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Errors for the taFSEquipmentReading Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taFSEquipmentReading
10136Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSEquipmentReadingPre returned an error value  Edit
10137At least one input variable contains a null value in taFSEquipmentReading  Edit
10138Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
10139Input variable (Meters_1) or (Meters_2) or (Meters_3) or (Meters_4) or (Meters_5) contains a negative value  Edit
10140Input variable (Replaces_1) or (Replaces_2) or (Replaces_3) or (Replaces_4) or (Replaces_5) contains invalid values. 0 or 1 is a valid value  Edit
10141Input variable (UpdateIfExists) contains an invalid value  Edit
10142Equipment Master record does not exist.  Edit
10144Item (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
10145Error occurred while retrieving Item Extension information  Edit
10146Cannot insert meter readings. The Item (ITEMNMBR) is not metered.  Edit
10147Invalid Last Meter Reading Entered Date, Last Meter Reading Entered Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10148Item is not metered but meter reading is entered.  Edit
10149Invalid meter reading value (Meters_1). Non-replaced meters must be empty or greater than the previous reading.  Edit
10150Error occurred while validating Meter Reading  Edit
10151The Meter Reading 1 is greater than 1.5 times normal reading.  Edit
10152Invalid value (Meters_2). Non-replaced meters must be empty or greater than the previous reading.  Edit
10154The Meter Reading 2 is greater than 1.5 times normal reading.  Edit
10155Invalid value (Meters_3). Non-replaced meters must be empty or greater than the previous reading.  Edit
10156Error occurred while validating Meter Reading  Edit
10157The Meter Reading 3 is greater than 1.5 times normal reading.  Edit
10158Invalid value (Meters_4). Non-replaced meters must be empty or greater than the previous reading.  Edit
10159Error occurred while validating Meter Reading  Edit
10160The Meter Reading 4 is greater than 1.5 times normal reading.  Edit
10161Invalid value (Meters_5). Non-replaced meters must be empty or greater than the previous reading.  Edit
10162Error occurred while validating Meter Reading  Edit
10163The Meter Reading 5 is greater than 1.5 times normal reading.  Edit
10164Unable to post the serial meter readings - SVC00301  Edit
10165Unable to update the equipment master record - SVC00300  Edit
10166Post Custom Business Logic in taFSEquipmentReadingPost returned an error value  Edit
10328Error occurred while validating Meter Reading  Edit
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