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Errors for the taCreateLockboxBankDetails Stored Procedure
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eConnect Schema Reference for taCreateLockboxBankDetails
2650 | Pre Custom Business Logic in taCreateLockboxBankDetailsPre returned an error value | | Edit |
2651 | A null was found in at least one input parameter for the taCreateLockBoxDetails Insert | | Edit |
2652 | The Customer Number (CUSTNMBR) is empty | | Edit |
2653 | The Customer (CUSTNMBR) passed does not currently exist in the Customer Master table - RM00101 | | Edit |
2654 | Both Bank Name (BANKNAME) and Bank Branch (BNKBRNCH) are blank - one must contain a value | | Edit |
2655 | Unable to create the Lockbox Bank Detail in the PA00010 table | | Edit |
2656 | Duplicate Lockbox Bank Detail | | Edit |
2657 | Post Custom Business Logic in taCreateLockboxBankDetailsPost returned an error value | | Edit |