 12:00:00  Edit
1486Invalid Response Time, Response Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
1487Invalid Response Date, Response Date time value must be 12:00:00  Edit
1488You may not complete a backordered or intransit document  Edit
1489Invalid Contract Number (CONTNBR) for this customer (CUSTNMBR) - it does not exist in the SVC00600 Table  Edit
1491Tech ID status is not available  Edit
1720Unable to create FS Service Call Master Entry - SVC00200  Edit
1721Invalid Complete Time, Complete Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
1722Invalid Complete Date, Complete Date time value must be 12:00:00  Edit
5400Address Code does not exist for this Customer  Edit
5401Process to update Customer Site Extensions (SVC00950) returned an error  Edit
8942Price Level (PRICELVL) does not exist in Price Level setup table - IV40800  Edit
8943The default Travel Labor Item does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
8954Service call cannot be set to completed status when parts are still on backorder  Edit
8955Service call cannot be set to completed status (SRVSTAT) without entering the completed date/time (COMPDTE)  Edit
8957Service Call (CALLNBR) has already been invoiced and cannot be edited  Edit
8961Process to get contract details for the equipment record returned an error  Edit
8962Process to update extended price on lines for contract percentages returned an error  Edit
9851Contract Number (CONTNBR) cannot be assigned when no equipment records are assigned to the service call.  Edit
9852Contract (CONTNBR) does not contain lines with the assigned equipment record.  Edit
9897Unable to calculate service call parts totals - SVC00203  Edit
9898Unable to calculate service call labor totals - SVC00203  Edit
9899Unable to calculate service call addl charges totals - SVC00203  Edit
9900Unable to calculate service call expense totals - SVC00203  Edit
9901Input variable (UpdateIfExists) contains an invalid value  Edit
9902Input variable (AutoCreateLabor) contains an invalid value  Edit
9903The default Standard Labor Item does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
9904Process to create a labor line for arrival time returned an error  Edit
9905Process to create a labor line for competion time returned an error  Edit
11400The service call is pending approval and may not be updated.  Edit
11426Multiple technician information exists. Please use taFSServiceCallMultiTech to insert/update TECHID info  Edit
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