9642 | Invalid Return Type (RETTYPE) - it does not exist in the SVC05501 | | Edit |
9763 | Address Code does not exist for this Customer | | Edit |
10035 | Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSRMAMaster returned an error value | | Edit |
10036 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
10037 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
10038 | Input variable (Return_Record_Type) or (RETORIG) contains a negative or invalid value | | Edit |
10039 | Input variable (SRVRECTYPE) or (EQPLINE) or (LNITMSEQ) contains a negative or invalid value | | Edit |
10040 | Input variable (SOPTYPE) or (CMPNTSEQ) or (SOP_Line_Item_Sequence) contains a negative or invalid value | | Edit |
10041 | Invalid Service Record Type (Return_Record_Type) - 1 and 2 are valid values | | Edit |
10042 | RMA document is marked for receiving | | Edit |
10043 | Duplicate RMA record. RMA exists in History table - SVC35000 | | Edit |
10044 | Duplicate RMA master record | | Edit |
10045 | Customer (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in Customer Master table - RM00101 | | Edit |
10046 | Customer (CUSTNMBR) is set to on hold | | Edit |
10047 | Customer (CUSTNMBR) is set to inactive | | Edit |
10048 | Address Code does not exist for this Customer | | Edit |
10049 | Invalid Entry Time, Entry Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10050 | Invalid Entry Date, Entry Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10051 | Invalid ETA Time, ETA Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10052 | Invalid ETA Date, ETA Date (ETADTE) time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10053 | Invalid ETA Date, ETA Date (ETADTE) must be a later date than Entry Date (ENTDTE) | | Edit |
10054 | ETA Date/Time (ETADTE) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (ENTDTE) | | Edit |
10055 | Invalid Commit Time, Commit Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10056 | Invalid Commit Date (Commit_Date), Commit Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10057 | Invalid Commit Date, Commit date (Commit_Date) must be a later date than Entry Date (ENTDTE) | | Edit |
10058 | Invalid Commit Date/Time, Commit date/time (Commit_Date) must be > or = Entry Date/Time (ETADTE) | | Edit |
10059 | Invalid Return Time (Return_Time), Return Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10060 | Invalid Return Date (RETUDATE), Return Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10061 | Invalid Return Date/Time, Return Date/Time (RETUDATE) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (ENTDTE) | | Edit |
10062 | Return Reference document (RETREF) does not exist in Service Call Master table - SVC00200 | | Edit |
10063 | Invalid Complete Time, Complete Time date value must be 1900-01-01 | | Edit |
10064 | Invalid Complete Date (COMPDTE), Complete Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10065 | Invalid Complete Date, Complete date (COMPDTE) must be a later date than Return Date (RETUDATE) | | Edit |
10066 | Invalid Complete Date/Time, Complete date/time (COMPDTE/COMPTME) must be a later date than Entry Date/Time (RETUDATE/Return_Time) | | Edit |
10067 | Customer ID of Return Reference document (RETREF) is different from RMA Customer ID (CUSTNMBR) | | Edit |
10068 | Return Reference document (RETREF) does not exist in Service Call Line table - SVC00203 | | Edit |
10069 | Invalid Return Status Code (RETSTAT) - it does not exist in the SVC00913 | | Edit |
10070 | Invalid Office ID (OFFID), Office ID does not exist in the SVC00902 Table | | Edit |
10071 | Location (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the Location Setup Table - IV40700 | | Edit |
10072 | RMA Reason Code (SVC_RMA_Reason_Code) does not exist in the Reason Codes table - SVC05502 | | Edit |
10073 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
10074 | Currency ID (CURNCYID) does not exist in Currency Setup table - DYNAMICS..MC40200 | | Edit |
10075 | Rate Type ID (RATETPID) does not exist in the Rate Type setup table - MC40100 | | Edit |
10076 | Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
10077 | An error occured in the taMCCurrencyValidate proc | | Edit |
10078 | MC Exchange rate cannot be 0 | | Edit |
10079 | Unable to create FS RMA Master Entry - SVC05000 | | Edit |
10080 | Unable to create FS RMA Master Entry Audit Record - SVC05020 | | Edit |
10081 | Unable to update the RMA master record - SVC05000 | | Edit |
10082 | Post Custom Business Logic in taFSRMAMaster returned an error value | | Edit |
10083 | Return Reference document (RETREF) does not exist in SOP Header table - SOP10100 | | Edit |
10084 | Customer ID of Return Reference document (RETREF) is different from RMA Customer ID (CUSTNMBR) | | Edit |
10085 | Return Reference document (RETREF) does not exist in SOP Line table - SOP10200 | | Edit |
10086 | Customer ID of existing RMA is different from the Customer ID parameter | | Edit |
10087 | Input variable (UpdateIfExists) contains a invalid flag values | | Edit |
10088 | Bill To Customer (Bill_To_Customer) does not exist | | Edit |
10089 | Bill To Customer (Bill_To_Customer) is set to on hold | | Edit |
10090 | Bill To Customer (Bill_To_Customer) is set to inactive | | Edit |
10091 | Bill To Address Code (SVC_Bill_To_Address_Code) does not exist for the Bill To Customer (Bill_To_Customer) | | Edit |
10331 | Unable to create FS RMA Master Entry Audit Record - SVC05020 | | Edit |
11841 | This site is currently marked inactive | | Edit |