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Errors for the taFSRMALine Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taFSRMALine
8920Item (ITEMNMBR) is a Kit item and cannot be returned  Edit
8944Process to get Item List Price and Cost using taItemListPrice proc returned an error  Edit
8945Process to convert quantity to base value using SVC_Get_QtyInBase proc returned an error  Edit
8972The quantity returned (QUANTITY) and number of serial/lot numbers added to the line do not match  Edit
8973The quantity being replaced returned (Replace_QTY) and number of Replacing serial/lot numbers added to the line do not match  Edit
8974Process to convert quantity to base value using SVC_Get_QtyInBase proc returned an error  Edit
8975Process to get Item List Price and Cost for replace item using taItemListPrice proc returned an error  Edit
9661Invalid Currency ID (CURNCYID) - it does not exist in the DYNAMICS..MC40200 Table  Edit
9663An error was returned from the taMCCurrencyValidate proc  Edit
9910Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSRMALinePre returned an error value  Edit
9911At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
9912Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9913Input variable (Return_Record_Type) or (SVC_Ready_To_Close) or (RETORIG) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
9914Input variable (SRVRECTYPE) or (EQPLINE) or (LNITMSEQ) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
9915Input variable (SOPTYPE) or (CMPNTSEQ) or (SOP_Line_Item_Sequence) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
9916Input variable (Credit_SOP_Type) or (Credit_SOP_Line_Item_Seq) or (Replace_SOP_Type) or (Replace_SOP_Line_Item_Se) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
9917Input variable (QUANTITY) or (CUSTOWN) or (FACTSEAL) or (XCHGRATE) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
9918Input variable (UNITCOST) or (UNITPRCE) or (XTNDPRCE) or (Flat_Rate_Repair_Price) or (Repair_Price) or (NTE_Price) or (Repair_Cost) contains a negative or invalid value  Edit
9919Duplicate RMA Line. RMA exists in History table - SVC35200  Edit
9920Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
9922RMA document is marked for receiving  Edit
9923Invalid Received Flag (REceived) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
9924Invalid Traveler Printed Flag (Traverler_Printed) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
9925Invalid Ready To Close Flag (SVC_Ready_To_Close) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
9926Invalid RMA From Service Flag (SVC_RMA_From_Service) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
9927Invalid Customer Owned Flag (CUSTOWN) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
9928Invalid Factory Sealed Flag (FACTSEAL) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
9929Invalid SCM Complete Flag (SVC_SCM_Complete) - 0 and 1 are valid values  Edit
9930Input variable (UpdateIfExists) contains an invalid value  Edit
9931Invalid Return Origin indicator (RETORIG) - 1=None, 2=Service Call and 3=SOP are valid values  Edit
9932Invalid Return Type (RETTYPE) - it does not exist in the SVC05501  Edit
9933Invalid RMA Status indicator (RMA_Status) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are valid values  Edit
9934Invalid Reason Code (SVC_RMA_Reason_Code) - it does not exist in the SVC05502 Table  Edit
9935Duplicate RMA line record  Edit
9936Item (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
9937Location (LOCNCODE) does not exist in the Location Setup Table - IV40700  Edit
9938Item Location does not exist in the Item Qty Location Table - IV00102  Edit
9939Error while validating UOFM  Edit
9940Invalid or unassigned UOFM  Edit
9941Input variables have incorrect values. If Replace_Item_Number is set, Location_Code_Replacemen and Replace_U_Of_M should be set  Edit
9942Replacing Item (Replace_Item_Number) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
9943Location (Location_Code_Replacemen) does not exist in the Location Setup Table - IV40700  Edit
9944Item Location does not exist in the Item Qty Location Table - IV00102  Edit
9945Error while validating Replacing Items UOFM  Edit
9946Invalid or unassigned Replacing Items UOFM  Edit
9947Customer (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in Customer Master table - RM00101  Edit
9950Address Code does not exist for this Customer  Edit
9951Currency ID (CURNCYID) does not exist in the Currency Setup table - DYNAMICS..MC40200  Edit
9953Process to validate Currency ID using taMCCurrencyValidate proc returned an error  Edit
9955Rate Type ID (RATETPID) does not exist in the Rate Type Setup table - MC40100  Edit
9956Bill To Customer (Bill_To_Customer) does not exist in Customer Master table - RM00101  Edit
9959Bill To Address Code does not exist for the Bill To Customer  Edit
9960Service call line (SRVRECTYPE CALLNBR LNITMSEQ) does not exist in Service Call Line and History Tables - SVC00203, SVC30203  Edit
9961SOP document line (SOPTYPE SOPNUMBE LNITMSEQ) does not exist in SOP Line and History Tables - SOP10200, SOP30300  Edit
9962Input variable contains invalid values. Credit_SOP_Type should be 4 and Credit_SOP_Number should be assigned a value  Edit
9963Credit SOP document line (Credit_SOP_Type Credit_SOP_Number Credit_SOP_Line_Item_Seq) does not exist in SOP Line and History Tables - SOP10200, SOP30300  Edit
9964Input variable contains invalid values. Replace_SOP_Type should be 3 and Replace_SOP_Number should be assigned a value  Edit
9965Replace SOP document line (Replace_SOP_Type Replace_SOP_Number Replace_SOP_Line_Item_Se) does not exist in SOP Line and History Tables - SOP10200, SOP30300  Edit
9966Shipping Method (SHIPMTHD) does not exist in Shipping Method Master Table - SY03000  Edit
9967Invalid Return Status (RETSTAT) - it does not exist in the SVC05500 Table  Edit
9968Invalid Price Level (Replace_Price_Level) value  Edit
9969The currency/replace price level/U of M combination is not included in the price list for the replace item (Replace_Price_Level) value  Edit
9970Return Price Level (SVC_Return_Price_Level) does not exist in Price Level setup table - IV40800  Edit
9971MC Exchange rate cannot be 0  Edit
9972Input variables have incorrect values. If Return_Item_Number is set, Return_Location_Code and Return_U_Of_M should be set  Edit
9973Returning Item (Return_Item_Number) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
9974Return Location (Return_Location_Code) does not exist in the Location Setup Table - IV40700  Edit
9975Return Item Location does not exist in the Item Qty Location Table - IV00102  Edit
9976Process to validate Returning Item''s Unit Of Measure (Return_U_Of_M) returned an error  Edit
9977Returning Item''s Unit of Measure (Return_U_Of_M) is not assigned to the returning item  Edit
9978The currency/return price level/U of M combination is not included in the price list for the return item (SVC_Return_Price_Level) value  Edit
9979Invalid Entry Time, Entry Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
9980Invalid Entry Date, Entry Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
9981Invalid ETA Time, ETA Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
9982Invalid ETA Date, ETA Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
9983Invalid Commit Time, Commit Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
9984Invalid Commit Date, Commit Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
9985Invalid Return Time, Return Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
9986Invalid Return Date, Return Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
9987Invalid Complete Time, Complete Time date value must be 1900-01-01  Edit
9988Invalid Complete Date, Complete Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
9989Invalid Office ID (OFFID), Office ID does not exist in the SVC00902 Table  Edit
9990Process to get next note index returned an error  Edit
9991Unable to create FS RMA Line Entry - SVC05200  Edit
9992Unable to create FS RMA Line Entry Audit Record - SVC05020  Edit
9993Unable to update the RMA line record - SVC05200  Edit
9994Process to create RMA Line Distributions returned an error  Edit
9995Post Custom Business Logic in taFSRMALinePost returned an error value  Edit
9996The RMA Line has been received (RECEIVED) and/or closed (SVC_Ready_To_Close).  Edit
9997Customer ID of existing RMA is different from the Customer ID value passed in  Edit
10329Invalid Return Record Type (Return_Record_Type) - 1 and 2 are valid values  Edit
10330Unable to create FS RMA Line Entry Audit Record - SVC05020  Edit
11839This site is currently marked inactive  Edit
11840This item site is currently marked inactive  Edit
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