10000 | Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSRMALineSerialPre returned an error value | | Edit |
10001 | At least one input variable contains a null value in taFSRMALineSerial | | Edit |
10002 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
10003 | Input variable (LNSEQNBR) or (SLTSQNUM) or (QTYTYPE) or (ReplaceItem) or (RETCOST) contains a negative value | | Edit |
10004 | Invalid Return Record Type (Return_Record_Type) - 1 and 2 are valid values | | Edit |
10005 | Return Record Type (Return_Record_Type) and RMA Number (RETDOCID) combinations are marked for posting | | Edit |
10006 | Invalid Quantity Type (QTYTYPE) - Value can be 1=On Hand, 2=Returned, 3=In Use, 4=In Service, 5=Damaged | | Edit |
10007 | Return Item Number (Return_Item_Number) does not exist or is not setup as a serialized item in the Item Master Table - IV00101 | | Edit |
10008 | Duplicate RMA Serial Line. Line exists in table - SVC05255 | | Edit |
10009 | Duplicate RMA Serial Line. RMA exists in History table - SVC35256 | | Edit |
10010 | Duplicate RMA Serial Line. Line exists in table - SVC05256 | | Edit |
10011 | Process lines exist for the RMA Line and cannot be updated. | | Edit |
10012 | Error occurred while deleting a serial line entry | | Edit |
10013 | Error occurred while deleting a serial line entry | | Edit |
10014 | Serial Number (SERLNMBR) already exists in this Item Location (ITEMNMBR/LOCNCODE) | | Edit |
10015 | Serial Number (SERLNMBR) does not exist for this Item/Customer (ITEMNMBR/CUSTNMBR) combination | | Edit |
10016 | Invalid Received Date, Received Date time value must be 00:00:00 | | Edit |
10017 | Unable to insert the RMA line serial record - SVC05255 | | Edit |
10018 | Unable to insert the RMA replace line serial record - SVC05256 | | Edit |
10019 | Unable to update the RMA line serial record - SVC05255 | | Edit |
10020 | Unable to update the RMA replace line serial record - SVC05256 | | Edit |
10021 | Unable to insert serial master record - SVC00300 | | Edit |
10022 | Unable to update the serial master record - SVC00300 | | Edit |
10023 | Post Custom Business Logic in taFSRMALineSerialPost returned an error value | | Edit |
10024 | Invalid Original Serial Flag (SVC_Original_Serial) - Value can be 0=No, 1=Yes | | Edit |
10025 | The Item Serial Number (SERLNMBR) has been used in another document. | | Edit |
10026 | Input variable (UpdateIfExists) contains an invalid value | | Edit |
10027 | Customer (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101 | | Edit |
10028 | Address Code does not exist for this Customer | | Edit |
10029 | Location (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the Location Setup Table - IV40700 | | Edit |
10030 | Item Location does not exist in the Item Qty Location Table - IV00102 | | Edit |
10031 | Duplicate RMA Serial Line. RMA exists in History table - SVC35255 | | Edit |