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Errors for the taCreatePosition Stored Procedure
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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreatePosition
3671 | The UpdateIfExists is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
3672 | The RequesterTrx parameter is invalid - 0=False & 1=True | | Edit |
4464 | Pre Custom Business Logic for taCreatePosition returned an error value | | Edit |
4465 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for position record | | Edit |
4466 | The Job Title/Position parameter (JOBTITLE) is blank | | Edit |
4467 | The Description parameter (DSCRIPTN) is blank | | Edit |
4468 | Unable to insert into the Payroll Position Setup Table - UPR40301 | | Edit |
4469 | Unable to update the Payroll Position Setup Table - UPR40301 | | Edit |
4470 | Post Custom Business Logic for taCreatePositionPost returned an error value | | Edit |
4513 | Unable to obtain the next note index | Answers exist! Join Now | Edit |
11252 | Unable to insert into the HR Position Setup Table - DYNAMICS..HRPMPS01 | | Edit |
11253 | Unable to update the HR Position Setup Table - DYNAMICS..HRPMPS01 | | Edit |
11254 | The EEO Class (EEOCLASS_I) is invalid - 1 thru 10 are valid values | | Edit |
11255 | The FLSA Status (FLSASTATUS) is invalid - 1 thru 3 are valid values | | Edit |
11256 | The Reports to Position (REPORTSTOPOS) can not be the same one that you are editing/inserting | | Edit |
11257 | The Reports to Position (REPORTSTOPOS) does not exist in the Position Setup Table - UPR40301 | | Edit |
11258 | The Skill Set (SKILLSET_I) does not exist in the Skill Set Setup Table - DYNAMICS..HR2SKL05 | | Edit |
11259 | The Review Setup Code (REVIEWSETUPCODE_I) does not exist in the Review Setup Table - RV020121 | | Edit |