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Errors for the taFSEquipmentMaster Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taFSEquipmentMaster
10095Pre Custom Business Logic in taFSEquipmentMasterPre returned an error value  Edit
10096At least one input variable contains a null value in taFSEquipmentMaster  Edit
10097Input variable contains an empty value Answers exist! Join NowEdit
10098Input variable (SVC_PM_Date) or (SVC_PM_Day) contains invalid values.  Edit
10099Duplicate Equipment Record  Edit
10100Customer (CUSTNMBR) does not exist in the Customer Master Table - RM00101  Edit
10101Customer (CUSTNMBR) is set to on hold  Edit
10102Customer (CUSTNMBR) is set to inactive  Edit
10103Address Code does not exist for this Customer  Edit
10104Unable to obtain the next note index Answers exist! Join NowEdit
10105Item (ITEMNMBR) does not exist in the Item Master Table - IV00101  Edit
10106Error occurred while retrieving Item Extension information  Edit
10107Invalid Service Area ID (SVCAREA), Service Area ID does not exist in the SVC00909 Table  Edit
10108Invalid Tech ID (TECHID), Tech ID does not exist in the Technician Master Table - SVC00100  Edit
10109Invalid Tech ID No. 2 (TECHID2), Tech ID does not exist in the Technician Master Table - SVC00100  Edit
10110Invalid Office ID (OFFID), Office ID does not exist in the Office Master table - SVC00902  Edit
10111Invalid Time Zone (TIMEZONE), Time Zone does not exist in the table - SVC00900  Edit
10112Equipment Status code (SRLSTAT) does not exist in Serial Status table - SVC00911  Edit
10113Cannot modify customer information. Equipment exists on a document.  Edit
10114Cannot modify customer information. Equipment is on a Configuration.  Edit
10115Invalid Install Date, Install Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10116Invalid Shipped Date, Shipped Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10117Invalid Register Date, Register Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10118Invalid Last PM Date, Last PM Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10119Invalid Last Serviced Date, Last Serviced Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10120Invalid Vendor Warranty Start Date, Vendor Warranty Start Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10121Invalid Vendor Warranty End Date, Vendor Warranty End Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10122Invalid Vendor Warranty End Date, Vendor Warranty End Date should not be before Warranty Start Date  Edit
10123Invalid Seller Warranty Start Date, Seller Warranty Start Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10124Invalid Seller Warranty End Date, Seller Warranty End Date time value must be 00:00:00  Edit
10125Invalid Seller Warranty End Date, Seller Warranty End Date should not be before Warranty Start Date  Edit
10126Vendor record (VENDORID) does not exist in Vendor Master table - PM00200  Edit
10127Vendor (VENDORID) is on hold  Edit
10128Vendor warranty code (WARRCDE) does not exist in Warranty Codes table - SVC00906  Edit
10129Seller warranty code (SLRWARR) does not exist in Warranty Codes table - SVC00906  Edit
10130Invalid Month (SVC_PM_Date) and Day (SVC_PM_Day) calendar values  Edit
10131Unable to insert the equipment master record - SVC00300  Edit
10132Unable to create FS Equipment Master Entry Audit Record - SVC00310  Edit
10133Unable to update the equipment master record - SVC00300  Edit
10134Post Custom Business Logic in taFSEquipmentMasterPost returned an error value  Edit
10135Input variable (UpdateIfExists) contains a invalid flag value  Edit
10327Unable to create FS Equipment Master Entry Audit Record - SVC00310  Edit
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