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Errors for the taFSRTVLine Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taFSRTVLine
8976The quantity returned (QUANTITY) and number of serial/lot numbers added to the line do not match  Edit
10170Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSRTVLine returned an error value  Edit
10171At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
10172Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
10173Input variable (RTV_Line) or (LNSEQNBR) or (RCPTLNNM) or (CUSTOWN) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
10174Input variable (EQPLINE) or (LNITMSEQ) or (TRANSLINESEQ) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
10175Input variable (QUANTITY) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
10176Input variable (Part_Price) or (Part_Cost) or (Labor_Price) or (Labor_Cost) or (Expense_Price) or (Expense_Cost) or (Travel_Price) or (Travel_Cost) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
10177Duplicate RTV Line. RTV exists in History table - SVC35200  Edit
10178Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
10179RTV document is marked for shipping  Edit
10180RTV document is marked for receiving  Edit
10181RTV document is marked for closing  Edit
10182Process to get vendor reimbursement values using SVC_RMA_Get_Vendor_Reimburse procedure returned an error  Edit
10183The RTV Line has been shipped and cannot be updated.  Edit
10184The RTV Line has been received and cannot be updated.  Edit
10185Invalid RTV Status Flag - 1=Entered, 2=Ready To Ship, 3=Shipped, 4=Partial Recd, 5=Received, 6=Closed are valid values  Edit
10186Invalid Customer Owned Flag (CUSTOWN) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
10187Invalid Update If Exists Flag (UpdateIfExists) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
10188Duplicate RTV line record  Edit
10189Item (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
10190Vendor (VENDORID) does not exist  Edit
10193Address Code does not exist for this Vendor  Edit
10194This Vendor Item Number (VNDITNUM) does not exist for the vendor (VENDORID) and item (ITEMNMBR)in table - IV00103  Edit
10195Item Number (ITEMNMBR) has not been assigned this vendor (VENDORID)  Edit
10196Shipping Method (Shipping_Method_Out) does not exist in Shipping Method Master Table - SY03000  Edit
10197Shipping Method (SHIPMTHD) does not exist in Shipping Method Master Table - SY03000  Edit
10198Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table  Edit
10199Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table  Edit
10200Process to validate currency and retrieve exchange rate using taMCCurrencyValidate proc returned an error  Edit
10201An Invalid RATETPID has been entered - the RATETPID does not exist in the MC40100 Table  Edit
10202From Item Location (LOCCODEB) does not exist in the Location Setup Table - IV40700  Edit
10203From Item Location (LOCCODEDB) does not exist in the Item Qty Location Table - IV00102  Edit
10204Location (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the Location Setup Table - IV40700  Edit
10205Item Location does not exist in the Item Qty Location Table - IV00102  Edit
10206Error while validating UOFM  Edit
10207Invalid or unassigned UOFM  Edit
10208Input variables have incorrect values. If Return_Item_Number is set, LOCNCODE and UOFM should be set  Edit
10209Returning Item (Return_Item_Number) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
10210Return Location (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the Location Setup Table - IV40700  Edit
10211Return Item Location does not exist in the Item Qty Location Table - IV00102  Edit
10212Error while validating Returning Items UOFM  Edit
10213Invalid or unassigned Returning Items UOFM  Edit
10214Service call line (SRVRECTYPE CALLNBR LNITMSEQ) does not exist in Service Call Line and History Tables - SVC00203, SVC30203  Edit
10216Invalid Price Level (PRICELVL) value  Edit
10217Invalid RTV Type (RTV_Type) value  Edit
10218RTV Return Status (RTV_Return_Status) does not exist in the Return Status codes Table - SVC05002  Edit
10219Invalid Entry Time (ENTTME), Entry Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10220Invalid Entry Date (ENTDTE), Entry Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10221Invalid Promised Time, Promised Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10222Invalid Promised Date, Promised Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10223Invalid Shipped Time, Shipped Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10224Invalid Shipped Date, Shipped Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10225Invalid Receipt Time, Receipt Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10226Invalid Receipt Date, Receipt Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10227Invalid Complete Time, Complete Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
10228Invalid Complete Date, Complete Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10229Invalid RMA Document Line has been entered. The value (RETDOCID) and (LNSEQNBR) does not exist in table - SVC05200  Edit
10230Office ID (OFFID) does not exist in the Office ID master table - SVC00902  Edit
10231MC Exchange rate cannot be 0  Edit
10232Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
10233Unable to create FS RTV Line Entry - SVC05601  Edit
10234Unable to create FS RTV Line Entry Audit Record - SVC05620  Edit
10235Unable to update the RTV line record - SVC05601  Edit
10236Process to create RTV Line Distributions returned an error  Edit
10237Post Custom Business Logic in taFSRTVLine returned an error value  Edit
10238Vendor ID of existing RTV is different from the vendor id parameter  Edit
10239Insufficient On Hand quantity available in From Item Location (LOCCODEDB)  Edit
10326Process to update RTV Line Serial/Lot for replaced items returned an error  Edit
10332Unable to create FS RTV Line Entry Audit Record - SVC05620  Edit
10341Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table  Edit
11842This site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11843This item site is currently marked inactive  Edit
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