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Errors for the taFSServiceCallLineSerial Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taFSServiceCallLineSerial
8960Service Call (CALLNBR) has already been invoiced and cannot be edited  Edit
9805Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSServiceCallLineSerialPre returned an error value  Edit
9806At least one input variable contains a null value in taFSServiceCallLineSerial  Edit
9807Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9808Input variable (LNITMSEQ) or (EQPLINE) or (SLTSQNUM) contains a negative value  Edit
9809Invalid Line Item Type (LINITMTYP) - Only parts can be used. P is a valid value  Edit
9810Invalid Service Record Type (SRVRECTYPE) - 1 thru 3 are valid values  Edit
9811Service Record Type (SRVRECTYPE) and Call Number (CALLNBR) combinations are marked for posting  Edit
9812Duplicate Line Serial record  Edit
9813Item (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
9814Customer (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101  Edit
9815Address Code does not exist for this Customer  Edit
9816Location (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the Location Setup Table - IV40700  Edit
9817Item Location does not exist in the Item Qty Location Table - IV00102  Edit
9818Serial Number (SERLNMBR) does not exist in this Item Location (ITEMNMBR/LOCNCODE)  Edit
9819Serial Number (SERLNMBR) does not exist for this Item/Customer (ITEMNMBR/CUSTNMBR) combination  Edit
9820Serial Number (SERLNMBR) has been sold and cannot be reused  Edit
9821Invalid Received Date, Received Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
9822Unable to insert the service call line serial record - SVC00250  Edit
9823Unable to update the service call line serial record - SVC00250  Edit
9824Process to update serial master record returned an error - SVC00300  Edit
9825Unable to update the serial master record - SVC00300  Edit
9826Post Custom Business Logic in taFSServiceCallLineSerialPost returned an error value  Edit
9827Process to deleting a serial line entry returned an error  Edit
9828Invalid Quantity Type (QTYTYPE) - Value can be 1=On Hand, 2=Returned, 3=In Use, 4=In Service, 5=Damaged  Edit
9829Input variable (UpdateIfExists) contains an invalid value  Edit
9830Process to update Serial Master for previously used serial number returned an error  Edit
9831Process to update Serial Master returned an error  Edit
9832Serial Number (SERLNMBR) has been sold and used in an Inventory Transaction  Edit
9833Process to update Serial Master to mark the serial number as a sold returned an error  Edit
9834Previously used Serial Number (SERLNMBR) has been sold and used in an Inventory Transaction  Edit
11979This site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11980This item site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11981This item is currently marked inactive  Edit
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