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Errors for the taCreateRequisitions Stored Procedure

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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateRequisitions
8759Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreateRequisitionsPre returned an error value  Edit
8760A null was found in at least one input parameter for taCreateRequisitions  Edit
8761The Company Code parameter (COMPANYCODE_I) does not exist in the DYNAMICS..SY01500 table  Edit
8762The Requisition Number (REQUISITIONNUMBER_I) is blank  Edit
8763This Requisition already exists in the database but you do not have the Update If Exists flag set to 1 - enter a new Requisition or change the Update if Exists flag  Edit
8764The Requisition you have passed is flagged as an update (UpdateIfExists = 1) however the requisition does not already exist  Edit
8765The Requisition Status (REQSTATUS_I) is invalid - 1 thru 4 are valid values  Edit
8766The Department (DEPARTMENTCODE_I) is blank  Edit
8767The Department Code parameter (DEPARTMENTCODE_I) does not exist in the HRPMDP01 table for the Company Code (COMPANYCODE_I) you passed  Edit
8768The Position Code (POSITIONCODE_I) is blank  Edit
8769The Position Code parameter (POSITIONCODE_I) does not exist in the HRPMPS01 table for the Company Code (COMPANYCODE_I) you passed  Edit
8770The Division Code parameter (DIVISIONCODE_I) does not exist in the HRPMDV01 table for this Company Code (COMPANYCODE_I)  Edit
8771The Supervisor parameter (SUPERVISORCODE_I) does not exist in the UPR41700 table for the Company Code (COMPANYCODE_I) you passed  Edit
8772The Positions Available parameter (POSITIONSAVAILABLE_I) is invalid - 0 thru 999 are valid values  Edit
8773The Positions Filled parameter (POSITIONSFILLED_I) is invalid - 0 thru 999 are valid values  Edit
8774The Applicants interviewed parameter (APPSINTERVIEWED_I) is invalid - 0 thru 999 are valid values  Edit
8775The Job Posting parameter (RECRUITMENT_I) is invalid - 0 = Internal and 1 = External  Edit
8776The UpdateIfExists is invalid - 0=False, 1=Update & 2=Create if does not exist do not update  Edit
8777This Requisition already exists in the database but you do not have the Update If Exists flag set to 1 - enter a new requisition or change the Update if Exists flag  Edit
8778The RequesterTrx is invalid - 0=False & 1=True  Edit
8779Unable to insert into the HR Requisition Table - DYNAMICS..HR2REQ01  Edit
8780Unable to update the HR Requisition Table - DYNAMICS..HR2REQ01  Edit
8782Post Custom Business Logic for taCreateRequisitionsPost returned an error value  Edit
11329The Company Code parameter (COMPANYCODE_I) was not passed and needs to be as it is required  Edit
11333The Applicants Applied parameter (APPLICANTSAPPLIED_I) is invalid - 0 thru 999 are valid values  Edit
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