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Errors for the taCreateVariableAllocationAccountRcd Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateVariableAllocationAccountRcd
863Unable to Insert the Fixed Allocation Master record - GL00103  Edit
864Unable to Insert the Variable Allocation Master record - GL00104  Edit
865You can break down to only Posting or Unit Accounts - ACCTTYPE = 1 or ACCTTYPE = 2  Edit
919Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
920Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value  Edit
921At least one input variable contains a null value  Edit
922The Distribution Account Number String (DISTACTNUMST) can not be empty  Edit
923The Distribution Account Number passed in does not exist in the GL00105 Table  Edit
924The Breakdown Account Number String (BREAKACTNUMST) passed in does not exist  Edit
925You can distribute to only Posting or Unit Accounts - ACCTTYPE = 1 or ACCTTYPE = 2  Edit
1242The Account Number String (ACTNUMST) for the Varialbe Allocation Account can not be empty  Edit
1243The Account Number passed as a Variable Allocation Account does not exist in the GL00105 Table  Edit
1244The Account Number passed in is not a Posting Allocation = 3 or Unit Allocation = 4  Edit
1309Breakdown Account Number String (BREAKACTNUMST) can not be the same as the Distribution Account Number String (DISTACTNUMST)  Edit
3619The Update if Exists value is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid  Edit
3620The requester trx value is invalid - 0 = False & 1 = True are valid  Edit
3763Account can not be set up as an allocation account if it is an MDA account  Edit
8087Account already exists in the Variable Allocation Master record - GL00104  Edit
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