15 | Unable to get transaction source | | Edit |
35 | At least one input variable contains a null value | | Edit |
36 | Input variable contains an empty value | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
37 | Unable to get next journal entry number | | Edit |
38 | Unable to get payment number | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
39 | Could not update/create deposit line record | | Edit |
40 | Could not update/create deposit history | | Edit |
41 | Could not create GL reverse transaction | | Edit |
42 | Duplicate payment number | | Edit |
45 | Could not update/create deposit keys record | | Edit |
48 | Credit card name is invalid | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
109 | DOCAMNT has to be > 0 when adding new payments/deposits | | Edit |
212 | Checkbook ID does not exist in Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
214 | Checkbook id is empty | | Edit |
581 | Invalid SOP Type - 2 thru 6 are valid values | | Edit |
753 | Check Number(CHEKNMBR) is required when using a Check Type | | Edit |
776 | Could not create CM20100 record | | Edit |
777 | Could not update/create CM Line Receipt | | Edit |
998 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
1524 | More than one Credit Card Payment exists, Sequence Number is required | | Edit |
2560 | Could not create GL transaction | | Edit |
2937 | Could not delete RM Keys record | | Edit |
3421 | Could not create deposit batch history record | | Edit |
3426 | Invalid PYMTTYPE parameter. 1=Cash Deposit, 2=Check Deposit, 3=Credit Card Deposit, 4=Cash Payment, 5=Check Payment, 6=Credit Card Payment | | Edit |
3427 | Invalid Action parameter passed in. 1=New Trx/Payment; 2=Delete Payment; 3=Modify Existing Payment | | Edit |
3428 | If deleting an existing deposit, DOCNUMBR must be passed in | | Edit |
3431 | Could not delete Sales Payment Work and History record | | Edit |
3432 | Update failed on the SOP10100 record | | Edit |
3433 | Unable to update GL10000 | | Edit |
3434 | Unable to update GL10001 | | Edit |
3552 | Payment does not exist | | Edit |
3640 | Invalid Payment Type (4=Cash Payment, 5=Check Payment, 6=Credit Card Payment) | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
3767 | Payment does not exist | | Edit |
4006 | Invalid Payment Type (1=Cash Deposit, 2=Check Deposit, 3=Credit Card Deposit, 6=Credit Card Payment) | | Edit |
4007 | Checkbook id is not allowed for Payment Type of Credit Card | | Edit |
4600 | Update failed on the RM00103 record | | Edit |
4614 | Payment does not exist to be modified | | Edit |
4615 | Payment/Deposit does not exist to be modified | | Edit |
4616 | Unable to remove current payment/deposit | | Edit |
5524 | Check Number does not exist on SOP Payment | | Edit |
6618 | DOCNUMBR can not be used with Sop Orders or Backorders and Credit Card Payments (PYMTTYPE = 6) | | Edit |
7749 | Pre Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
7750 | Post Custom Business Logic returned an error value | | Edit |
8140 | taSopHdrRecalc returned an error | | Edit |
8142 | Could not create CM20300 record | | Edit |
8144 | The Document Number and Payment Type exist multiple times, the SEQNUMBR must also be passed in | | Edit |
8148 | Update failed on the RM00103 record | | Edit |
8149 | Update failed on the RM00103 record | | Edit |
8294 | Update failed on the Batch Comment in the SY00500 table | | Edit |
9145 | Update failed on the SOP10100 record | | Edit |
9146 | Update failed on the SOP10100 record | | Edit |
9371 | Update failed on the RM00103 record | | Edit |
9528 | The Checkbook ID is set to inactive in the Checkbook Master Table - CM00100 | | Edit |
10447 | cmGetLastJournalNumber returned an error | | Edit |
11456 | Invalid PROCESSELECTRONICALLY parameter. 0=False, 1=True | | Edit |
11457 | Invalid payment type for PROCESSELECTRONICALLY=True. Valid PYMTTYPE values are 3 and 6 | | Edit |
11458 | PROCESSELECTRONICALLY cannot be set when Dynamics Online is not installed and Active | | Edit |
11459 | Could not create DO10103 record | | Edit |
11460 | Dynamics Online Credit Card Services Activity exists for this payment. eConnect updates are not allowed. | | Edit |
11461 | Dynamics Online Credit Card Services Activity exists for this payment. This payment cannot be removed with eConnect. | | Edit |
11462 | Could not delete DO Sales Payment Work and History record | | Edit |
11464 | PROCESSELECTRONICALLY is not set for this credit card | | Edit |